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The Wall

Group Members

Group Term Project

Foreign Trade Statistics - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking (2012-2021)

The group analyzed Foreign Trade Statistics that includes import and export data of vehicles and trailers from January 2012 to October 2021.In dataset there are 14 variables such as; Date, Level, PercentageChange, Difference, YearlyPercentageChange, YearlyDifference, DtePreviousYearPercentageChange, DtePreviousYearPercentageDifference, MovingAverage, MovingSum, ExportImportCountry, VehicleType, ExportImport, ExportImportRegion and dataset contains 50112 records.

You can run shiny app with this code: shiny::runGitHub(“mef05g-the-wall”, “pjournal”, subdir = “FinalProject/ForeignTradeStatistics_ShinyApp”, ref = “gh-pages”)

Group Assignment