4  Shiny App


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Development Indicators Comparison Shiny App is designed to visualize and compare World Bank data through a user interface.

The functionality of Shiny App is divided into three tabs:

  1. Single Indicator Comparison: The first tab is used to compare data for a specific country across selected years based on a single indicator (such as inflation rate, unemployment rate, age dependency ratio, GDP, population, etc.). Users can filter by country, year, and indicator.

  2. Double Indicator Comparison: The second tab allows users to compare data for a specific country across selected years based on two indicators (e.g., inflation rate and unemployment rate). Users can filter by country, year, and select from predefined indicator pairs.

  3. Labor Force Participation Rates: The third tab focuses on comparing male and female labor force participation rates for selected countries and years. Users can filter by country and year.

Please find the code details here. You can also reach the Shiny App by running the code below in R Console:

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "pjournal/mef07g-astralprojection",subdir="AstralProjectionShinyApp/app.R")