2  Data Preparation

2.1 Main Data for our Project

Balance sheet, Income statement and other information for Real Sector in sectoral breakdown for the period between 2009 and 2021

# Read sector info data
sector_info <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Sector_info.xlsx")

saveRDS(sector_info, "docs/Project_Data/sector_grouping.rds")

#Sectoral grouping is given in the table below.
sector_code sector_name group
A Agriculture Agriculture
B Mining Industry
C Manufacturing Industry
D Electricity_Gas Industry
E Water_Supply Industry
F Construction Construction
G Wholesale_Retail_Trade Services
H Transportation Services
I Accomodation_Food Services
J Information Services
L Real_Estate Services
M Professional_Activities Services
N Administrative_Activities Services
P Education Services
Q Health Services
R Entertainment Services
S Other_Services Services
# Read Excel Data for company info regarding number of employees for different company sizes.
company_info <- 

# Drop columns whose values are all NA
company_info <- company_info %>% 
  select_if(function(col) !all(is.na(col)))

# Drop rows whose values except first column are all NA
company_info <- company_info %>% 
  filter(!if_all(2:ncol(company_info), is.na))

# Fill first column with previous values
company_info <- company_info %>% 

# Fill second column with previous values
company_info <- company_info %>% 

# Fill NA in first row with previous values
first_row <- company_info %>% 
  filter_all(any_vars(is.na(.))) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  pivot_longer(-1) %>% 
  fill(value, .direction = "down") %>% 
  select(value) %>% 

company_info[1,2:ncol(company_info)] <- t(first_row)

# Fill NA in second row with previous values
second_row <- company_info %>% 
  filter_all(any_vars(is.na(.))) %>% 
  slice(1) %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  pivot_longer(-1) %>% 
  fill(value, .direction = "down") %>% 
  select(value) %>% 

company_info[2,2:ncol(company_info)] <- t(second_row)

# Drop cell values before blanks
company_info <- company_info %>% as.matrix() %>% gsub(".*\r\n", "", .) %>% as_tibble()

#Drop columns with share (%) 
cond <- !(company_info[3,] == "(%)") %>% as.vector()
company_info <- company_info[,cond]

#Drop columns with entity types
cond_1 <- !(company_info[2,] == "Entity Types") %>% as.vector()
company_info <- company_info[, cond_1]
# Drop row with duplicate number values
company_info <- company_info[-3,]

company_info[2,] <- as.list(company_info[2,] %>% gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", company_info))

header_new <- paste(company_info[1,], company_info[2,], sep = "/")
header_new[1:2] <-  c("sector", "size")

names(company_info) <- header_new
company_info <-  company_info %>% 
  filter(!(sector %in% c("", "Türkiye")))

company_info <- company_info %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c(sector, size)) %>% 
  separate(name, into = c("year", "number"), sep = "/")

company_info$number <- company_info$number %>% 
  gsub(pattern = ".companıes", replacement = "_companies")

company_info %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = number, values_from = value)
# A tibble: 1,105 × 5
   sector                              size  year  Number_of_companies Number_…¹
   <chr>                               <chr> <chr> <chr>               <chr>    
 1 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2009  5558                32584    
 2 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2010  6731                36849    
 3 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2011  7198                41546    
 4 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2012  7312                44814    
 5 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2013  7682                47135    
 6 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2014  7944                50240    
 7 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2015  8478                54175    
 8 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2016  9226                57025    
 9 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2017  9690                58203    
10 A-Agrıculture, forestry and fishing Total 2018  10194               63918    
# … with 1,095 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹​Number_of_employees
company_info$sector_code <- company_info$sector %>% gsub("-.*", "", .)
company_info <-  company_info %>% 
  select(sector_code, everything()) %>% 

company_info$value <- as.double(company_info$value)

company_info <- 
  left_join(company_info, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>% 
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

saveRDS(company_info, "docs/Project_Data/sector_information.rds")

company_info %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  sector_code sector_name group       size  year  number              value
  <chr>       <chr>       <chr>       <chr> <chr> <chr>               <dbl>
1 A           Agriculture Agriculture Total 2009  Number_of_companies  5558
2 A           Agriculture Agriculture Total 2009  Number_of_employees 32584
3 A           Agriculture Agriculture Total 2010  Number_of_companies  6731
4 A           Agriculture Agriculture Total 2010  Number_of_employees 36849
5 A           Agriculture Agriculture Total 2011  Number_of_companies  7198
6 A           Agriculture Agriculture Total 2011  Number_of_employees 41546
# Read Balance Sheet Data 
company_bs <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_b_s.xlsx", 
                         range = "A4:O4032",  
                         col_names = c("sector_code", "accounts", 2009:2021))

company_bs <- company_bs %>% 

company_bs <- 

company_bs <- company_bs[-1,]

company_bs$sector_code <- 
  company_bs$sector_code %>% 
  gsub(".*\r\n", "", .) %>% 
  gsub("-.*", "", .)

company_bs$accounts <- company_bs$accounts %>% sub("^[^\r\n]+", "",.)

company_bs$accounts <- company_bs$accounts %>% gsub("\r\n", "",.)

company_bs <- company_bs %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c(sector_code,accounts), names_to = "year", values_to = "value")

company_bs <- company_bs %>% select(sector_code, everything())
company_bs <- 
  left_join(company_bs, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>% 
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

company_bs$year <- as.integer(company_bs$year)

saveRDS(company_bs, "docs/Project_Data/balance_sheet.rds")

company_bs %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 6
  sector_code sector_name group       accounts          year    value
  <chr>       <chr>       <chr>       <chr>            <int>    <dbl>
1 A           Agriculture Agriculture I-Current assets  2009  3744238
2 A           Agriculture Agriculture I-Current assets  2010  4946459
3 A           Agriculture Agriculture I-Current assets  2011  6652950
4 A           Agriculture Agriculture I-Current assets  2012  8155273
5 A           Agriculture Agriculture I-Current assets  2013 10465125
6 A           Agriculture Agriculture I-Current assets  2014 12143122
# Read Income Statement Data

company_is <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_i_s.xlsx", 
                         range = "A4:O921",  
                         col_names = c("sector_code", "accounts", 2009:2021))

# Fill sectors in first column with previous observations
company_is <- company_is %>% 

# Remove blank rows
company_is <- company_is[!is.na(company_is[,3]),]

# Remove redundant first row
company_is <- company_is[-1,]

# Remove linespaces from sectors and accounts columns so that english phrases remain
company_is$sector_code <- company_is$sector_code %>% gsub("- .*", "", .)

# pivot data into longer (panel) format
company_is <- company_is %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c(sector_code, accounts), names_to = "year", values_to = "value")
company_is <- company_is %>% select(sector_code,  everything())
company_is <- 
  left_join(company_is, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>% 
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

company_is$accounts <- company_is$accounts %>% gsub(".*\r\n", "", .)

company_is$year <- company_is$year %>% as.integer()

saveRDS(company_is, "docs/Project_Data/income_statement.rds")

company_is %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 6
  sector_code sector_name group       accounts       year    value
  <chr>       <chr>       <chr>       <chr>         <int>    <dbl>
1 A           Agriculture Agriculture A-Gross sales  2009  5268108
2 A           Agriculture Agriculture A-Gross sales  2010  6507636
3 A           Agriculture Agriculture A-Gross sales  2011  8440778
4 A           Agriculture Agriculture A-Gross sales  2012 10095319
5 A           Agriculture Agriculture A-Gross sales  2013 11998750
6 A           Agriculture Agriculture A-Gross sales  2014 14979503

2.2 Other Relational Datasets:

We explore other datasets relevant to our main data that will be used in our exploratory data analysis in the following sections:

2.2.1 Employment data: Labor Cost Index and Gender Distribution

# Read Employment Data 
employment_male <- 
             range = "Z6:AW14")
employment_female <-
             range = "AY6:BW14")

# Create new column as gender
employment_male$gender <- c("male")
employment_female$gender <- c("female")

# drop first row and columns whose values are all NA
employment_male <-  employment_male[-1,] %>% 
  fill(1) %>% 
  select_if(function(col) !all(is.na(col)))

employment_female <-  employment_female[-1,] %>% 
  fill(1) %>% 
  select_if(function(col) !all(is.na(col)))

# Create a quarterly time series starting 2021Q1 and ending 2022Q3

employment_male[,2] <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2021-03-30"), to = as.Date("2022-09-30"), by = "quarter")
employment_female[,2] <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2021-03-30"), to = as.Date("2022-09-30"), by = "quarter")

# Rearrange tibble columns such that gender comes first
employment_male <- employment_male[,-1] %>% 
  select(gender, everything())

employment_female <- employment_female[,-1] %>% 
  select(gender, everything())

# Change column name of date column
colnames(employment_male)[2] <- "date"
colnames(employment_female)[2] <- "date"

employment <- rbind(employment_female, employment_male)
colnames(employment) <- colnames(employment) %>% gsub(".*[(]([^.]+)[)].*", "\\1", .)
employment <- employment %>% select(-3)

employment$D <- employment$`D+E`/ 2
employment$E <- employment$`D+E`/ 2

employment$S <- employment$`S+T+U`/ 3
employment$T <- employment$`S+T+U`/ 3
employment$U <- employment$`S+T+U`/ 3

employment <- employment %>% 
  select(-c("D+E", "S+T+U")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c("gender", "date"), names_to = "sector_code", values_to = "number") %>% 
  left_join(., sector_info, by = "sector_code")

employment <- employment[!is.na(employment$sector_name),]

saveRDS(employment, "docs/Project_Data/employment.rds")

# A tibble: 238 × 6
   gender date       sector_code number sector_name             group       
   <chr>  <date>     <chr>        <dbl> <chr>                   <chr>       
 1 female 2021-03-30 A             1766 Agriculture             Agriculture 
 2 female 2021-03-30 B                6 Mining                  Industry    
 3 female 2021-03-30 C             1399 Manufacturing           Industry    
 4 female 2021-03-30 F               74 Construction            Construction
 5 female 2021-03-30 G             1004 Wholesale_Retail_Trade  Services    
 6 female 2021-03-30 H              105 Transportation          Services    
 7 female 2021-03-30 I              309 Accomodation_Food       Services    
 8 female 2021-03-30 J               69 Information             Services    
 9 female 2021-03-30 L               68 Real_Estate             Services    
10 female 2021-03-30 M              395 Professional_Activities Services    
# … with 228 more rows
# Read labor cost Index data
labor_cost_index <- 
  read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_labor_cost_index.xlsx", range = "A4:P54")

colnames(labor_cost_index)[3] <- "date"
labor_cost_index$date <-  seq.Date(from = as.Date("2010-03-30"), to = as.Date("2022-06-30"), by = "quarter")
labor_cost_index <- labor_cost_index[,c(-1,-2)]
colnames(labor_cost_index) <- colnames(labor_cost_index) %>% gsub("\\..*", "", .)

labor_cost_index <- 
  labor_cost_index %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c("date"), names_to = "sector_code", values_to = "value") %>% 
  left_join(.,sector_info, by="sector_code") %>% 
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

labor_cost_index <- labor_cost_index[!is.na(labor_cost_index$sector_name),]

saveRDS(labor_cost_index, "docs/Project_Data/labor_cost.rds")

labor_cost_index %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  sector_code sector_name            group        date       value
  <chr>       <chr>                  <chr>        <date>     <dbl>
1 B           Mining                 Industry     2010-03-30  59.4
2 C           Manufacturing          Industry     2010-03-30  57  
3 D           Electricity_Gas        Industry     2010-03-30  70.4
4 E           Water_Supply           Industry     2010-03-30  54.2
5 F           Construction           Construction 2010-03-30  59.9
6 G           Wholesale_Retail_Trade Services     2010-03-30  59  

2.2.2 Economic Growth Data: Gross Domestic Product

# Read GDP Index Data
gdp <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_gdp.xlsx", 
                  range = "A7:C318")

# Rename columns
colnames(gdp) <- c("sector", "year", "gdp_index")

# Filter NA rows
gdp <- gdp %>% 
saveRDS(gdp, "docs/Project_Data/gdp.rds")

gdp %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  sector  year gdp_index
  <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Total   1998      70.7
2 Total   1999      68.3
3 Total   2000      73.1
4 Total   2001      68.9
5 Total   2002      73.3
6 Total   2003      77.6

2.2.3 International Trade Data: Terms of Trade, Export and Import

# Read Terms of Trade Data
tot <- 
  read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_ToT.xlsx", range = "C4:BI157")

tot <- tot %>% 
  select(contains("ABD Doları"))

tot$date <-  seq.Date(from = as.Date("2010-01-01"), to = as.Date("2022-09-01"), by = "month")

tot <- tot[,26:30]

tot <- tot %>% select(date, everything())

tot <- tot[!is.na(tot[,3]),]

tot <- tot %>% pivot_longer(-c("date"), names_to = "sector_code", values_to = "value")

tot$sector_code <- tot$sector_code %>% gsub("[.].*", "",.)

tot <- left_join(tot, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>% select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

saveRDS(tot, "docs/Project_Data/terms_of_trade.rds")

tot %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  sector_code sector_name   group       date       value
  <chr>       <chr>         <chr>       <date>     <dbl>
1 A           Agriculture   Agriculture 2013-01-01  75.6
2 B           Mining        Industry    2013-01-01  66.8
3 C           Manufacturing Industry    2013-01-01  99.5
4 E           Water_Supply  Industry    2013-01-01  93.7
5 A           Agriculture   Agriculture 2013-02-01  76.2
6 B           Mining        Industry    2013-02-01  65.5
# Read Exports  Data
export <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_exports.xlsx", 
                     range = "A5:D854")

export <- export %>% filter(!if_all(, is.na))

export[1,1] <- as.character(2022) 

export$Year <- export$Year %>% as.double()

export <- export %>% fill(Year)

export <- export[!is.na(export[,2]),]

colnames(export) <- c("year", "sector_code", "sector_name", "export")

export$export <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = 0, export$export) %>% as.double()

export <-  export[export$sector_code %in% sector_info$sector_code,] %>% select(-sector_name)

export <- 
  left_join(export, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>%
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

# A tibble: 90 × 5
   sector_code sector_name             group        year      export
   <chr>       <chr>                   <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 A           Agriculture             Agriculture  2022   5434049. 
 2 B           Mining                  Industry     2022   3508870. 
 3 C           Manufacturing           Industry     2022 178162765. 
 4 D           Electricity_Gas         Industry     2022    211875. 
 5 E           Water_Supply            Industry     2022    666611. 
 6 H           Transportation          Services     2022        15.0
 7 J           Information             Services     2022    157891. 
 8 M           Professional_Activities Services     2022       110. 
 9 R           Entertainment           Services     2022     10055. 
10 A           Agriculture             Agriculture  2021   7156041. 
# … with 80 more rows
# Read Imports Data
import <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_imports.xlsx", 
                     range = "A5:D854")

import <- import %>% filter(!if_all(, is.na))

import[1,1] <- as.character(2022) 

import$Year <- import$Year %>% as.double()

import <- import %>% fill(Year)

import <- import[!is.na(import[,2]),]

colnames(import) <- c("year", "sector_code", "sector_name", "import")

import$import <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = 0, import$import) %>% as.double()

import <-  import[import$sector_code %in% sector_info$sector_code,] %>% select(-sector_name)

import <- 
  left_join(import, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>%
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())
# A tibble: 89 × 5
   sector_code sector_name             group        year      import
   <chr>       <chr>                   <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 A           Agriculture             Agriculture  2022  11311875. 
 2 B           Mining                  Industry     2022  58364861. 
 3 C           Manufacturing           Industry     2022 191327777. 
 4 D           Electricity_Gas         Industry     2022    217690. 
 5 E           Water_Supply            Industry     2022   9883865. 
 6 H           Transportation          Services     2022        15.1
 7 J           Information             Services     2022    128615. 
 8 M           Professional_Activities Services     2022      1261. 
 9 R           Entertainment           Services     2022     13120. 
10 A           Agriculture             Agriculture  2021  12082080. 
# … with 79 more rows
#Merge exports and imports data
trade <- inner_join(export, import, by = c("sector_code", "sector_name", "year", "group"))

saveRDS(trade, "docs/Project_Data/trade.rds")
trade %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 6
  sector_code sector_name     group        year      export      import
  <chr>       <chr>           <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
1 A           Agriculture     Agriculture  2022   5434049.   11311875. 
2 B           Mining          Industry     2022   3508870.   58364861. 
3 C           Manufacturing   Industry     2022 178162765.  191327777. 
4 D           Electricity_Gas Industry     2022    211875.     217690. 
5 E           Water_Supply    Industry     2022    666611.    9883865. 
6 H           Transportation  Services     2022        15.0        15.1

2.2.4 Price Data: Producer Price Index

# Read PPI Data
ppi_1 <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_ppi_new.xlsx", 
                     range = "A4:AH158")

ppi_1 <- ppi_1 %>% 
  fill(1) %>% 
  select_if(function(col) !all(is.na(col)))

colnames(ppi_1)[1:2] <- c("year", "month")
ppi_1$date <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2010-01-01"), to = as.Date("2022-10-01"), by = "month")
ppi_1 <- ppi_1[,c(-1,-2)]
ppi_1 <- ppi_1 %>% select(date, everything())

ppi_1 <- ppi_1 %>% select(date, (ncol(.)-3):ncol(.))

colnames(ppi_1) <-  colnames(ppi_1) %>% gsub("\\..*", "", .)
# A tibble: 154 × 5
   date           B     C     D     E
   <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 2010-01-01  220.  161.  169.  149.
 2 2010-02-01  221.  162.  187.  149.
 3 2010-03-01  220.  165.  189.  151.
 4 2010-04-01  221.  166.  189.  151.
 5 2010-05-01  227.  166.  191.  154.
 6 2010-06-01  222.  165.  191.  157.
 7 2010-07-01  228.  165.  192.  157.
 8 2010-08-01  229.  165.  202.  155.
 9 2010-09-01  231.  166.  203.  155.
10 2010-10-01  228.  167.  202.  156.
# … with 144 more rows
# Read PPI Services Data
ppi_2 <- read_excel("docs/Project_Data_TURKSTAT/Project_data_ppi_services_new.xlsx", 
                    range = "A4:I73")
ppi_2 <- ppi_2 %>% 
  fill(1) %>% 
  select_if(function(col) !all(is.na(col)))

colnames(ppi_2)[1:2] <- c("year", "month")

ppi_2$date <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2017-01-01"), to = as.Date("2022-09-01"), by = "month")
ppi_2 <- ppi_2[,c(-1,-2)]
ppi_2 <- ppi_2 %>% select(date, everything())

ppi_2 <- ppi_2 %>% select(date, everything())
colnames(ppi_2) <-  colnames(ppi_2) %>% gsub("\\..*", "", .)
# A tibble: 69 × 7
   date           H     I     J     L     M     N
   <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 2017-01-01  96.3  94.6 102.   95.6  96.6  95.4
 2 2017-02-01  95.8  94.9 104.   95.8  97.8  95.7
 3 2017-03-01  96.3  95.9 101.   95.8  98.3  95.6
 4 2017-04-01  97.6  97.0 102.   96.7  99.9  97.6
 5 2017-05-01  97.5  98.5  99.5  96.5 101.   98.7
 6 2017-06-01  98.4 101.   99.4  98.1  99.7 101. 
 7 2017-07-01 101.  104.   97.0 101.   98.6 103. 
 8 2017-08-01 103.  105.   97.2 101.   99.3 105. 
 9 2017-09-01 102.  104.   98.8 100.  101.  104. 
10 2017-10-01 102.  102.   99.7 105.  102.  101. 
# … with 59 more rows
# Merge ppi and ppi services data
ppi <- left_join(ppi_1, ppi_2, by = "date")
ppi <- ppi %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c("date"), names_to = "sector_code", values_to = "index")

# Obtain conventional sector names and groupings
ppi <- 
  left_join(ppi, sector_info, by = "sector_code") %>% 
  select(sector_code, sector_name, group, everything())

saveRDS(ppi, "docs/Project_Data/input_cost.rds")

ppi %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  sector_code sector_name       group    date       index
  <chr>       <chr>             <chr>    <date>     <dbl>
1 B           Mining            Industry 2010-01-01  220.
2 C           Manufacturing     Industry 2010-01-01  161.
3 D           Electricity_Gas   Industry 2010-01-01  169.
4 E           Water_Supply      Industry 2010-01-01  149.
5 H           Transportation    Services 2010-01-01   NA 
6 I           Accomodation_Food Services 2010-01-01   NA