Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Group Project and Assignments
You can reach our group page: Data Mine’R’s
We prepared an exploratory data analysis of NYC Airbnb dataset from Kaggle.
We prepated a report that contains the data manipulation and data visualization by using many packages for 2020 Turkey online car market dataset obtained from Kaggle.
- Proposal: html
- Data Preprocessing: html
- Exploratory Data Analysis: html
- Shiny App: You can run the shiny app by just typing the following code in your own R-console; shiny::runGitHub(“pjournal/boun01g-data-mine-r-s”, subdir = “Project”, ref = “gh-pages”) or you can use this link
- Models: html
- Presentation: html
Group Bonus Tutorial:
We prepared a tutorial for data.table package.
Final Assignment
- Report: pdf