General Information About Data

stackover_full includes the last 5 years stack overflow survey results. This data consist of 342 variable and 387030 observations.

When the number of participants by years is examined

## # A tibble: 5 x 2
## # Groups:   Year [5]
##    Year     n
##   <int> <int>
## 1  2017 51392
## 2  2018 98855
## 3  2019 88883
## 4  2020 64461
## 5  2021 83439

Participant’s Country Analysis

The survey participants have different countries.

That there are looking at the unique value of countries, same country name spelled differently such as “United States” vs “United States of America”. This type of data should be converted.

##  [1] "United States"  "United Kingdom" "Switzerland"    "New Zealand"   
##  [5] "Poland"         "Colombia"       "France"         "Canada"        
##  [9] "Germany"        "Greece"         "Brazil"         "Israel"        
## [13] "Italy"          "Belgium"        "India"          "Chile"         
## [17] "Croatia"        "Argentina"      "Netherlands"    "Denmark"
  mutate(Country=case_when(Country=="United States of America" ~ "United States",
                           Country=="United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" ~"United Kingdom",
                           Country=="Viet Nam" ~"Vietnam",
                           Country=="Iran, Islamic Republic of..." ~"Iran",
                           Country=="Congo, Republic of the..." ~"Democratic Republic of the Congo",
                           Country=="Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of..." ~"Venezuela",
                           Country=="Dominican Republic" ~"Dominica",
                           Country=="The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" ~"Macedonia",
                           Country=="Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" ~"Libya",
                           Country=="Slovak Republic" ~"Slovakia",
                           Country=="Azerbaidjan" ~"Azerbaijan",
                           Country=="Tadjikistan" ~"Tajikistan",
                           Country=="Syrian Arab Republic" ~"Syria",
                           Country=="Democratic People's Republic of Korea" ~"North Korea",
                           Country=="Republic of Korea" ~"South Korea",
                           Country=="United Republic of Tanzania" ~"Tanzania",
                           Country=="Hong Kong (S.A.R.)" ~"Hong Kong",
                           Country=="" ~"Not Responding",
                           Country=="I prefer not to say" ~"Not Responding",
                           TRUE ~Country))

After data cleaning according to Country,

Let see the distirbution participants.

  group_by(Country) %>%

## # A tibble: 233 x 2
## # Groups:   Country [233]
##    Country                      n
##    <chr>                    <int>
##  1 Zimbabwe                   165
##  2 Zambia                      74
##  3 Zaire                        2
##  4 Yemen                       62
##  5 Virgin Islands (USA)         5
##  6 Virgin Islands (British)     2
##  7 Vietnam                   1433
##  8 Venezuela                  444
##  9 Vatican City State           1
## 10 Uzbekistan                 232
## # ... with 223 more rows

Some country participant count is very low, so these data’s are eliminated.

Countries with a below-average number of participants were excluded from the analysis.

So, mean of participant count is 1653.974. After elimination, countrydist_elimination data frame have 44 countries that have above-average number of participants.

Most of the participants are from United States, India, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada.

countrydist_elimination=countrydist %>%
  mutate(avg=mean(countrydist$n)) %>%
  filter(n>avg) %>%

## # A tibble: 44 x 2
## # Groups:   Country [44]
##    Country                n
##    <chr>              <int>
##  1 United States      80470
##  2 India              46893
##  3 Germany            25983
##  4 United Kingdom     24724
##  5 Canada             14224
##  6 France             11309
##  7 Brazil              9302
##  8 Poland              8417
##  9 Russian Federation  8002
## 10 Australia           7688
## # ... with 34 more rows

Let see the graph number of participants by top 10 country.

countrydist_graph=countrydist %>%
  mutate(avg=mean(countrydist$n)) %>%
  filter(n>avg) %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%

       aes(fill = Country, 
           area = n, 
           label = Country)) +
  geom_treemap() + 
  geom_treemap_text(colour = "white", 
                    place = "centre") +
  labs(title = "Country Distribution") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Participant’s Branch Analysis

The survey participants have different branches. That there are looking at the unique value of branches:

##  [1] "Student"                                                                      
##  [2] "Professional developer"                                                       
##  [3] "Professional non-developer who sometimes writes code"                         
##  [4] "Used to be a professional developer"                                          
##  [5] "None of these"                                                                
##  [6] NA                                                                             
##  [7] "I am a student who is learning to code"                                       
##  [8] "I am not primarily a developer, but I write code sometimes as part of my work"
##  [9] "I am a developer by profession"                                               
## [10] "I code primarily as a hobby"                                                  
## [11] "I used to be a developer by profession, but no longer am"                     
## [12] ""

There are 6 unique branches. But since the response of the survey to this variable changes over the years, some values need to be converted. For example “I am a developer by profession” is the same as “Professional developer”.

11 different categories reduced to 5 categories by doing the following conversion.

  mutate(MainBranch=case_when(MainBranch=="I am a developer by profession" ~ "Professional developer",
                              MainBranch=="Used to be a professional developer" ~ "Professional developer",
                              MainBranch=="I used to be a developer by profession, but no longer am" ~ "Professional developer",
                              MainBranch=="I am a student who is learning to code" ~"Student",
                              MainBranch=="Professional non-developer who sometimes writes code" ~ "Hobby",
                              MainBranch=="I code primarily as a hobby" ~ "Hobby",
                              MainBranch=="I am not primarily a developer, but I write code sometimes as part of my work" ~"Sometimes Coding",
                              MainBranch=="" ~"None of these",
                    "None of these",
                              TRUE ~MainBranch))

## [1] "Student"                "Professional developer" "Hobby"                 
## [4] "None of these"          "Sometimes Coding"

Looking at the distribution of categories over all participants:

Stackoverflow is used by professional developers by %54.

## # A tibble: 5 x 3
## # Groups:   MainBranch [5]
##   MainBranch                  n perc_n
##   <chr>                   <int>  <dbl>
## 1 Professional developer 212143  54.8 
## 2 None of these          101133  26.1 
## 3 Student                 38412   9.92
## 4 Sometimes Coding        19619   5.07
## 5 Hobby                   15723   4.06

The branch of the participants’ distribution chart:

hchart(mainbranchdist,hcaes(x=MainBranch,y=perc_n),type="column",name="Percentage",color="#80FF40") %>%  
  hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE) %>%
  hc_title(text="Distrubition of Participants",align="center") %>%

In Turkey’s situation:

## # A tibble: 5 x 3
## # Groups:   MainBranch [5]
##   MainBranch                 n perc_n
##   <chr>                  <int>  <dbl>
## 1 Professional developer  2250  54.3 
## 2 None of these           1024  24.7 
## 3 Student                  533  12.8 
## 4 Hobby                    185   4.46
## 5 Sometimes Coding         155   3.74

The branch of the participants’ distribution chart in Turkey:

hchart(mainbranchdist2,hcaes(x=MainBranch,y=perc_n),type="column",name="Percentage",color="#00FFFF") %>%  
  hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE) %>%
  hc_title(text="Distrubition of Participants in Turkey",align="center") %>%

Participant’s Age Analysis

This site is used by people from different age groups. By looking at the age distribution of the participants, it can be determined which age range is used more actively.

##  [1] NA                   "25 - 34 years old"  "35 - 44 years old" 
##  [4] ""                   "18 - 24 years old"  "45 - 54 years old" 
##  [7] "55 - 64 years old"  "Under 18 years old" "65 years or older" 
## [10] "55 - 64 Years Old"  "25-34 years old"    "18-24 years old"   
## [13] "35-44 years old"    "Prefer not to say"  "45-54 years old"   
## [16] "55-64 years old"

Considering the age values, there is a need for regrouping.

  mutate(Age=gsub(" years old", "", tolower(Age))) %>%
  mutate(Age=gsub(" - ", "-", tolower(Age))) %>%
  mutate(Age=case_when(Age=="" ~"Prefer not to say",Age=="prefer not to say" ~"Prefer not to say",TRUE ~Age))

## [1] NA                  "25-34"             "35-44"            
## [4] "Prefer not to say" "18-24"             "45-54"            
## [7] "55-64"             "under 18"          "65 years or older"

When the age distribution by years is investigated:

agedist=stackover_full %>%
  group_by(Year,Age) %>%
  count() %>%

## # A tibble: 33 x 3
## # Groups:   Year, Age [33]
##     Year Age                   n
##    <int> <chr>             <int>
##  1  2021 18-24             20993
##  2  2021 25-34             32568
##  3  2021 35-44             15183
##  4  2021 45-54              5472
##  5  2021 55-64              1819
##  6  2021 65 years or older   421
##  7  2021 Prefer not to say  1607
##  8  2021 under 18           5376
##  9  2020 18-24             10026
## 10  2020 25-34             22352
## # ... with 23 more rows

Since the participants did not specify their ages in 2017, no inference can be made for this year.

When the graph is examined, it can be said that the 24-34 age range is actively using stackoverflow.

In recent years, it has been seen that the “18-24” and “under 18” age group uses stackoverflow more. In this way, it can be said that there is a tendency towards programming in the younger generation.

highchart() %>% 
  hc_add_series(agedist, type = "bar", hcaes(x = Year, group = Age, y = n)) %>% 
  hc_xAxis(categories = agedist$Age)

In Turkey, Age Distribution

agedist_Turkey=stackover_full %>%filter(Country=='Turkey')%>%
  group_by(Year,Age) %>%
  count() %>%

## # A tibble: 31 x 3
## # Groups:   Year, Age [31]
##     Year Age                   n
##    <int> <chr>             <int>
##  1  2021 18-24               332
##  2  2021 25-34               438
##  3  2021 35-44               182
##  4  2021 45-54                20
##  5  2021 55-64                 4
##  6  2021 Prefer not to say     9
##  7  2021 under 18             69
##  8  2020 18-24                95
##  9  2020 25-34               302
## 10  2020 35-44                76
## # ... with 21 more rows

Turkey’s age distribution graph:

highchart() %>% 
  hc_add_series(agedist_Turkey, type = "bar", hcaes(x = Year, group = Age, y = n)) %>% 
  hc_xAxis(categories = agedist_Turkey$Age)

Participant’s Education Level Analysis

When the education levels of the participants are examined, 21 different categories are in data. Actually, some categories are the same. But it seems different due to missing punctuation marks or spelling. For example “Master’s degree (MA, MS, M.Eng., MBA, etc.)” is the same “Master’s degree (M.A., M.S., M.Eng., MBA, etc.)”, only punctuation marks are different.

##  [1] "Secondary school"                                                                  
##  [2] "Some college/university study without earning a bachelor's degree"                 
##  [3] "Bachelor's degree"                                                                 
##  [4] "Doctoral degree"                                                                   
##  [5] "Master's degree"                                                                   
##  [6] "Professional degree"                                                               
##  [7] "Primary/elementary school"                                                         
##  [8] "I prefer not to answer"                                                            
##  [9] "I never completed any formal education"                                            
## [10] "Bachelor<U+0092>s degree (BA, BS, B.Eng., etc.)"                                   
## [11] "Associate degree"                                                                  
## [12] "Some college/university study without earning a degree"                            
## [13] "Master<U+0092>s degree (MA, MS, M.Eng., MBA, etc.)"                                
## [14] "Secondary school (e.g. American high school, German Realschule or Gymnasium, etc.)"
## [15] ""                                                                                  
## [16] "Professional degree (JD, MD, etc.)"                                                
## [17] "Other doctoral degree (Ph.D, Ed.D., etc.)"                                         
## [18] "Master<U+0092>s degree (M.A., M.S., M.Eng., MBA, etc.)"                            
## [19] "Bachelor<U+0092>s degree (B.A., B.S., B.Eng., etc.)"                               
## [20] "Associate degree (A.A., A.S., etc.)"                                               
## [21] "Other doctoral degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)"                                        
## [22] "Something else"

This data should be rearrange .

After data cleaning process, 21 different education level responses were reduced to 13.

stackover_full$EdLevel=gsub("\\([^)]*)", "",stackover_full$EdLevel)
stackover_full$EdLevel=gsub("degree ","degree",stackover_full$EdLevel)
stackover_full$EdLevel=gsub("without earning a bachelor's degree","without earning a degree",stackover_full$EdLevel)
stackover_full$EdLevel=gsub("school ","school",stackover_full$EdLevel)
##  [1] "Secondary school"                                      
##  [2] "Some college/university study without earning a degree"
##  [3] "Bachelor's degree"                                     
##  [4] "Doctoral degree"                                       
##  [5] "Master's degree"                                       
##  [6] "Professional degree"                                   
##  [7] "Primary/elementary school"                             
##  [8] "I prefer not to answer"                                
##  [9] "I never completed any formal education"                
## [10] "Bachelor<U+393C><U+3E32>s degree"                      
## [11] "Associate degree"                                      
## [12] "Master<U+393C><U+3E32>s degree"                        
## [13] ""                                                      
## [14] "Other doctoral degree"                                 
## [15] "Something else"

These values were re-categorized according to the level of education.

stackover_full=stackover_full %>% 
  mutate(EdLevel_Bucket=case_when(EdLevel %in% c("Secondary school","Primary/elementary school","Something else")~1,
                                  EdLevel %in% c("Associate degre","Bachelor's degree","Bachelor's degree   ")~2,
                                  EdLevel %in% c("Doctoral degree","Master's degree","Other doctoral degree","Professional degree")~3,
                                  EdLevel %in% c("I never completed any formal education")~4,
                                  EdLevel %in% c("Some college/university study without earning a degree")~4,
                                  EdLevel %in% c("Some college/university study without earning a bachelor's degree")~4,
                                  EdLevel %in% c("I prefer not to answer","")~5,
                                  TRUE ~6)) %>%

When the graph is examined, Stack Overflow mostly is used by people that have Associate degree or Bachelor’s degree.

highchart() %>% 
  hc_add_series(edleveldist, type = "bar", hcaes(x = Year, group = EdLevel_Bucket, y = n)) %>% 
  hc_xAxis(categories = edleveldist$EdLevel_Bucket)

In Turkey, Education Level Distribution: When the graph is examined, Turkey distribution is as same as global’s.

highchart() %>% 
  hc_add_series(edleveldist_turkey, type = "bar", hcaes(x = Year, group = EdLevel_Bucket, y = n)) %>% 
  hc_xAxis(categories = edleveldist_turkey$EdLevel_Bucket)

Popularity of Database Environments

In this section we will analyze respondents’ answers to questions in regards to database environments they have worked with and database environments that they wish to work. We wish to observe database trends and see the top database environments preferred in the last 5 years. Respondents’ answers to these questions have been kept in the columns specified below. Respondents were able to give more than one answer for each question.

Question: Which database environments have you done extensive development work in over the past year?
Related column: DatabaseWorkedWith

Question: Which database environments do you want to work in over the next year?
Related column: DatabaseDesireNextYear

We display values of the columns we are interested in to see if we need to make any further pre-processing.

Column: DatabaseWorkedWith

## [1] ""                                         
## [2] "MySQL; SQLite"                            
## [3] "MySQL"                                    
## [4] "MongoDB; Redis; SQL Server; MySQL; SQLite"
## [5] "SQLite"                                   
## [6] "Redis; MySQL; PostgreSQL"

Column: DatabaseDesireNextYear

## [1] ""                                         
## [2] "MySQL; SQLite"                            
## [3] "MongoDB; Redis; SQL Server; MySQL; SQLite"
## [4] "MongoDB; SQL Server; PostgreSQL; SQLite"  
## [5] "Cassandra; Redis"                         
## [6] "SQL Server"

We notice that there is a need to do some coding to split the data and trim some values due to redundant spacings.

In visualization below we see top 5 database environments that respondents have used most in the last 5 years worldwide.

  stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  count() %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  head(n=5) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x= reorder(DatabaseWorkedWith,n),y=n,fill=DatabaseWorkedWith)) +
  geom_bar(stat='identity') + coord_flip() +theme_classic() +
  labs(title='Top 5 DBs respondents worked (2017-2021) - WW',y='frequency',x=NULL) + theme(legend.position ='none')

We were curious to see if top DB environments repondents in Turkey worked differ from preferences worldwide.

stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Country == "Turkey") %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  count() %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  head(n=5) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x= reorder(DatabaseWorkedWith,n),y=n,fill=DatabaseWorkedWith)) +
  geom_bar(stat='identity') + coord_flip() +theme_classic() +
  labs(title='Top 5 DBs respondents worked (2017-2021) - TR',y='frequency',x=NULL) + theme(legend.position ='none')

We see that top 5 database environments that attendants worked with in Turkey are in line with what’s popular globally.


In visualization below we can observe popularity of top 3 database environments over time. We notice that MYSQL has been always at the top of the list over the last 5 years.

db_use_2017 <- stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Year==2017) %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith,Year) %>%
  count  %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%

db_use_2018 <- stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Year==2018) %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith,Year) %>%
  count  %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%

db_use_2019 <- stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Year==2019) %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith,Year) %>%
  count  %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%

db_use_2020 <- stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Year==2020) %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith,Year) %>%
  count  %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%

db_use_2021 <- stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Year==2021) %>%
  mutate(DatabaseWorkedWith= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseWorkedWith),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseWorkedWith) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseWorkedWith,Year) %>%
  count  %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%

db_use_all = rbind(db_use_2017,db_use_2018,db_use_2019,db_use_2020,db_use_2021)

db_use_all %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, ,y=n, fill = DatabaseWorkedWith)) + geom_col(position=position_dodge()) + scale_fill_discrete()

In below graph we analyze the most recent data we have from survey that has been conducted in 2021, based on respondents’ answers on which DB environment they wish to work next year, in 2022. You can see top 5 environments desired. According to the survey results, POSTGRESQL may be more popular than MYSQL in 2022.

  stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  filter(Year==2021) %>%
  mutate(DatabaseDesireNextYear= trim(str_split(toupper(DatabaseDesireNextYear),pattern=';'))) %>%
  unnest(DatabaseDesireNextYear) %>%
  group_by(DatabaseDesireNextYear,Year) %>%
  count  %>%
  arrange(desc(n)) %>%
  head(n=5) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=DatabaseDesireNextYear,y=n, fill = DatabaseDesireNextYear)) + geom_col(position=position_dodge()) + scale_fill_discrete()

Language Analysis

This part of the Stack OverFlow Survey Analysis, The languages worked and wanted to be learned were examined.

Firstly, we made data preprocessing 3 parts. 1. LanguageWorked and LanguageDesire columns were splitted. 2. Spaces in values are removed. 3. Blank (Nas) valus are removed.

Main_Laguage=stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(LanguageWorked = str_split(LanguageWorkedWith,pattern=';')) %>%
  unnest(LanguageWorked) %>%
  mutate(LanguageWorked=gsub("\\([^)]*)", "",LanguageWorked))%>%
  filter(LanguageWorked !="")

Desired_Language=stackover_full %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(LanguageDesire = str_split(LanguageDesireNextYear,pattern=';')) %>%
  unnest(LanguageDesire) %>%
  mutate(LanguageDesire=gsub("\\([^)]*)", "",LanguageDesire))%>%
  filter(LanguageDesire !="")

Grouping by Language and showing them as Percantage:

Main_Laguage = Main_Laguage %>%mutate(Language = toupper(str_trim(LanguageWorked)))  %>%
  group_by(Language) %>%
  summarize(Perc_worked=round(n()/nrow(stackover_full)*100,2)) %>%

Desired_Language = Desired_Language%>%mutate(Language = toupper(str_trim(LanguageDesire))) %>%
  group_by(Language) %>%
  summarize(Perc_desire=round(n()/nrow(stackover_full)*100,2)) %>%

Merging Top20 desaired and main laguage columns;

final_language=merge(x=Main_Laguage,y=Desired_Language,by="Language", all=TRUE )%>%arrange(desc(Perc_worked))%>% head(21)
##                 Language Perc_worked Perc_desire
## 1             JAVASCRIPT       59.22       42.05
## 2                    SQL       46.82       30.85
## 3                 PYTHON       37.10       37.98
## 4                   JAVA       35.71       22.36
## 5               HTML/CSS       35.63       22.42
## 6                     C#       27.79       21.89
## 7                    PHP       23.39       11.99
## 8                    C++       21.27       16.74
## 9             TYPESCRIPT       19.41       23.35
## 10                     C       18.82       10.88
## 11                  HTML       13.86        8.21
## 12            BASH/SHELL       13.84        8.99
## 13 BASH/SHELL/POWERSHELL       13.17        8.53
## 14                   CSS       13.17        7.80
## 15                  RUBY        7.28        7.28
## 16               NODE.JS        7.23        6.23
## 17                    GO        7.03       17.25
## 18                 SWIFT        5.69        9.05
## 19              ASSEMBLY        5.58        4.34
## 20                KOTLIN        5.29       11.76
## 21                     R        4.90        6.38

As a final, visualizing it with pyramid;


par(mar = pyramid.plot(final_language$Perc_worked, final_language$Perc_desire, labels =tolower(final_language$Language),
                       top.labels=c("Language Worked","","Language Desired"), main = "Language Worked with and will desire to work next",
                       gap=len_language, show.values = T))

## 60 60

Salary Analysis

In this part of study, we examined the salaries and programming language relations.

Because of the size of our Data, I started to select the columns that we need. After selecting them it is always good to quick look at data with head and summary function.

SalaryofStack<-stackover_full[,c('Year','Salary','LanguageWorkedWith','Country','MainBranch','CompTotal','CompFreq','SalaryType','ConvertedComp', 'Currency')]

##   Year Salary            LanguageWorkedWith        Country
## 1 2017     NA                         Swift  United States
## 2 2017     NA JavaScript; Python; Ruby; SQL United Kingdom
## 3 2017 113750             Java; PHP; Python United Kingdom
## 4 2017     NA        Matlab; Python; R; SQL  United States
## 5 2017     NA                                  Switzerland
## 6 2017     NA         JavaScript; PHP; Rust    New Zealand
##               MainBranch CompTotal CompFreq SalaryType ConvertedComp
## 1                Student        NA     <NA>       <NA>            NA
## 2                Student        NA     <NA>       <NA>            NA
## 3 Professional developer        NA     <NA>       <NA>            NA
## 4                  Hobby        NA     <NA>       <NA>            NA
## 5 Professional developer        NA     <NA>       <NA>            NA
## 6                Student        NA     <NA>       <NA>            NA
##                             Currency
## 1                                   
## 2 British pounds sterling (<U+00A3>)
## 3 British pounds sterling (<U+00A3>)
## 4                                   
## 5                                   
## 6
##       Year          Salary           LanguageWorkedWith   Country         
##  Min.   :2017   Min.   : 0.000e+00   Length:387030      Length:387030     
##  1st Qu.:2018   1st Qu.: 1.320e+04   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Median :2019   Median : 5.000e+04   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :2019   Mean   :1.582e+100                                        
##  3rd Qu.:2020   3rd Qu.: 9.950e+04                                        
##  Max.   :2021   Max.   :1.000e+105                                        
##                 NA's   :323812                                            
##   MainBranch          CompTotal            CompFreq          SalaryType       
##  Length:387030      Min.   : 0.000e+00   Length:387030      Length:387030     
##  Class :character   1st Qu.: 1.850e+04   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 6.500e+04   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##                     Mean   :8.054e+241                                        
##                     3rd Qu.: 1.280e+05                                        
##                     Max.   :1.111e+247                                        
##                     NA's   :249076                                            
##  ConvertedComp        Currency        
##  Min.   :       0   Length:387030     
##  1st Qu.:   25356   Class :character  
##  Median :   55562   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :  112456                     
##  3rd Qu.:   97288                     
##  Max.   :45241312                     
##  NA's   :201905

After selecting columns, I started to clean and merge columns because although I had corrected the data while merging there were still different and problematic columns in our data frame.

Also, I added to the tables the average currency of 2017 because there was no column for converted salary currency for 2017. Later I will come back to this.

SalaryofStack2 <- SalaryofStack %>% 
      mutate(Freqnew = coalesce(CompFreq,SalaryType)) %>% mutate(Freqnew = ifelse(CompFreq == '' ,SalaryType,Freqnew))

SalaryofStack2$ConvertedComp <- as.numeric(SalaryofStack2$ConvertedComp)

#write_clip(SalaryofStack2 %>% distinct(ConvertedComp, Year))

Currency2017=read.csv(file = '',stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE,sep = ";", encoding="UTF-8")
SalaryofStack3<-left_join(SalaryofStack2, Currency2017, by =c("Currency"="CurrencyType"))

##                     vars      n          mean            sd median  trimmed
## Year                   1 387030  2.019080e+03  1.350000e+00   2019  2019.10
## Salary                 2  63218 1.581828e+100 3.977220e+102  50000 57002.76
## LanguageWorkedWith*    3 387030  4.929239e+04  3.021072e+04  47566 50722.15
## Country*               4 387030  1.369000e+02  7.238000e+01    144   140.42
## MainBranch*            5 387030  2.910000e+00  9.300000e-01      3     2.81
## CompTotal              6 137954 8.054215e+241           Inf  65000 79908.26
## CompFreq*              7 236783  2.330000e+00  1.250000e+00      2     2.29
## SalaryType*            8  98855  2.000000e+00  1.190000e+00      2     1.87
## ConvertedComp          9 185125  1.124556e+05  3.392271e+05  55562 61842.67
## Currency*             10 233686  5.497000e+01  5.835000e+01     50    49.30
## Freqnew*              11 155487  2.030000e+00  9.800000e-01      2     2.04
## Currency2017          12  43563  1.630000e+00  2.850000e+00      1     0.96
##                          mad     min           max         range  skew kurtosis
## Year                    1.48 2017.00  2.021000e+03  4.000000e+00  0.06    -1.20
## Salary              59487.04    0.00 1.000000e+105 1.000000e+105   NaN      NaN
## LanguageWorkedWith* 45395.73    1.00  8.847800e+04  8.847700e+04 -0.27    -1.29
## Country*              103.78    1.00  2.330000e+02  2.320000e+02 -0.11    -1.49
## MainBranch*             0.00    1.00  5.000000e+00  4.000000e+00  0.62     0.62
## CompTotal           78577.80    0.00 1.111111e+247 1.111111e+247   NaN      NaN
## CompFreq*               1.48    1.00  4.000000e+00  3.000000e+00  0.36    -1.52
## SalaryType*             1.48    1.00  4.000000e+00  3.000000e+00  0.82    -0.92
## ConvertedComp       50903.59    0.00  4.524131e+07  4.524131e+07 30.27  2494.12
## Currency*              72.65    1.00  1.680000e+02  1.670000e+02  0.70    -1.03
## Freqnew*                1.48    1.00  3.000000e+00  2.000000e+00 -0.06    -1.96
## Currency2017            0.00    0.02  1.891000e+01  1.889000e+01  4.43    20.64
##                                se
## Year                 0.000000e+00
## Salary              1.581828e+100
## LanguageWorkedWith*  4.856000e+01
## Country*             1.200000e-01
## MainBranch*          0.000000e+00
## CompTotal                     Inf
## CompFreq*            0.000000e+00
## SalaryType*          0.000000e+00
## ConvertedComp        7.884200e+02
## Currency*            1.200000e-01
## Freqnew*             0.000000e+00
## Currency2017         1.000000e-02

Unfortunately, the calculations with currency do not show reliable results for 2017 when we compare the distribution of other years. Firstly I started with multiplying the salary with the currency mean of 2017.

SalaryofStack4 <- SalaryofStack3 %>% mutate(Finalsalary = ifelse((Year==2017), (Salary)*(Currency2017), ConvertedComp))

SalaryofStack4 <- select(SalaryofStack4, c(-CompFreq, -SalaryType, -Currency2017, -CompTotal, -Currency, -Salary , -Freqnew ))

SalaryofStack4 <- select(SalaryofStack4, c(-ConvertedComp))

## 'data.frame':    387030 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ Year              : int  2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ...
##  $ LanguageWorkedWith: chr  "Swift" "JavaScript; Python; Ruby; SQL" "Java; PHP; Python" "Matlab; Python; R; SQL" ...
##  $ Country           : chr  "United States" "United Kingdom" "United Kingdom" "United States" ...
##  $ MainBranch        : chr  "Student" "Student" "Professional developer" "Hobby" ...
##  $ Finalsalary       : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
SalaryofStack4<-SalaryofStack4 %>% filter(!

SalaryofStack5<-SalaryofStack4 %>% filter(between(Finalsalary, quantile(Finalsalary, 0.05), quantile(Finalsalary, 0.95)))



SalaryofStack5plot2017<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(Year==2017)
SalaryofStack5plot2018<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(Year==2018)
SalaryofStack5plot2019<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(Year==2019)
title(sub="Year Distribution - Blue is 2017") 

Unfortunately, again the method does not seem correct when we looked at the distribution. Therefore just looked at the salary data.

SalaryofStack4 <- SalaryofStack3 %>% mutate(Finalsalary = ifelse((Year==2017), (Salary), ConvertedComp))

SalaryofStack4 <- select(SalaryofStack4, c(-CompFreq, -SalaryType, -Currency2017, -CompTotal, -Currency, -Salary , -Freqnew ))

SalaryofStack4 <- select(SalaryofStack4, c(-ConvertedComp))

## 'data.frame':    387030 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ Year              : int  2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 ...
##  $ LanguageWorkedWith: chr  "Swift" "JavaScript; Python; Ruby; SQL" "Java; PHP; Python" "Matlab; Python; R; SQL" ...
##  $ Country           : chr  "United States" "United Kingdom" "United Kingdom" "United States" ...
##  $ MainBranch        : chr  "Student" "Student" "Professional developer" "Hobby" ...
##  $ Finalsalary       : num  NA NA 113750 NA NA ...
SalaryofStack4<-SalaryofStack4 %>% filter(!

SalaryofStack5<-SalaryofStack4 %>% filter(between(Finalsalary, quantile(Finalsalary, 0.04), quantile(Finalsalary, 0.96)))



SalaryofStack5plot2017<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(Year==2017)
SalaryofStack5plot2018<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(Year==2018)
SalaryofStack5plot2019<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(Year==2019)
title(sub="Year Distribution - Blue is 2017") 

If I do not multiply and just use the Salary column then the results are still cannot be dependable. As you can see from above and below two of the table blue one is show the salary distribution for 2017 and they are not compatible with other years and total.

Then, we changed the range of salary because we noticed that there is some missing and misleading answers in our data frame.

Due to lack of data information when we observed the distribution for 2017 cannot be reliable.

Hence we eliminated 2017’s salary data.




SalaryofStack5USA<-SalaryofStack5%>%filter(Country=="United States")


And group them for some countries.

Here we are looked at our data quickly to understand the frame.


SalaryofStack5Turkey$Cntry <- 'TR'
SalaryofStack5notTurkey$Cntry <- 'Other'

compareturkey <- rbind(SalaryofStack5Turkey, SalaryofStack5notTurkey)
options(scipen = 5)
ggplot(compareturkey, aes(Finalsalary, fill = Cntry)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.6)+
    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10000, 200000)) + 
    caption = "density summary"  )

Here is our result distribution that shows Turkey and other countries’ differences. When it comes to Salary Turkey is observed as below the world average. While Turkey’s salaries are intense in 12-33k intervals world is between 27 and 91 k.

Here are some other countries comparison from world and summary tables:

compareturkey <- rbind(SalaryofStack5Turkey, SalaryofStack5notTurkey, SalaryofStack5USA, SalaryofStack5Sweeden)

options(scipen = 5)
ggplot(compareturkey, aes(Finalsalary, fill = Cntry)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.5)  + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10000, 250000)) + 
    caption = "density summary"  )


## [1] "Other"
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    4020   27923   55776   68263   91788  400000
## [1] "TR"
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    4380   12816   20688   28414   33114  381468
## [1] "USA"
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    4050   79000  107500  116885  143000  400000
## [1] "Sweeden"
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    4367   46893   56340   60512   67501  331400

Here we compared different programs and salaries and started to look and change our data.

Because of the fact that one programmer knows more than one language, I separated these persons depending on the language. It is assumed that languages that are known are the main cause of salaries.

It is always good to look at the histogram of data to see the distribution.


SalaryofStack5<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(!

SalaryofStack5language <- trim(cSplit(SalaryofStack5, "LanguageWorkedWith", sep = ";", direction = "long"))

SalaryofStack5language<- SalaryofStack5language%>% mutate(LanguageWorkedWith=ifelse(LanguageWorkedWith=='Bash/Shell', 'Bash.Shell.PowerShell',LanguageWorkedWith))%>% mutate(LanguageWorkedWith=ifelse(LanguageWorkedWith=='Bash/Shell/PowerShell', 'Bash.Shell.PowerShell',LanguageWorkedWith))

SalaryofStack5languageTurkey<- SalaryofStack5language%>% filter(Country=="Turkey")

Because of the fast increase in USD-TL currency rate in 2018, there is a sharp decrease in salaries in Turkey for 2019. In 2021 the salaries are caching the previous year’s salary. But unfortunately, one of the most decreases in the value of TL has recently occurred in late 2021. Thus, again another decrease may be observed in the data of next year.

In line with the MEF Master’s program, I focused on Bash, R, and Python Languages and according to our studies Bash.Shell.Powershell is the winner of the comparison. Lack of R users shows fluctuation in salaries therefore it is hard to predict the salary power of R in Turkey. Python seems to more preferable in Turkey.

aggregatedlanguageturkey<-aggregate(SalaryofStack5languageTurkey[, Finalsalary], list(SalaryofStack5languageTurkey$LanguageWorkedWith), mean)

aggregatedlanguagecountturkey<-SalaryofStack5languageTurkey %>% count(LanguageWorkedWith, sort=TRUE)

joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey<-left_join(aggregatedlanguagecountturkey,aggregatedlanguageturkey, by=c("LanguageWorkedWith"="Group.1"))

aggregatedlanguageyearturkey<-aggregate(SalaryofStack5languageTurkey[, c('Finalsalary')], list(SalaryofStack5languageTurkey$LanguageWorkedWith,SalaryofStack5languageTurkey$Year), mean)

aggregatedlanguageyearfilterturkey<- filter(aggregatedlanguageyearturkey, Group.1 %in% c('SQL','C#', 'R', 'C+', 'Java', 'Python', 'Bash.Shell.PowerShell'))

plotsmoothbylanguagepopulartr = ggplot(data=aggregatedlanguageyearfilterturkey, aes(x = Group.2))+
  geom_smooth(aes(y = Finalsalary, color=as.character(Group.1)))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(10000, 90000))

Now here, I also analyzed the data for the world because of the fact that there are more data that increase the dependability.

SalaryofStack5<-SalaryofStack5 %>% filter(!

aggregatedcountry<-aggregate(SalaryofStack5language[, Finalsalary], list(SalaryofStack5language$Country), mean)

aggregatedlanguage<-aggregate(SalaryofStack5language[, Finalsalary], list(SalaryofStack5language$LanguageWorkedWith), mean)
aggregatedlanguagecount<-SalaryofStack5language %>% count(LanguageWorkedWith, sort=TRUE)

CNTR<-(count(SalaryofStack5language, Country)%>%filter(n>300))
SalaryofStack5languagecntr<- SalaryofStack5language %>% filter(Country==CNTR$Country)

aggregatedcountrYfianal<-aggregate(SalaryofStack5languagecntr[, Finalsalary], list(SalaryofStack5languagecntr$Country), mean)

aggregatedlanguageyear<-aggregate(SalaryofStack5language[, c('Finalsalary')], list(SalaryofStack5language$LanguageWorkedWith,SalaryofStack5language$Year), mean)

joinedlanguagecountandsalary<-left_join(aggregatedlanguagecount,aggregatedlanguage, by=c("LanguageWorkedWith"="Group.1"))

#These are the most popular languages and we choose them to show in our smooth graph.

aggregatedlanguageyearfilter<- filter(aggregatedlanguageyear, Group.1 %in% c('SQL','C#', 'R', 'C+', 'Java', 'Rust', 'Python', 'Ruby', 'Go'))
plotsmoothbylanguage = ggplot(data=aggregatedlanguageyearfilter, aes(x = Group.2))+
  geom_smooth(aes(y = Finalsalary, color=as.character(Group.1)))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(20000, 100000))

And lastly here are the codes that show the R Python, and Bash trend in recent years and a comparison for Turkey and World average.

RvsPythonvsBash<-filter(aggregatedlanguageyear, Group.1 %in% c("R", "Python", "Bash.Shell.PowerShell"))

RvsPythonvsBashpl = ggplot(data=RvsPythonvsBash, aes(x = Group.2))+
  geom_smooth(aes(y = Finalsalary, color=as.character(Group.1)))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(10000, 90000))

RvsPythonvsBashtr<- filter(aggregatedlanguageyearfilterturkey, Group.1 %in% c("R", "Python", "Bash.Shell.PowerShell"))

RvsPythonvsBashtrpl = ggplot(data=RvsPythonvsBashtr, aes(x = Group.2))+
  geom_smooth(aes(y = Finalsalary, color=as.character(Group.1)))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(10000, 90000))

This is the summary table of language popularity and salary mean in the world.


##        LanguageWorkedWith Popularity Salarymean
##  1:            JavaScript     117802   66826.45
##  2:                   SQL      94637   67638.56
##  3:              HTML/CSS      75284   65709.81
##  4:                Python      68291   72674.63
##  5: Bash.Shell.PowerShell      63688   77876.20
##  6:                  Java      62619   65812.54
##  7:                    C#      55054   67776.55
##  8:            TypeScript      45970   70445.32
##  9:                   PHP      41291   54252.80
## 10:                   C++      32565   68485.41
## 11:                  HTML      29192   64552.90
## 12:                   CSS      27946   64236.07
## 13:                     C      27176   66728.40
## 14:                    Go      15899   88125.83
## 15:                  Ruby      15775   83792.09
## 16:               Node.js      15520   69491.79
## 17:                Kotlin      11499   67868.40
## 18:                 Swift      11004   72155.14
## 19:                     R       9019   72092.89
## 20:                   VBA       8631   64009.06
## 21:           Objective-C       8330   76506.47
## 22:              Assembly       7318   68419.79
## 23:                 Scala       6873   88505.13
## 24:                  Rust       6819   88018.26
## 25:            PowerShell       5208   78610.54
## 26:             Other(s):       4504   73026.90
## 27:                  Dart       4081   53631.01
## 28:                  Perl       4043   86117.73
## 29:                Groovy       3865   84529.27
## 30:                Matlab       3531   57844.66
## 31:                VB.NET       2727   60814.22
## 32:               Clojure       2426   97417.12
## 33:               Haskell       2234   75775.44
## 34:                Elixir       1766   88175.37
## 35:                    F#       1731   89884.60
## 36:          CoffeeScript       1640   76239.11
## 37:                   Lua       1438   71582.51
## 38:        Visual Basic 6       1414   58467.32
## 39:                Erlang       1349   85019.62
## 40:                Delphi        989   60054.49
## 41:  Delphi/Object Pascal        984   58305.77
## 42:                 Julia        846   75958.85
## 43:           WebAssembly        508   85174.32
## 44:                  LISP        484   88985.20
## 45:                 Cobol        269   66765.23
## 46:               Crystal        226   86323.80
## 47:                 Ocaml        207   79481.40
## 48:                 COBOL        206   65016.13
## 49:                   APL        136   99375.16
## 50:                  Hack         94   90458.07
##        LanguageWorkedWith Popularity Salarymean

This is the summary table of language popularity and salary mean in Turkey.

##        LanguageWorkedWith Popularity Salarymean
##  1:            JavaScript       1208   28905.71
##  2:                   SQL        947   29178.99
##  3:                  Java        776   28440.70
##  4:              HTML/CSS        770   27128.99
##  5:                    C#        763   28964.94
##  6:                Python        605   28569.65
##  7:                   PHP        477   27118.58
##  8:            TypeScript        404   30157.50
##  9: Bash.Shell.PowerShell        400   33211.27
## 10:                   C++        392   26902.76
## 11:                     C        354   28874.39
## 12:                  HTML        216   32096.10
## 13:                   CSS        202   32446.61
## 14:               Node.js        187   37128.46
## 15:                 Swift        171   28023.57
## 16:                    Go        147   36519.37
## 17:                Kotlin        136   28897.93
## 18:           Objective-C        119   34511.23
## 19:              Assembly        106   30348.26
## 20:                  Dart         85   25966.73
## 21:                  Ruby         80   34374.11
## 22:                     R         63   27843.52
## 23:                Matlab         61   29383.56
## 24:                   VBA         59   29819.02
## 25:                 Scala         54   28292.89
## 26:            PowerShell         38   39685.50
## 27:             Other(s):         33   24224.09
## 28:  Delphi/Object Pascal         29   37093.31
## 29:                  Rust         28   26838.75
## 30:                VB.NET         27   33991.74
## 31:                Delphi         26   30476.88
## 32:                  Perl         25   60944.24
## 33:                Groovy         21   57199.24
## 34:        Visual Basic 6         19   34337.26
## 35:          CoffeeScript         11   48831.09
## 36:                Elixir          9   27928.00
## 37:                Erlang          8   27076.25
## 38:               Haskell          7   36338.86
## 39:                  LISP          7   28532.00
## 40:                 Cobol          6   57510.00
## 41:                    F#          6   27086.00
## 42:                 Julia          6   29179.67
## 43:               Clojure          5   59613.60
## 44:                   Lua          4   91491.00
## 45:           WebAssembly          4   14649.00
## 46:                 COBOL          3   30025.00
## 47:                   APL          2   21822.00
## 48:               Crystal          2   22686.00
## 49:                  Hack          1   23844.00
##        LanguageWorkedWith Popularity Salarymean

And this is the model that shows the regression popularity and salary. This is the data that shows the regression between language popularity and salary. We expect that if the language is well known than the salary is lower.

model<-lm(Popularity~ Salarymean, data=joinedlanguagecountandsalary)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Popularity ~ Salarymean, data = joinedlanguagecountandsalary)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)   Salarymean  
##  69660.1710      -0.6958
plot(joinedlanguagecountandsalary$Salarymean, joinedlanguagecountandsalary$Popularity,col = "green", main="The Relation Between Salary and Popularity-World")
abline (model, col="blue")
text(joinedlanguagecountandsalary$Salarymean[selectedw], joinedlanguagecountandsalary$Popularity[selectedw], labels = joinedlanguagecountandsalary$LanguageWorkedWith[selectedw], cex = 0.6, pos = 4, col = "blue")

modelturkey<-lm(Popularity~ Salarymean, data=joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Popularity ~ Salarymean, data = joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)   Salarymean  
##  340.706673    -0.004613
plot(joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey$Salarymean, joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey$Popularity,col = "blue", main="The Relation Between Salary and Popularity-Turkey")
abline (modelturkey, col="red")
text(joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey$Salarymean[selected], joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey$Popularity[selected], labels = joinedlanguagecountandsalaryturkey$LanguageWorkedWith[selected], cex = 0.6, pos = 4, col = "red")

Unlike our expectation, the relation between language popularity and salary is not strong. It shows that if one chooses to learn a programming language s/he also needs to evaluate the demand of language in the sector. It is acceptable that there is a relation but it is not strong.