3  Exploratory Data Analysis


November 29, 2022

Necessary libraries

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Importing data

We are importing construction cost index, Turnover rate, usd to tl exchange rate, House sales to foreigners, House Sales by Province data sets.

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ConsIndex <- readRDS("Datards/ConsIndex.rds")
Turnover <- readRDS("Datards/Turnover.rds")
House_sales_to_foreigners_month <- readRDS("Datards/House_sales_to_foreigners_month.rds")
House_sales_to_foreigners_year <- readRDS("Datards/House_sales_to_foreigners_year.rds")

monthly_usd_to_try <- read_excel("data/monthly_usd_to_try.xls")
monthly_usd_to_try$month <- as.Date(monthly_usd_to_try$month)
monthly_usd_to_try$month <- format(monthly_usd_to_try$month,"%Y-%b-%d")

PATH <- "data/House Sales by Provinces.xls"
house_sales_by_provinces <- read_excel(PATH, range = cell_rows(14:129), col_names = names(read_excel(PATH, skip = 2))) 

total_sales_by_year <- aggregate(house_sales_by_provinces[3], house_sales_by_provinces[1], FUN=sum)

House_sales_to_foreigners_month <- read_excel("data/House sales to foreigners.xls", 
                                                   sheet = "Month")
House_sales_to_foreigners_month$Month <- match(House_sales_to_foreigners_month$Month, month.name)

House_sales_to_foreigners_month$Date <- as.yearmon(paste(House_sales_to_foreigners_month$Year, House_sales_to_foreigners_month$Month), "%Y %m")

Key Takeaways

  1. When we examine the sales data, although the rate of sales to foreigners has increased over the years, it has remained around 5 percent. Considering this information, it seems difficult for the sale to foreigners to have a significant impact on the market.
  2. After 2019, we can see that the annual average cost index exceeds the annual average turnover index.Due to the increasing cost index in 2018, new building construction becomes costly, as a result, new building construction remains low in response to new demand. As a result, while the second hand rate increases in sales, it causes an increase in house prices.
  3. When we examine the relationship between the dollar and TL exchange rate, we conclude that the TL has experienced a high depreciation against the dollar. And we observe that there is a clear correlation between the cost index and the dollar-tl exchange rate relationship.
  4. With the government’s limit on mortgage in 2021, the sales of housing with credit are decreasing, but the total sales are not decreasing. We see this because people buy houses with the cash they get from other ways because they think that house prices will not decrease.

Total sales with Sales To Foreigners and Sales To Foreigners Share (%)

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ggplot(House_sales_to_foreigners_month, aes(Date)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = Total, colour = "Total")) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = `Sales to foreigners`, colour = "Sales To Foreigners"))

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ggplot(House_sales_to_foreigners_month, aes(Date)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = `Share (%)`, colour = "Share (%)"))

Finding construction cost index yearly mean to compare

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ConsIndexYear <- ConsIndex %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(Construction_cost_mean = mean(index, na.rm = TRUE))
TurnoverYear <- Turnover %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(Turnover_mean = mean(`seasonal and calendar adjusted

ConsIndexYear %>% left_join(TurnoverYear, by = "Year") %>% ggplot(aes(Year)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Construction_cost_mean, colour = "Construction cost mean")) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = Turnover_mean, colour = "Turnover mean"))+
  labs(title="Construction cost and Turnover index yearly mean comparison")+
  xlab("Year") +

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house_sales_by_provinces  <- house_sales_by_provinces  %>%
    fill(colnames(house_sales_by_provinces[1]), .direction = "downup")

# Creating Time Series Object for House Sales by Proviences
total_hs_ts <- ts(house_sales_by_provinces[3],start=c(2013,1),frequency=12)

options(repr.plot.width=21, repr.plot.height=8)

Monthly usd to try graph and Monhtly usd rate preprocessing

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monthly_usd_to_try <- read_excel("data/monthly_usd_to_try.xls")

monthly_usd_to_try$month <- as.Date(monthly_usd_to_try$month)
colnames(monthly_usd_to_try) <- c("date","value")

ggplot(data=monthly_usd_to_try, aes(x=date, y=value, group=1)) +

Monthly cost index and Monhtly cost index preprocessing

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construction_cost_index <- read_excel("data/construction_cost_index_by_industries_and_cost_groups_preprocessed.xls")

construction_cost_index$date <- as.Date(construction_cost_index$date)
colnames(construction_cost_index) <- c("date","cost_type","value","material","labour")

cost_index = construction_cost_index %>% 
  filter(cost_type=="construction") %>%
  group_by(date) %>%

ggplot(data=cost_index, aes(x=date, y=value, group=1)) +

Yearly sales by nations

After 2017, Iran overtakes Iraq. There is a high increase in Russia as we move from 2021 to 2022. We assume the reason is Ukraine - Russian war.

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HSTFBN <- read_excel("data/HSTFBN.xls", sheet = "FOREIGNERS BY NATIONALITIES")

total_sale_by_country <- HSTFBN %>% group_by(year,country) %>% filter(country %in% c("Russia","Iran", "Iraq")) %>% summarise(sum=sum(total))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'year'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
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ggplot(data=total_sale_by_country,aes(x=year,y=sum,fill=country)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "dodge")

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house_sales_by_districts_preprocessed <- read_excel("data/house_sales_by_districts_preprocessed.xls")

house_sales <- house_sales_by_districts_preprocessed %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(morgaged=sum(mortgaged), total=sum(total), first_hand=sum(first_hand), second_hand=sum(second_hand))

ggplot(data=house_sales,aes(x=year),group = 1 ) +
  geom_line(aes(y=morgaged,color='morgaged')) +

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house_sales_by_districts_preprocessed <- read_excel("data/house_sales_by_districts_preprocessed.xls")

house_sales <- house_sales_by_districts_preprocessed %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(morgaged=sum(mortgaged), total=sum(total), first_hand=sum(first_hand), second_hand=sum(second_hand))

ggplot(data=house_sales,aes(x=year),group = 1 ) +
  geom_line(aes(y=first_hand,color='first_hand')) +
  geom_line(aes(y=second_hand,color='second_hand')) +

Annual average house sales by provinces (except 2022)

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annual_avg_hs <- slice(house_sales_by_provinces %>% 
    group_by(house_sales_by_provinces[1]) %>% 
    summarize_if(is.numeric,sum,na.rm = TRUE), 1:(n()-1))[3:82] %>% 
    summarize_if(is.numeric,mean,na.rm = TRUE)

barplot(unlist(annual_avg_hs), col = rainbow(100), las=2, cex.names=.6, horiz = TRUE)