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Project Proposal

We decided to make our exploration on the Housing Sales data of Turkey. We have contacted with TUIK-Turkish Statistical Institute with your advice for obtaining a better formatted data set than the ones on their internet site.
What our aim is to inspect the housing sales data for at least the last 3 years with price, mortgage credits information, demographical information about the buyer and the province information as the city, district and the neighborhood.

Variables will be as following:

Learning Objectives

Analysis Objectives

#The data set that we will use for the project: -Other house sales in detail of first sale and second hand sale by provinces and years, 2013-2019 -House sales by districts, 2015 - 2018 -House Sales by Provinces and Years, 2008-2012 -House sales numbers to foreigners, 2013-2019 -House sales numbers to foreigners by nationalities, 2015-2019 -Mortgaged house sales in detail of first sale and second hand sale by provinces and years, 2013-2019 -House sales in detail of first sale and second hand sale by provinces and years, 2013-2019 -House sales in detail of genders by provinces, 2014 - 2018 -House sales in detail of mortgaged and other houses by provinces and years, 2013-2019

Data Link - TUIK

You can see our analysis here

You can see our presentation here

You can see our Shinny app here

BES ASSIGMENT - 8/11/2019

BES Analysis

ODD ASSIGNMENT - 5/11/2019

Retail Car Sales Analysis