3  Group Project: Agriculture in Turkey - EDA


December 3, 2022

Agriculture in Turkey - EDA is the part 2 of the Group Project: Agriculture in Turkey


Key takeaways of the report as follows;

  1. According to TUIK agricultural area datas, Konya, Ankara and Şanlıurfa are top 3 cities having greatest agricultural areas. Konya alone has %8 of agricultural areas of Turkey. Kilis has the most dense agricultural area, comparing to its total area, %71 of the city is agricultural.

  2. In Turkey, 9.213.278 decare (9213,28 km2) agricultural areas is lost in last 12 years, first improvement since 2011 was in 2020, “the pandemic year” but in general in 12 years, size of the agricultural areas moving downwards.

  3. Eastern part of the Turkey loss agricultural land at the highest rate in the first years of decade, “Büyüksehir Yasası” that enacted in the 2012 can be cause of this situation

  4. Yearly Grain/Fruit/Vegetable Production Areas is examined; we find that, increase in the agricultural areas after 2019 due to fruit (mostly nuts) and grain production.

  5. Increase in average temperature in Turkey in 2018, also coincides with the decrease in Agricultural area in that year. We could not observe a clear relation between CO2 emission and agricultural area loss in Turkey. We find out that there is a complex relationship between agricultural loss and CO2 emissions.

We start by loading our dataset that we prepare in the Group Project: Agriculture in Turkey - Preprocessing

Call necessary libraries


Load the Data

# Prepare data
tarim <- readRDS("data//tarim.rds")
meyve <- readRDS("data//meyve.rds")
sebze <- readRDS("data//sebze.rds")
tahil <- readRDS("data//tahil.rds")
regions <- readRDS("data//Regions.rds")
turkey <- readRDS("data//turkey.rds")

Total Agriculture Areas

total_2021_area <- tarim %>%

Total_Agricultural_Area <- total_2021_area$TotalArea

df_province <- tarim %>%
  group_by(province_code,province) %>%

knitr::kable(head(df_province,10),caption = "Total Agricultural Areas (in Decare) in Turkey 2021 - Top 10 Province")
Total Agricultural Areas (in Decare) in Turkey 2021 - Top 10 Province
province_code province Agricultural_Area Total_Agricultural_Area AgrRatetoTotalAgr
42 Konya 18710259 234728774 0.08
6 Ankara 11639638 234728774 0.05
63 Şanlıurfa 10445551 234728774 0.04
58 Sivas 7817565 234728774 0.03
66 Yozgat 6203771 234728774 0.03
1 Adana 4871854 234728774 0.02
10 Balıkesir 3911237 234728774 0.02
19 Çorum 5415198 234728774 0.02
20 Denizli 3574561 234728774 0.02
21 Diyarbakır 5735761 234728774 0.02

Density of Agriculture Areas

To find how dense are the cities in terms of agriculture, we must find total areas of each cities, I used Wikipedia as a data source, First 5 columns are from Wikipedia, geographic locations of each city is taken with geopy library pf Pyhton, and also it’s important to mention that Area is in km2.

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  Code  Name             Area `Population (2000 census)` Popul…¹ Latit…² Longi…³
  <chr> <chr>           <dbl>                      <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 1     Adana          14046.                    1854270 2237940    37.0    35.3
2 2     Adıyaman        7606.                     623811  626465    37.8    38.3
3 3     Afyonkarahisar 14719.                     812416  729483    38.7    30.6
4 4     Ağrı           11499.                     528744  536199    39.8    43.2
5 5     Amasya          5704.                     365231  337800    40.7    35.8
6 6     Ankara         25402.                    4007860 5639076    39.9    32.9
# … with abbreviated variable names ¹​`Population (2019-2020 estimate)`,
#   ²​Latitude, ³​Longitude

Join the turkey dataframe with turkey_tarim_area_21, Area is in km2 and Total_Province_Area is in Decare,

turkey_tarim_area_21 = merge(turkey, df_province, by.x = 'Code', by.y = 'province_code')
  Code      Name     Area Population (2000 census)
1    1     Adana 14045.56                  1854270
2   10 Balıkesir 14472.73                  1076347
3   11   Bilecik  4306.77                   194326
4   12    Bingöl  8253.51                   253739
5   13    Bitlis  7094.50                   388678
6   14      Bolu  8323.39                   270654
  Population (2019-2020 estimate) Latitude Longitude  province
1                         2237940 36.98636  35.32529     Adana
2                         1228650 39.54008  28.02288 Balıkesir
3                          219427 40.14351  29.97529   Bilecik
4                          279812 39.07380  40.72962    Bingöl
5                          348115 38.49509  42.16784    Bitlis
6                          316126 40.62121  31.64603      Bolu
  Agricultural_Area Total_Agricultural_Area AgrRatetoTotalAgr
1           4871854               234728774              0.02
2           3911237               234728774              0.02
3            838109               234728774              0.00
4            294903               234728774              0.00
5           1388963               234728774              0.01
6           1139150               234728774              0.00

Kilis is the most dense city in terms of agricultural areas,

df_area_to_ag <- turkey_tarim_area_21 %>%
  group_by(province) %>%
  summarise(Agricultural_Area,Density = Agricultural_Area*0.001/Area ) %>%

knitr::kable(head(df_area_to_ag,10),caption = "Density of Agricultural Areas (Agricultural Area/Area) in 2021 - Top 10 Province")
Density of Agricultural Areas (Agricultural Area/Area) in 2021 - Top 10 Province
province Agricultural_Area Density
Kilis 1017790 0.7128579
Kırıkkale 3082717 0.6745906
Tekirdağ 4154336 0.6550204
Nevşehir 3303465 0.6127013
Edirne 3306122 0.5421730
Şanlıurfa 10445551 0.5402067
Gaziantep 3466184 0.5063937
Kırşehir 3265004 0.4999761
Aksaray 3843131 0.4824714
Konya 18710259 0.4584329

Now, lets plot the agricultural areas of Turkish cities in 2021, both size corresponds to total agricultural areas in 2021 and color corresponds to density of Agricultural Areas.

# Plot the Turkey province data
# Extract the data we're interested in
ggplot(data = turkey_tarim_area_21) +
  geom_point(aes(x = Longitude, y =Latitude ,
                 color = -log10((Agricultural_Area*0.001/Area)*100),
                 size = Agricultural_Area,
                 label = Name), alpha = 0.6) +
  scale_size(name = "Agricultural Area",
             range = c(5, 15)) +
  theme(legend.position = "up") +
  labs(x = "longitude",
       y = "latitude",
       title = "Turkey: Agricultural Areas") +
  geom_text(aes(x =Longitude , y =  Latitude, label = Name)) 

Agriculture areas are shrinking slightly

df <- tarim %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(TotalAgricultureDecare=sum(decare)) %>%
  arrange(year) %>%
  mutate(prev=lag(TotalAgricultureDecare)) %>%
  mutate(diff =TotalAgricultureDecare-prev ) %>%
  mutate(totalloss= sum(diff, na.rm=TRUE))
# A tibble: 12 × 5
    year TotalAgricultureDecare       prev      diff totalloss
   <dbl>                  <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  2010             243942052         NA        NA  -9213278.
 2  2011             236137614. 243942052  -7804438. -9213278.
 3  2012             237819993. 236137614.  1682379. -9213278.
 4  2013             238055119. 237819993.   235126. -9213278.
 5  2014             239407138. 238055119.  1352018. -9213278.
 6  2015             239336141. 239407138.   -70997. -9213278.
 7  2016             237111592. 239336141. -2224550. -9213278.
 8  2017             233465984. 237111592. -3645607. -9213278.
 9  2018             231799859. 233465984. -1666125. -9213278.
10  2019             230995034  231799859.  -804825. -9213278.
11  2020             231451336. 230995034    456302. -9213278.
12  2021             234728774. 231451336.  3277438. -9213278.
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=year, y=TotalAgricultureDecare)) +
  geom_line() + 
  ggtitle("Agricultural Areas Between 2010-2021 in Turkey")+
  ylab("Agricultural Area (Decare)")+

Between 2010-2011, biggest agricultural area lost is happened. In 2011-2015, it seems to be good years for Agriculture in terms of magnitude of the areas. However, after 2015, general trend moves towards to losing the Agricultural areas, after 2019 there seems to be first improvement, interestingly first improvement is in 2020, “the pandemic year” but in general in 11 years, size of the agricultural areas moving downwards.

Yearly agriculture areas

By Province

Add previous decares to the dataframe

df_1 <- tarim %>% 
  arrange(province, year) %>% 
  group_by(province) %>% 
  mutate(prev_decare = lag(decare)) %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  province province_code  year   decare prev_decare
  <chr>    <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Adana    1              2010 5506353          NA 
2 Adana    1              2011 4962979.    5506353 
3 Adana    1              2012 4807968     4962979.
4 Adana    1              2013 4751612.    4807968 
5 Adana    1              2014 4982042.    4751612.
6 Adana    1              2015 4887150     4982042.

If we look at year by year lost, the biggest lost was in Sivas, 2011 with 2.290.480 decare loss. Second is Kars with 1.628.918, third is Konya with 1.526.849. However, Konya’s total agriculture areas are greater than others. Rate of yearly difference and decare will be another indicator.

df_1 <- df_1 %>%
  mutate(difference = (decare-prev_decare))%>%

# A tibble: 6 × 6
  province  province_code  year    decare prev_decare difference
  <chr>     <chr>         <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
1 Sivas     58             2011  7298275     9588755   -2290480 
2 Kars      36             2013  2118640     3747558   -1628918 
3 Konya     42             2011 19242360    20769209   -1526849 
4 Şanlıurfa 63             2011 11444392.   12591457   -1147065.
5 Yozgat    66             2013  5991422     6985982    -994560 
6 Konya     42             2017 18854582    19636340.   -781758.

If we sort according to rate of difference Ardahan,2014 is the first with 0.44, Kars,2013 with 0.43 and Karabük,2018 with 0.32 are the second and third in terms of yearly agriculture area lost.

df_1 <- df_1 %>%
  mutate(difference_rate = round(difference/prev_decare,2))%>%

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  province province_code  year  decare prev_decare difference difference_rate
  <chr>    <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>           <dbl>
1 Ardahan  75             2014  329525      588632    -259107           -0.44
2 Kars     36             2013 2118640     3747558   -1628918           -0.43
3 Karabük  78             2018  337488      498499    -161011           -0.32
4 Osmaniye 80             2011 1153635     1664382    -510747           -0.31
5 Sivas    58             2011 7298275     9588755   -2290480           -0.24
6 Kocaeli  41             2018  786927      974696    -187769           -0.19

Interestingly, yearly loss is greater in the first half of the decade, but overall loss is increasing year by year, let’s visualise this by adding cumulative loss column.

If we look at total lost, Şanlıurda, Konya ans Sivas are the three big cities

df_p <- df_1 %>%
  group_by(province) %>%
  summarise('TotalDifference'=sum(difference, na.rm=TRUE),'TotalRate'=sum(difference_rate, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

knitr::kable(head(df_p),caption = "Total Agriculture Lost Areas by Province 2010-2021")
Total Agriculture Lost Areas by Province 2010-2021
province TotalDifference TotalRate
Şanlıurfa -2145906 -0.15
Konya -2058950 -0.10
Sivas -1771190 -0.18
Yozgat -1191803 -0.16
Kırşehir -712105 -0.19
Çorum -679593 -0.10
df_p <- df_p %>%
  arrange(TotalDifference) %>%

ggplot(data=head(df_p,10), aes(x=province, y=TotalDifference)) +
  geom_bar(position="dodge",stat="identity") + 
  ggtitle("Total Agriculture Area Loss by Province 2010-2021 - Top 10 Province") +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 10),element_line(size =15),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))+ 
  xlab("Province") + 
  ylab("Lost Agricultural Area (Decare)") 

Zonguldak lost 35% of its agricultural areas in 12 years

df_2010 <- df_1 %>% 
  filter(year == 2010) %>%

df_2021 <- df_1 %>% 
  filter(year == 2021) %>%

df_join <- inner_join(df_2010,df_2021, by = "province")

df_ttrate <- df_join %>%
  mutate(totaldiffrate = 100*(decare.y-decare.x)/decare.x) %>%
  arrange((totaldiffrate)) %>%
  select (province,totaldiffrate )

knitr::kable(head(df_ttrate),caption = "Total Agricultural Area Loss Rate by Province 2010-2021")
Total Agricultural Area Loss Rate by Province 2010-2021
province totaldiffrate
Zonguldak -34.97663
Batman -26.32009
Osmaniye -25.91478
Bartın -21.38318
Sivas -18.47153
Yalova -18.26819
ggplot(head(df_ttrate,10), aes(x=province, y=-1*totaldiffrate)) +
  geom_bar(position="dodge",stat="identity") + 
  ggtitle("Total Agriculture Area Loss Rate by Province 2010-2021 (Top 10 Province)") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
   ylab("Agricultural Area Loss Rate(%)")+

By Region

Adding regions to tarim data

df_r<- merge(x=tarim,y=regions,by="province",all.x = TRUE)
df_region<- df_r%>% select(region,year,decare) %>% 
                        group_by(region,year) %>% 
df_region %>% head()                      
# A tibble: 6 × 3
# Groups:   region [1]
  region           year Total_Agriarea_in_the_Region
  <chr>           <dbl>                        <dbl>
1 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2010                    24648042 
2 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2011                    23881021.
3 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2012                    23179936.
4 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2013                    23385270.
5 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2014                    23545660.
6 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2015                    23219406.

Add previous decares to the dataframe

df_region_1<- df_region %>% 
               arrange(region,year) %>% 
                group_by(region) %>% 
                 mutate(prev_decare= lag(Total_Agriarea_in_the_Region)) %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  region           year Total_Agriarea_in_the_Region prev_decare
  <chr>           <dbl>                        <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2010                    24648042          NA 
2 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2011                    23881021.   24648042 
3 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2012                    23179936.   23881021.
4 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2013                    23385270.   23179936.
5 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2014                    23545660.   23385270.
6 Akdeniz Bölgesi  2015                    23219406.   23545660.

If we look at year by year lost, İç Anadolu had the biggest loses in 2011 and 2017. However İç Anadolu’ total agricultural lands also high as compared to other regions so looking rate of yearly difference would be good indicator to analyze.

df_region_1 <- df_region_1 %>% 
       mutate(difference=(Total_Agriarea_in_the_Region-prev_decare)) %>% 
# A tibble: 84 × 5
   region                     year Total_Agriarea_in_the_Region prev_d…¹ diffe…²
   <chr>                     <dbl>                        <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 İç Anadolu Bölgesi         2011                    78302580.   8.14e7 -3.09e6
 2 İç Anadolu Bölgesi         2017                    77860586.   8.02e7 -2.33e6
 3 Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi  2011                    30283342.   3.21e7 -1.84e6
 4 Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi       2013                    24865102.   2.67e7 -1.80e6
 5 Marmara Bölgesi            2011                    23099178.   2.40e7 -9.03e5
 6 Ege Bölgesi                2011                    27523248.   2.84e7 -8.74e5
 7 Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi  2016                    30263398    3.11e7 -8.46e5
 8 Akdeniz Bölgesi            2011                    23881021.   2.46e7 -7.67e5
 9 Akdeniz Bölgesi            2012                    23179936.   2.39e7 -7.01e5
10 Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi  2017                    29666365    3.03e7 -5.97e5
# … with 74 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​prev_decare, ²​difference

Eastern part of the Turkey loss agricultural land at the highest rate in the first years of decade, “Büyüksehir Yasası” that enacted in the 2012 can be cause of this situation.

df_region_1 <- df_region_1 %>% 
          mutate(difference_rate=round(difference/prev_decare,2)) %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 6
  region                     year Total_Agriarea_in_th…¹ prev_…² diffe…³ diffe…⁴
  <chr>                     <dbl>                  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi       2013              24865102.  2.67e7 -1.80e6   -0.07
2 Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi  2011              30283342.  3.21e7 -1.84e6   -0.06
3 İç Anadolu Bölgesi         2011              78302580.  8.14e7 -3.09e6   -0.04
4 Marmara Bölgesi            2011              23099178.  2.40e7 -9.03e5   -0.04
5 İç Anadolu Bölgesi         2017              77860586.  8.02e7 -2.33e6   -0.03
6 Ege Bölgesi                2011              27523248.  2.84e7 -8.74e5   -0.03
# … with abbreviated variable names ¹​Total_Agriarea_in_the_Region,
#   ²​prev_decare, ³​difference, ⁴​difference_rate

Let’s look at the overall lose between 2010-2021 by region.In this case some regions interestingly increase their agricultural lands

df_region_overall <- df_region_1 %>% 
                      group_by(region) %>% 
                         summarise("Total_Difference"=sum(difference,na.rm=TRUE),"Total_Rate"=sum(difference_rate,na.rm = TRUE)) %>%                             arrange(Total_Rate)
knitr::kable(df_region_overall,caption = "Total Agriculre Lost Areas by Region 2010-2021")
Total Agriculre Lost Areas by Region 2010-2021
region Total_Difference Total_Rate
Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi -3003875.0 -0.11
Akdeniz Bölgesi -2254601.0 -0.09
İç Anadolu Bölgesi -4191358.8 -0.05
Ege Bölgesi -432585.9 -0.02
Karadeniz Bölgesi -557447.5 -0.01
Marmara Bölgesi 104406.2 0.01
Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi 1122184.3 0.04


  geom_bar(position = "dodge",stat="identity")+
  ggtitle("Total Agriculture Area Loss by Region 2010-2021")+
  theme(text = element_text(size=10),element_line(size=15),axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))

Distribution of Agricultural Production


meyve_dekar <-
  meyve %>% 
  filter(year==2021 & unit=='Dekar'  & main_type=='Toplu Meyveliklerin Alanı')

total = sum(meyve_dekar[, 'production'],na.rm=TRUE)

grouped_data <- meyve_dekar %>%
  group_by(product_name) %>%
  summarise(TotalbyName = sum(production,na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(rate = round((TotalbyName/total)*100,4))

plot_data <- grouped_data %>%
  mutate(rank = rank(-TotalbyName), 
         product_name = ifelse(rank <= 10, product_name, 'Other'))
p <- plot_ly(plot_data, labels = ~product_name, values = ~TotalbyName, type = 'pie',textposition = 'outside',textinfo = 'label+percent') %>%
  layout(title = 'Top 10 Fruit Products (in Decare) in Turkey  in 2021',
         xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE))



sebze_df <- sebze %>%
  filter(year==2021 & unit=='Dekar'  & main_type=='Ekilen Alan')

total = sum(sebze_df [, 'decare'],na.rm=TRUE)

grouped_data <- sebze_df %>%
  group_by(product_name) %>%
  summarise(TotalbyName = sum(decare,na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(rate = round((TotalbyName/total)*100),4)

plot_data_v <- grouped_data %>%
  mutate(rank = rank(-TotalbyName), 
         product_name = ifelse(rank <= 10, product_name, 'Other'))
p <- plot_ly(plot_data_v, labels = ~product_name, values = ~TotalbyName, type = 'pie',textposition = 'outside',textinfo = 'label+percent') %>%
  layout(title = 'Top 10 Vegetable Products (in Decare) in Turkey  in 2021',
         xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE))



tahil_df <-  tahil %>%
  filter(year==2021 & unit=='Dekar' & main_type=='Ekilen Alan')

total = sum(tahil_df[, 'decare'],na.rm=TRUE)

grouped_data <- tahil_df %>%
  group_by(product_name) %>%
  summarise(TotalbyName = sum(decare,na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(rate = round((TotalbyName/total)*100),2)

plot_data_g <- grouped_data %>%
  mutate(rank = rank(-TotalbyName), 
         product_name = ifelse(rank <= 10, product_name, 'Other'))
p <- plot_ly(plot_data_g, labels = ~product_name, values = ~TotalbyName, type = 'pie',textposition = 'outside',textinfo = 'label+percent') %>%
  layout(title = 'Top 10 Grain Products(as Decare) in Turkey in 2021',
         xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE))


Yearly Grain/Fruit/Vegetable Production Areas

Grain production areas were decreasing until 2019, after 2019, it is increasing slightly like agricultural areas

df_gra <- tahil %>%
  filter(unit=='Dekar' & main_type=='Ekilen Alan') %>%
  summarize(total_gra_decare = sum(decare, na.rm = TRUE)) 

ggplot(data=df_gra, aes(x=year, y=total_gra_decare)) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ poly(x, 3), se = FALSE) +
  labs(x ="Year",y="Decare") +
  ggtitle("Total Grain Agriculture Areas(Decare) Between 2010-2021")

Fruit production areas are increasing slightly unlike agricultural areas

df_meyve <- meyve %>%
  filter(unit=='Dekar' & main_type=='Toplu Meyveliklerin Alanı') %>%
  summarize(total_gra_decare = sum(production, na.rm = TRUE)) 

ggplot(data=df_meyve, aes(x=year, y=total_gra_decare)) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ poly(x, 3), se = FALSE) +
  labs(x ="Year",y="Decare") +
  ggtitle("Total Fruit Agriculture Areas(Decare) Between 2010-2021")

meyve_sort <- meyve %>% arrange(year)

meyve_analiz <- meyve_sort %>%
  filter(unit=='Dekar'  & main_type=='Toplu Meyveliklerin Alanı') %>%
  summarize(total_decare = sum(production, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(product_name,year) %>%

meyve_sort_analiz <- meyve_analiz %>%
  mutate(prev_dekar=lag(total_decare))  %>%
  mutate(difference_with_prev_year =total_decare-prev_dekar ) %>%
  filter(year>2010) %>%

knitr::kable(head(meyve_sort_analiz),caption = "The Top Fruits in Terms of Yearly Increased Agricultural Areas ")
The Top Fruits in Terms of Yearly Increased Agricultural Areas
year product_name total_decare prev_dekar difference_with_prev_year
2012 Şam Fıstığı Antep Fıstığı 2835517 2338368 497149
2018 Yağlık Zeytinler Zeytinyağı Üretimi İçin 6544561 6195707 348854
2011 Fındık 6969643 6678649 290994
2018 Şam Fıstığı Antep Fıstığı 3545003 3288041 256962
2019 Sofralık Zeytinler 2341306 2099722 241584
2016 Şam Fıstığı Antep Fıstığı 3134316 2914179 220137
df_sebze <- sebze %>%
  filter(unit=='Dekar' & main_type=='Ekilen Alan') %>%
  summarize(total_gra_decare = sum(decare, na.rm = TRUE)) 

ggplot(data=df_sebze, aes(x=year, y=total_gra_decare)) + 
  geom_line() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ poly(x, 3), se = FALSE) +
  labs(x ="Year",y="Decare") +
  ggtitle("Total Vegetable Agriculture Areas(Decare) Between 2010-2021")

Above analysis show that, increase in the agricultural areas after 2019 due to fruit (mostly nuts) and grain production

Climate Indicators and Agriculture Areas

In this section we will compare the yearly average temperatures with the agriculture areas. Weather data is gathered from TradingEconomics.

temperature = read_excel("data//temp.xlsx")

df <- tarim %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(TotalDecareNormalized=sum(decare)/ 20000000)

df_t <- df %>%
  inner_join(temperature,by = "year")
ggplot(df_t, aes(year)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = TotalDecareNormalized, colour = "Total Agricultural Area in Decare (1/20000000)")) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = temperature, colour = "Temperature")) +
  ylab(NULL) +
  ggtitle("Average Temperature vs Total Agricultural Area") 

Increase in average temperature in Turkey in 2018, also coincides with the decrease in Agricultural area. Note that we need further statistical tests to show the relation between, this presentations only shows the raw data. However, *there are evidences suggesting that rising temperatures due to climate change can have negative impacts on agriculture, including crop yields and the productivity of livestock.

CO2 emission is also an important metric for measuring the climate change. CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring.

WorldBank launches the CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) data for every country. I used WorldBank

Note that, Data consists of the CO2 emission for 2009-2019

co2 = read_excel("data//co2.xlsx")

df_t_c <- df_t %>%
  inner_join(co2, by='year')

ggplot(df_t_c, aes(year)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = TotalDecareNormalized, colour = "Total Decare (1/20000000)", group=1)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = CO2emissions, colour = "CO2 Emission(Ton Per Capita)", group=2)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = temperature, colour = "Temperature", group=3)) +
  ylab(NULL) +
  ggtitle("Average Temperature, CO2 Emission and Total Agricultural Area in Turkey")  

Most efficient Fruits in Turkey

Production in kg per tree is as follows, is seems Apple is the winner here too.

df_e <- meyve %>%
  filter(str_trim(unit)=='Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç')%>%
  group_by(product_name,unit) %>%
  summarise(toplam = sum(production, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

knitr::kable(head(df_e),caption = "Fruit Efficiency (KG % Per Tree)")
Fruit Efficiency (KG % Per Tree)
product_name unit toplam
Elma Starking Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç 41119
Elma Golden Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç 40949
Diğer Elmalar Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç 33089
Armut Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç 31858
Elma Granny Smith Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç 30369
Elma Amasya Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç 30143

Let’s group all fruits containing “Elma” under the Elma.

meyve_group <- meyve

meyve_group$product_name <- gsub(".*Elma.*", "Elma", meyve$product_name)

df_elma <- meyve_group %>%
  filter(str_trim(unit)=='Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç')%>%
  group_by(year,product_name,unit) %>%
  summarise(toplam = sum(production, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# A tibble: 453 × 4
# Groups:   year, product_name [453]
    year product_name unit                toplam
   <dbl> <chr>        <chr>                <dbl>
 1  2010 "Elma"       Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç  16454
 2  2010 "Ceviz "     Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2794
 3  2010 "Armut "     Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2532
 4  2010 "Ayva "      Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2176
 5  2010 "Erik "      Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2167
 6  2010 "Kiraz "     Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2126
 7  2010 "Şeftali "   Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2040
 8  2010 "Dut "       Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   2005
 9  2010 "Kayısı "    Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   1940
10  2010 "Vişne "     Kg/Meyve Veren Ağaç   1802
# … with 443 more rows
ggplot(data=df_elma, aes(x=product_name, y=toplam)) +
  geom_bar(position="dodge",stat="identity") + 
  ggtitle("Fruit Efficiency (KG % Per Tree)") +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 10),element_line(size =15),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))