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Welcome to Our Journal

R U Mine’s studies will be published via this page.

Izmir Fish Market Shiny App

Besides the monthly price difference between the product types, information about the desired fish product can be obtained in this app.

Izmir Fish Market App

To run this app from a Shiny application -> shiny::runGitHub(“pjournal/mef05g-r-u-mine”,subdir=”files/shiny/fish_market/”, ref = “gh-pages”)

Tourism Statistics

This dataset is about tourism statistics provided by EVDS. It includes three different data;

- Preprocessed Data

- Exploratory Data Analysis

- Final Report

- Shiny App

To run this app from a Shiny application -> shiny::runGitHub(“pjournal/mef05g-r-u-mine”,subdir=”Tourism_Statistics/”, ref = “gh-pages”)

- Medium Blog Post