2  TUIK Preprocessing

2.1 Importing excel files

We stored Tuik data in separate sheets in Excel, so firstly we read all sheets and store them separately in tables in R.

path <- "docs/SummerMoon - TUIK - Issizlik Dataset.xlsx"

# getting data from sheets
sheets <- openxlsx::getSheetNames(path)
data_frame <- lapply(sheets, openxlsx::read.xlsx, xlsxFile=path)

# assigning names to data frame
names(data_frame) <- sheets

# printing the data
#print (data_frame)

list2env(data_frame, envir = .GlobalEnv)

lapply(names(data_frame), function(x)
  assign(x, data_frame[[x]], envir = .GlobalEnv)

2.2 Dataframes

Here are our tables which we analyze later.

 [1] "index"                           "Labour_force_by_household_pop"  
 [3] "Labour_force_status_by_reg"      "Employed_rate_by_marital_status"
 [5] "Unemployment_rate"               "Youth_unemployment_rate"        
 [7] "Reasons_of_not_being_in_lab_for" "Perc_of_pop_by_mar_status"      
 [9] "Mean_age_of_mother_by_Statistic" "Births_by_mothers_age_edu_grp"  
[11] "Crude_divorce_rate_by_provinces" "Births_of_mothers_by_reg_mar_st"
[13] "Mean_age_first_marriage_by_prvn" "Divorces_by_provinces"          
[15] "Birth_by_prov_mother_dur_of_mar" "Pop_by_province_place_birth_sta"
[17] "Employment_by_occup_group"      

2.3 Converting to RDS

Lastly, we convert all tables into RDS format and stored them in the ~/docs/tuik folder.

Please click to see RDS files

for (i in c(seq(1, length(names(data_frame)) ,1))) {
  saveRDS(data_frame[[i]],file = paste0("docs/tuik/",names(data_frame)[i],'.rds'))