Introduction to data.table Package

data.table package is used for the data manupilation processes. It is accepted as the fastest package for this purpose. Even if R is consired as bad for high volume data, this package makes all works faster than any other package. When it is compared with dply or pandas package of Python, it is the winner all the time. Also, most of other packages in R are built on data.table package.

pti <- c("data.table")
pti <- pti[!(pti %in% installed.packages())]


Examples of data.table

fread function

Also we can use fread() for reading the data from internet or local. This function works like read.csv() function but in a more efficient way.

file <- if(file.exists("turkey_car_market.csv")) {
} else {
carmarket = fread(file)

data.table object

As other data manupilation packages, data.table has its own data type which is data.table. We can create an example data.table object like this:

datatable = data.table(student_no = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
                       names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
                       city = c("Istanbul", "Adana", "Eskişehir", "Antalya", "Hakkari"))
##    student_no names      city
## 1:          1     A  Istanbul
## 2:          2     B     Adana
## 3:          3     C Eskişehir
## 4:          4     D   Antalya
## 5:          5     E   Hakkari

We can use all functions in base R with data.table object like:

## [1] 9044
## [1] 15
##  Ä°lan Tarihi          Marka           Arac Tip Grubu       Arac Tip        
##  Length:9044        Length:9044        Length:9044        Length:9044       
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##    Model Yıl   Yakıt Turu           Vites               CCM           
##  Min.   :1959   Length:9044        Length:9044        Length:9044       
##  1st Qu.:2010   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Median :2014   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :2012                                                           
##  3rd Qu.:2017                                                           
##  Max.   :2020                                                           
##  Beygir Gucu            Renk            Kasa Tipi            Kimden         
##  Length:9044        Length:9044        Length:9044        Length:9044       
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##     Durum                 Km              Fiyat        
##  Length:9044        Min.   :      0   Min.   :   5500  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:  68000   1st Qu.:  60938  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 125000   Median :  95500  
##                     Mean   : 135813   Mean   : 148070  
##                     3rd Qu.: 194130   3rd Qu.: 153562  
##                     Max.   :1850000   Max.   :5086500
## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':   9044 obs. of  15 variables:
##  $ Ä°lan Tarihi  : chr  "27/05/2020" "16/06/2020" "14/06/2020" "11/06/2020" ...
##  $ Marka         : chr  "Jaguar" "Acura" "Acura" "Acura" ...
##  $ Arac Tip Grubu: chr  "XF" "CL" "CL" "CL" ...
##  $ Arac Tip      : chr  "2.0 D Prestige Plus" "-" "2.2" "-" ...
##  $ Model Yıl    : num  2017 2015 1994 2013 2010 ...
##  $ Yakıt Turu   : chr  "Dizel" "Dizel" "Benzin/LPG" "Dizel" ...
##  $ Vites         : chr  "Otomatik Vites" "Yarı Otomatik Vites" "Düz Vites" "Düz Vites" ...
##  $ CCM           : chr  "1801-2000 cc" "1301-1600 cc" "1301-1600 cc" "1301-1600 cc" ...
##  $ Beygir Gucu   : chr  "176-200 BG" "101-125 BG" "101-125 BG" "76-100 BG" ...
##  $ Renk          : chr  "Lacivert" "Mavi" "Turkuaz" "Kahverengi" ...
##  $ Kasa Tipi     : chr  "Hatchback 5 Kapı" "Sedan" "Sedan" "Sedan" ...
##  $ Kimden        : chr  "Galeriden" "Sahibinden" "Sahibinden" "Sahibinden" ...
##  $ Durum         : chr  "2. El" "2. El" "2. El" "2. El" ...
##  $ Km            : int  26100 127000 175000 325 207000 320000 183 79000 15662 31971 ...
##  $ Fiyat         : int  634500 151500 19750 52000 148750 42500 170000 82500 189000 189000 ...
##  - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
##    İlan Tarihi  Marka Arac Tip Grubu            Arac Tip Model Yıl
## 1:   27/05/2020 Jaguar             XF 2.0 D Prestige Plus       2017
## 2:   16/06/2020  Acura             CL                   -       2015
## 3:   14/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       1994
## 4:   11/06/2020  Acura             CL                   -       2013
## 5:   11/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       2010
## 6:   04/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       1999
##    Yakıt Turu                Vites          CCM Beygir Gucu       Renk
## 1:       Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  176-200 BG   Lacivert
## 2:       Dizel Yarı Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG       Mavi
## 3:  Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG    Turkuaz
## 4:       Dizel           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG Kahverengi
## 5:       Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  151-175 BG      Beyaz
## 6:       Dizel           Düz Vites 1801-2000 cc  101-125 BG   Lacivert
##            Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1: Hatchback 5 Kapı  Galeriden 2. El  26100 634500
## 2:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 127000 151500
## 3:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 175000  19750
## 4:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El    325  52000
## 5:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 207000 148750
## 6:          Roadster  Galeriden 2. El 320000  42500

DT[i, j, by]

The most important consept of data.table package is the usage of data.table object. When we want to filter the data, we need to give that information in i parameter. If we want to select some of columns (or all of them), we need to use the j parameter. If we want to group the data with a column / columns, we need to indicate it in the by parameter.


For example, if we want to get all records whose prices(Fiyat column) are less than 50000 Turkish Liras, we can use this code:

carmarket[Fiyat < 50000]
##       İlan Tarihi  Marka Arac Tip Grubu       Arac Tip Model Yıl Yakıt Turu
##    1:   14/06/2020  Acura             CL            2.2       1994  Benzin/LPG
##    2:   04/06/2020  Acura             CL            2.2       1999       Dizel
##    3:   24/05/2020  Acura             CL              -       2001  Benzin/LPG
##    4:   27/04/2020  Acura             CL              -       2004       Dizel
##    5:   27/04/2020  Acura             CL              -       2004  Benzin/LPG
##   ---                                                                         
## 1514:   06/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Å\236ahin            1.6       1994  Benzin/LPG
## 1515:   05/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Å\236ahin Å\236ahin 5 vites       1992  Benzin/LPG
## 1516:   05/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         DoÄŸan            SLX       1993  Benzin/LPG
## 1517:   04/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Kartal Kartal 5 Vites       1991  Benzin/LPG
## 1518:   04/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Kartal Kartal 5 Vites       1996  Benzin/LPG
##            Vites          CCM Beygir Gucu       Renk         Kasa Tipi
##    1: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG    Turkuaz             Sedan
##    2: Düz Vites 1801-2000 cc  101-125 BG   Lacivert          Roadster
##    3: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG      Siyah Hatchback 5 Kapı
##    4: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG      Beyaz Hatchback 5 Kapı
##    5: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG   Lacivert             Sedan
##   ---                                                                 
## 1514: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc    51-75 BG      Beyaz             Sedan
## 1515: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG        Bej             Sedan
## 1516: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG     Yeşil             Sedan
## 1517: Düz Vites 1601-1800 cc   76-100 BG Kırmızı Hatchback 5 Kapı
## 1518: Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc    51-75 BG      Beyaz             Sedan
##           Kimden Durum     Km Fiyat
##    1: Sahibinden 2. El 175000 19750
##    2:  Galeriden 2. El 320000 42500
##    3: Sahibinden 2. El 252000 36750
##    4:  Galeriden 2. El 230000 32000
##    5: Sahibinden 2. El  18000 34500
##   ---                              
## 1514:  Galeriden 2. El 121212 12250
## 1515: Sahibinden 2. El  54000 16300
## 1516: Sahibinden 2. El 135000 19000
## 1517:  Galeriden 2. El 250000 11000
## 1518:  Galeriden 2. El     11 15750
#carmarket[carmarket$Fiyat < 50000,] in base R

Also we can give more conditions with & or | operators.

carmarket[Fiyat < 50000 & Marka == 'Acura']
##    İlan Tarihi Marka Arac Tip Grubu Arac Tip Model Yıl Yakıt Turu      Vites
## 1:   14/06/2020 Acura             CL      2.2       1994  Benzin/LPG Düz Vites
## 2:   04/06/2020 Acura             CL      2.2       1999       Dizel Düz Vites
## 3:   24/05/2020 Acura             CL        -       2001  Benzin/LPG Düz Vites
## 4:   27/04/2020 Acura             CL        -       2004       Dizel Düz Vites
## 5:   27/04/2020 Acura             CL        -       2004  Benzin/LPG Düz Vites
## 6:   15/04/2020 Acura             CL        -       2009       Dizel Düz Vites
## 7:   15/04/2020 Acura             CL        -       2009       Dizel Düz Vites
##                 CCM Beygir Gucu     Renk         Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum
## 1:     1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG  Turkuaz             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El
## 2:     1801-2000 cc  101-125 BG Lacivert          Roadster  Galeriden 2. El
## 3:     1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG    Siyah Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El
## 4:     1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG    Beyaz Hatchback 5 Kapı  Galeriden 2. El
## 5:     1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG Lacivert             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El
## 6: 1300 cc ve altı   76-100 BG    Bordo             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El
## 7: 1300 cc ve altı   76-100 BG    Bordo             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El
##        Km Fiyat
## 1: 175000 19750
## 2: 320000 42500
## 3: 252000 36750
## 4: 230000 32000
## 5:  18000 34500
## 6: 150000 34000
## 7: 150000 34000
#carmarket[carmarket$Fiyat < 50000 & carmarket$Marka == 'Acura',] in base R

If we want to get all rows except this condition we can use ! sign.

carmarket[!(Fiyat < 50000 & Marka == 'Acura')]
##       İlan Tarihi  Marka Arac Tip Grubu            Arac Tip Model Yıl
##    1:   27/05/2020 Jaguar             XF 2.0 D Prestige Plus       2017
##    2:   16/06/2020  Acura             CL                   -       2015
##    3:   11/06/2020  Acura             CL                   -       2013
##    4:   11/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       2010
##    5:   03/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       2014
##   ---                                                                  
## 9033:   06/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Å\236ahin                 1.6       1994
## 9034:   05/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Å\236ahin      Å\236ahin 5 vites       1992
## 9035:   05/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         DoÄŸan                 SLX       1993
## 9036:   04/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Kartal      Kartal 5 Vites       1991
## 9037:   04/06/2020 TofaÅŸ         Kartal      Kartal 5 Vites       1996
##       Yakıt Turu                Vites          CCM Beygir Gucu       Renk
##    1:       Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  176-200 BG   Lacivert
##    2:       Dizel Yarı Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG       Mavi
##    3:       Dizel           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG Kahverengi
##    4:       Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  151-175 BG      Beyaz
##    5:       Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG Kırmızı
##   ---                                                                     
## 9033:  Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc    51-75 BG      Beyaz
## 9034:  Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG        Bej
## 9035:  Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG     Yeşil
## 9036:  Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1601-1800 cc   76-100 BG Kırmızı
## 9037:  Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc    51-75 BG      Beyaz
##               Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
##    1: Hatchback 5 Kapı  Galeriden 2. El  26100 634500
##    2:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 127000 151500
##    3:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El    325  52000
##    4:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 207000 148750
##    5:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El    183 170000
##   ---                                                 
## 9033:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 121212  12250
## 9034:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El  54000  16300
## 9035:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 135000  19000
## 9036: Hatchback 5 Kapı  Galeriden 2. El 250000  11000
## 9037:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El     11  15750


For example, we need to get the head of the colours (Renk column). To do so, we can use these notations:

cols = c("Renk")
head(carmarket[, Renk])
## [1] "Lacivert"   "Mavi"       "Turkuaz"    "Kahverengi" "Beyaz"     
## [6] "Lacivert"
head(carmarket[, .(Renk)])
##          Renk
## 1:   Lacivert
## 2:       Mavi
## 3:    Turkuaz
## 4: Kahverengi
## 5:      Beyaz
## 6:   Lacivert
head(carmarket[, list(Renk)])
##          Renk
## 1:   Lacivert
## 2:       Mavi
## 3:    Turkuaz
## 4: Kahverengi
## 5:      Beyaz
## 6:   Lacivert
head(carmarket[, c("Renk"), with = FALSE])
##          Renk
## 1:   Lacivert
## 2:       Mavi
## 3:    Turkuaz
## 4: Kahverengi
## 5:      Beyaz
## 6:   Lacivert
head(carmarket[, 10, with = FALSE])
##          Renk
## 1:   Lacivert
## 2:       Mavi
## 3:    Turkuaz
## 4: Kahverengi
## 5:      Beyaz
## 6:   Lacivert
head(carmarket[, cols, with = FALSE])
##          Renk
## 1:   Lacivert
## 2:       Mavi
## 3:    Turkuaz
## 4: Kahverengi
## 5:      Beyaz
## 6:   Lacivert
head(carmarket[, ..cols])
##          Renk
## 1:   Lacivert
## 2:       Mavi
## 3:    Turkuaz
## 4: Kahverengi
## 5:      Beyaz
## 6:   Lacivert

We used the with argument. If we assign FALSE to that argument, it uses the character as the column name. .() and list() is used for selecting the columns. As you can see, the first one returns a vector, not a data.table object. With that usage, we can not use data.table operations like:

nrow(head(carmarket[, Renk]))

We can select multiple columns with these usages:

cols = c("Renk", "Fiyat")
head(carmarket[, .(Renk, Fiyat)])
##          Renk  Fiyat
## 1:   Lacivert 634500
## 2:       Mavi 151500
## 3:    Turkuaz  19750
## 4: Kahverengi  52000
## 5:      Beyaz 148750
## 6:   Lacivert  42500
head(carmarket[, list(Renk, Fiyat)])
##          Renk  Fiyat
## 1:   Lacivert 634500
## 2:       Mavi 151500
## 3:    Turkuaz  19750
## 4: Kahverengi  52000
## 5:      Beyaz 148750
## 6:   Lacivert  42500
head(carmarket[, c("Renk", "Fiyat"), with = FALSE])
##          Renk  Fiyat
## 1:   Lacivert 634500
## 2:       Mavi 151500
## 3:    Turkuaz  19750
## 4: Kahverengi  52000
## 5:      Beyaz 148750
## 6:   Lacivert  42500
head(carmarket[, c(10, 15), with = FALSE])
##          Renk  Fiyat
## 1:   Lacivert 634500
## 2:       Mavi 151500
## 3:    Turkuaz  19750
## 4: Kahverengi  52000
## 5:      Beyaz 148750
## 6:   Lacivert  42500
head(carmarket[, cols, with = FALSE])
##          Renk  Fiyat
## 1:   Lacivert 634500
## 2:       Mavi 151500
## 3:    Turkuaz  19750
## 4: Kahverengi  52000
## 5:      Beyaz 148750
## 6:   Lacivert  42500
head(carmarket[, ..cols])
##          Renk  Fiyat
## 1:   Lacivert 634500
## 2:       Mavi 151500
## 3:    Turkuaz  19750
## 4: Kahverengi  52000
## 5:      Beyaz 148750
## 6:   Lacivert  42500

We can select multiple rows with using slicing or excluding the columns with ! sign. For example:

head(carmarket[, Marka:Fiyat])
##     Marka Arac Tip Grubu            Arac Tip Model Yıl Yakıt Turu
## 1: Jaguar             XF 2.0 D Prestige Plus       2017       Dizel
## 2:  Acura             CL                   -       2015       Dizel
## 3:  Acura             CL                 2.2       1994  Benzin/LPG
## 4:  Acura             CL                   -       2013       Dizel
## 5:  Acura             CL                 2.2       2010       Dizel
## 6:  Acura             CL                 2.2       1999       Dizel
##                   Vites          CCM Beygir Gucu       Renk         Kasa Tipi
## 1:       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  176-200 BG   Lacivert Hatchback 5 Kapı
## 2: Yarı Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG       Mavi             Sedan
## 3:           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG    Turkuaz             Sedan
## 4:           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG Kahverengi             Sedan
## 5:       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  151-175 BG      Beyaz             Sedan
## 6:           Düz Vites 1801-2000 cc  101-125 BG   Lacivert          Roadster
##        Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1:  Galeriden 2. El  26100 634500
## 2: Sahibinden 2. El 127000 151500
## 3: Sahibinden 2. El 175000  19750
## 4: Sahibinden 2. El    325  52000
## 5: Sahibinden 2. El 207000 148750
## 6:  Galeriden 2. El 320000  42500
head(carmarket[, !c("Ä°lan Tarihi"), with = FALSE])
##     Marka Arac Tip Grubu            Arac Tip Model Yıl Yakıt Turu
## 1: Jaguar             XF 2.0 D Prestige Plus       2017       Dizel
## 2:  Acura             CL                   -       2015       Dizel
## 3:  Acura             CL                 2.2       1994  Benzin/LPG
## 4:  Acura             CL                   -       2013       Dizel
## 5:  Acura             CL                 2.2       2010       Dizel
## 6:  Acura             CL                 2.2       1999       Dizel
##                   Vites          CCM Beygir Gucu       Renk         Kasa Tipi
## 1:       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  176-200 BG   Lacivert Hatchback 5 Kapı
## 2: Yarı Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG       Mavi             Sedan
## 3:           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG    Turkuaz             Sedan
## 4:           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG Kahverengi             Sedan
## 5:       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  151-175 BG      Beyaz             Sedan
## 6:           Düz Vites 1801-2000 cc  101-125 BG   Lacivert          Roadster
##        Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1:  Galeriden 2. El  26100 634500
## 2: Sahibinden 2. El 127000 151500
## 3: Sahibinden 2. El 175000  19750
## 4: Sahibinden 2. El    325  52000
## 5: Sahibinden 2. El 207000 148750
## 6:  Galeriden 2. El 320000  42500

In selecting the columns we can use some operations like %like%. The usage of this operator is like this:

carmarket[, names(carmarket) %like% 'Arac', with = FALSE]
##       Arac Tip Grubu            Arac Tip
##    1:             XF 2.0 D Prestige Plus
##    2:             CL                   -
##    3:             CL                 2.2
##    4:             CL                   -
##    5:             CL                 2.2
##   ---                                   
## 9040:         Å\236ahin                 1.6
## 9041:         Å\236ahin      Å\236ahin 5 vites
## 9042:         DoÄŸan                 SLX
## 9043:         Kartal      Kartal 5 Vites
## 9044:         Kartal      Kartal 5 Vites

We can rename the columns with setnames function like:

setnames(carmarket, c("Ä°lan Tarihi"), c("Date"))
setnames(carmarket, c("Model Yıl", "Yakıt Turu"), c("Model_Year", "Fuel_Type"))
##          Date  Marka Arac Tip Grubu            Arac Tip Model_Year  Fuel_Type
## 1: 27/05/2020 Jaguar             XF 2.0 D Prestige Plus       2017      Dizel
## 2: 16/06/2020  Acura             CL                   -       2015      Dizel
## 3: 14/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       1994 Benzin/LPG
## 4: 11/06/2020  Acura             CL                   -       2013      Dizel
## 5: 11/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       2010      Dizel
## 6: 04/06/2020  Acura             CL                 2.2       1999      Dizel
##                   Vites          CCM Beygir Gucu       Renk         Kasa Tipi
## 1:       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  176-200 BG   Lacivert Hatchback 5 Kapı
## 2: Yarı Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG       Mavi             Sedan
## 3:           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc  101-125 BG    Turkuaz             Sedan
## 4:           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc   76-100 BG Kahverengi             Sedan
## 5:       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc  151-175 BG      Beyaz             Sedan
## 6:           Düz Vites 1801-2000 cc  101-125 BG   Lacivert          Roadster
##        Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1:  Galeriden 2. El  26100 634500
## 2: Sahibinden 2. El 127000 151500
## 3: Sahibinden 2. El 175000  19750
## 4: Sahibinden 2. El    325  52000
## 5: Sahibinden 2. El 207000 148750
## 6:  Galeriden 2. El 320000  42500

We can sort the data with setorder function like:

head(setorder(carmarket, Date))
##          Date     Marka Arac Tip Grubu                   Arac Tip Model_Year
## 1: 01/04/2020     Acura             CL                     DiÄŸer       2004
## 2: 01/04/2020      Audi             A4                    2.0 TDI       2014
## 3: 01/04/2020      Audi       S Serisi        S5 3.0 TFSI Quattro       2010
## 4: 01/04/2020       BMW       1 Serisi                      1.18i       2008
## 5: 01/04/2020       BMW       3 Serisi 3.20i ED EfficientDynamics       2014
## 6: 01/04/2020 Chevrolet        Captiva                   2.0 D LT       2007
##     Fuel_Type                Vites          CCM     Beygir Gucu  Renk
## 1: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc 100 BG ve altı   Gri
## 2:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Beyaz
## 3:     Benzin Yarı Otomatik Vites 2501-3000 cc      326-350 BG Siyah
## 4: Benzin/LPG       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Siyah
## 5:     Benzin       Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc      176-200 BG Siyah
## 6:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Siyah
##            Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 170000  55000
## 2:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 160000 176500
## 3:      Spor / Coupe  Galeriden 2. El 160000 350000
## 4: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El 162000  82000
## 5:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 160000 192500
## 6:      Arazi Aracı Sahibinden 2. El 192500  80000

It orders the data ascending by default. We can use - sign for descending and can order the data with multiple columns like:

head(setorder(carmarket, Date, -Marka))
##          Date   Marka Arac Tip Grubu                    Arac Tip Model_Year
## 1: 01/04/2020   Skoda          Rapid                1.2 Ambition       2015
## 2: 01/04/2020   Skoda        Octavia             1.6 TDI Optimal       2016
## 3: 01/04/2020    Seat          Ibiza                       1.6\n       1999
## 4: 01/04/2020    Seat          Ibiza 1.4 TSI Sport Coupe Cupra\n       2013
## 5: 01/04/2020 Peugeot           3008          1.6 BlueHDi Allure       2015
## 6: 01/04/2020    Opel          Astra                     1.6 16V       2004
##     Fuel_Type                Vites              CCM     Beygir Gucu       Renk
## 1: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1300 cc ve altı 100 BG ve altı      Beyaz
## 2:      Dizel Yarı Otomatik Vites     1601-1800 cc      101-125 BG      Beyaz
## 3: Benzin/LPG       Otomatik Vites       Bilmiyorum      Bilmiyorum      Sarı
## 4:     Benzin       Otomatik Vites     1301-1600 cc      176-200 BG Kırmızı
## 5:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites     1301-1600 cc      101-125 BG      Beyaz
## 6: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites     1301-1600 cc       76-100 BG       Mavi
##            Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El  98000  92000
## 2: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El  77000 144900
## 3: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El 145000  32900
## 4: Hatchback 3 Kapı  Galeriden 2. El 116000 109000
## 5:         Crossover Sahibinden 2. El  97000 166000
## 6:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El    179  65000


We can group the data with using the by parameter. We can get average prices for each brand like this:

carmarket[, .(mean_price= mean(Fiyat)), by = Marka]
##          Marka mean_price
##  1:      Skoda  128163.50
##  2:       Seat  120630.11
##  3:    Peugeot  107926.51
##  4:       Opel   88531.83
##  5:     Nissan  131742.66
##  6:   Mercedes  316946.25
##  7:        Kia  117616.85
##  8:    Hyundai   98060.93
##  9:       Ford   94689.59
## 10:       Fiat   68076.59
## 11:  Chevrolet   99175.19
## 12:        BMW  294943.74
## 13:       Audi  259749.37
## 14:      Acura  123534.52
## 15:    Renault   85985.26
## 16:    Porsche  966249.82
## 17:       Mini  150258.06
## 18: Land Rover  594363.74
## 19:       Jeep  198877.36
## 20:      Honda  106489.06
## 21:      Dacia   81834.67
## 22:    Citroen   79485.17
## 23:      Mazda   64183.33
## 24: Alfa Romeo  110961.76
## 25: Mitsubishi   77779.69
## 26:       Lada   22143.75
## 27:     TofaÅŸ   17234.44
## 28:   Chrysler   94126.92
## 29:      Chery   25500.00
## 30:      Rover   34125.00
## 31:     Jaguar  531438.33
## 32:   Infiniti  228390.00
## 33:      Geely   43250.00
## 34: Volkswagen  123500.00
## 35:   Maserati  526740.67
## 36:      Isuzu  119788.89
##          Marka mean_price

We can summarize the data for more than one column with respect to more than one column.

carmarket[, .(mean = mean(Fiyat), max = max(Fiyat)), by = c("Marka", "Arac Tip")]
##         Marka                       Arac Tip     mean    max
##    1:   Skoda                   1.2 Ambition  70500.0  92000
##    2:   Skoda                1.6 TDI Optimal 144287.5 146500
##    3:    Seat                          1.6\n  32900.0  32900
##    4:    Seat    1.4 TSI Sport Coupe Cupra\n 109000.0 109000
##    5: Peugeot             1.6 BlueHDi Allure 180150.0 252500
##   ---                                                       
## 1902:     BMW                320d Technology 200000.0 200000
## 1903:    Fiat                   1.3 M.jet EL  34500.0  34500
## 1904: Renault                            GTL  14000.0  14000
## 1905: Peugeot 1.6 HDi Premium Pack 112 bg A. 118000.0 118000
## 1906: Hyundai                  1.6 CRDi Team  80000.0  80000

We can get total number of rows with .N like:

carmarket[, .N, by = Marka]
##          Marka    N
##  1:      Skoda  259
##  2:       Seat  151
##  3:    Peugeot  421
##  4:       Opel  647
##  5:     Nissan  229
##  6:   Mercedes  613
##  7:        Kia  166
##  8:    Hyundai  639
##  9:       Ford  602
## 10:       Fiat  654
## 11:  Chevrolet  127
## 12:        BMW  616
## 13:       Audi  430
## 14:      Acura   42
## 15:    Renault 2079
## 16:    Porsche   56
## 17:       Mini   31
## 18: Land Rover  182
## 19:       Jeep   91
## 20:      Honda  263
## 21:      Dacia  323
## 22:    Citroen  199
## 23:      Mazda   24
## 24: Alfa Romeo   17
## 25: Mitsubishi   32
## 26:       Lada   16
## 27:     TofaÅŸ   45
## 28:   Chrysler   13
## 29:      Chery    1
## 30:      Rover    4
## 31:     Jaguar   30
## 32:   Infiniti   10
## 33:      Geely    2
## 34: Volkswagen   18
## 35:   Maserati    3
## 36:      Isuzu    9
##          Marka    N

Index Operators

If we use the index of the data, we can perform better processes with respect to time. To set a column to the index we can use setkey() function like:

setkey(carmarket, Date)
## [1] "Date"
##          Date   Marka Arac Tip Grubu                    Arac Tip Model_Year
## 1: 01/04/2020   Skoda          Rapid                1.2 Ambition       2015
## 2: 01/04/2020   Skoda        Octavia             1.6 TDI Optimal       2016
## 3: 01/04/2020    Seat          Ibiza                       1.6\n       1999
## 4: 01/04/2020    Seat          Ibiza 1.4 TSI Sport Coupe Cupra\n       2013
## 5: 01/04/2020 Peugeot           3008          1.6 BlueHDi Allure       2015
## 6: 01/04/2020    Opel          Astra                     1.6 16V       2004
##     Fuel_Type                Vites              CCM     Beygir Gucu       Renk
## 1: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1300 cc ve altı 100 BG ve altı      Beyaz
## 2:      Dizel Yarı Otomatik Vites     1601-1800 cc      101-125 BG      Beyaz
## 3: Benzin/LPG       Otomatik Vites       Bilmiyorum      Bilmiyorum      Sarı
## 4:     Benzin       Otomatik Vites     1301-1600 cc      176-200 BG Kırmızı
## 5:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites     1301-1600 cc      101-125 BG      Beyaz
## 6: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites     1301-1600 cc       76-100 BG       Mavi
##            Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat
## 1:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El  98000  92000
## 2: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El  77000 144900
## 3: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El 145000  32900
## 4: Hatchback 3 Kapı  Galeriden 2. El 116000 109000
## 5:         Crossover Sahibinden 2. El  97000 166000
## 6:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El    179  65000

As you can see, the data is sorted after by key setting it. Alse we can give multiple index like:

setkey(carmarket, Date, Marka)
## [1] "Date"  "Marka"

We can group the data by the key(s) with bykey argument like:

head(carmarket[, .(mean_price= mean(Fiyat)), by = Date])
##          Date mean_price
## 1: 01/04/2020  120929.03
## 2: 01/05/2020  224372.28
## 3: 01/06/2020  108768.84
## 4: 02/04/2020   88376.47
## 5: 02/05/2020   94832.72
## 6: 02/06/2020   91292.09

Creating Columns

Adding Columns

We can create columns in data.table package. To do so we need to use := operator like:

head(carmarket[, fpk := Fiyat / Km])
##          Date     Marka Arac Tip Grubu                   Arac Tip Model_Year
## 1: 01/04/2020     Acura             CL                     DiÄŸer       2004
## 2: 01/04/2020      Audi             A4                    2.0 TDI       2014
## 3: 01/04/2020      Audi       S Serisi        S5 3.0 TFSI Quattro       2010
## 4: 01/04/2020       BMW       1 Serisi                      1.18i       2008
## 5: 01/04/2020       BMW       3 Serisi 3.20i ED EfficientDynamics       2014
## 6: 01/04/2020 Chevrolet        Captiva                   2.0 D LT       2007
##     Fuel_Type                Vites          CCM     Beygir Gucu  Renk
## 1: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc 100 BG ve altı   Gri
## 2:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Beyaz
## 3:     Benzin Yarı Otomatik Vites 2501-3000 cc      326-350 BG Siyah
## 4: Benzin/LPG       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Siyah
## 5:     Benzin       Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc      176-200 BG Siyah
## 6:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Siyah
##            Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat       fpk
## 1:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 170000  55000 0.3235294
## 2:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 160000 176500 1.1031250
## 3:      Spor / Coupe  Galeriden 2. El 160000 350000 2.1875000
## 4: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El 162000  82000 0.5061728
## 5:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 160000 192500 1.2031250
## 6:      Arazi Aracı Sahibinden 2. El 192500  80000 0.4155844

We can also create multiple columns.

head(carmarket[, c("kpf", "full_vehicle_type") := list(Km / Fiyat, paste(`Arac Tip Grubu`, `Arac Tip`))])
##          Date     Marka Arac Tip Grubu                   Arac Tip Model_Year
## 1: 01/04/2020     Acura             CL                     DiÄŸer       2004
## 2: 01/04/2020      Audi             A4                    2.0 TDI       2014
## 3: 01/04/2020      Audi       S Serisi        S5 3.0 TFSI Quattro       2010
## 4: 01/04/2020       BMW       1 Serisi                      1.18i       2008
## 5: 01/04/2020       BMW       3 Serisi 3.20i ED EfficientDynamics       2014
## 6: 01/04/2020 Chevrolet        Captiva                   2.0 D LT       2007
##     Fuel_Type                Vites          CCM     Beygir Gucu  Renk
## 1: Benzin/LPG           Düz Vites 1301-1600 cc 100 BG ve altı   Gri
## 2:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Beyaz
## 3:     Benzin Yarı Otomatik Vites 2501-3000 cc      326-350 BG Siyah
## 4: Benzin/LPG       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Siyah
## 5:     Benzin       Otomatik Vites 1301-1600 cc      176-200 BG Siyah
## 6:      Dizel       Otomatik Vites 1801-2000 cc      126-150 BG Siyah
##            Kasa Tipi     Kimden Durum     Km  Fiyat       fpk       kpf
## 1:             Sedan Sahibinden 2. El 170000  55000 0.3235294 3.0909091
## 2:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 160000 176500 1.1031250 0.9065156
## 3:      Spor / Coupe  Galeriden 2. El 160000 350000 2.1875000 0.4571429
## 4: Hatchback 5 Kapı Sahibinden 2. El 162000  82000 0.5061728 1.9756098
## 5:             Sedan  Galeriden 2. El 160000 192500 1.2031250 0.8311688
## 6:      Arazi Aracı Sahibinden 2. El 192500  80000 0.4155844 2.4062500
##                      full_vehicle_type
## 1:                           CL DiÄŸer
## 2:                          A4 2.0 TDI
## 3:        S Serisi S5 3.0 TFSI Quattro
## 4:                      1 Serisi 1.18i
## 5: 3 Serisi 3.20i ED EfficientDynamics
## 6:                    Captiva 2.0 D LT

We can write sub queries like in SQL. We can show it from the code above:

carmarket[, c("kpf", "full_vehicle_type") := list(Km / Fiyat, paste(`Arac Tip Grubu`, `Arac Tip`))][, .(kpf, full_vehicle_type)]
##              kpf                   full_vehicle_type
##    1:  3.0909091                           CL DiÄŸer
##    2:  0.9065156                          A4 2.0 TDI
##    3:  0.4571429        S Serisi S5 3.0 TFSI Quattro
##    4:  1.9756098                      1 Serisi 1.18i
##    5:  0.8311688 3 Serisi 3.20i ED EfficientDynamics
##   ---                                               
## 9040:  1.6525424 5008 1.6 HDi Premium Pack 112 bg A.
## 9041: 20.7142857                               5 GTL
## 9042:  2.5411765                Fluence 1.5 dCi Icon
## 9043:  0.7680000          Latitude 1.5 dCi Executive
## 9044:  0.3669725                      Megane 1.6 Joy


For the creation of new columns, we can use aggregate functions like min, max etc.

carmarket[, .(mean = mean(Fiyat, na.rm = TRUE),
median = median(Fiyat, na.rm = TRUE),
min = min(Fiyat, na.rm = TRUE),
max = max(Fiyat, na.rm = TRUE))]
##        mean median  min     max
## 1: 148069.6  95500 5500 5086500

We can summarize multiple columns like:

carmarket[, .(mean(Fiyat), mean(Km))]
##          V1       V2
## 1: 148069.6 135812.8

If we need to apply aggregation for more columns, we can use .SD and .SDcols. .SD means ‘Subset of Data’. If we don’t use .SDcols parameter, it includes all columns. If we use .SDcols, it applies that process for these columns.

carmarket[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = c("Fiyat", "Km")]
##       Fiyat       Km
## 1: 148069.6 135812.8

Also, we can have multiple summarize function in the same line like:

carmarket[, sapply(.SD, function(x) c(mean=mean(x), median=median(x)))]
##        Date Marka Arac Tip Grubu Arac Tip Model_Year Fuel_Type Vites CCM
## mean     NA    NA             NA       NA   2011.824        NA    NA  NA
## median   NA    NA             NA       NA   2014.000        NA    NA  NA
##        Beygir Gucu Renk Kasa Tipi Kimden Durum       Km    Fiyat       fpk
## mean            NA   NA        NA     NA    NA 135812.8 148069.6       Inf
## median          NA   NA        NA     NA    NA 125000.0  95500.0 0.8744919
##             kpf full_vehicle_type
## mean   2.237604                NA
## median 1.143522                NA