
  1. Film or movies were added mostly in recent years (2017, 2018, 2019) and when we choose the top 50 genres according to added year, we can see that international movies and the dramas are the ones that produced mostly.
date_added_year listed_in kayıt2
2018 International Movies 492804
2019 International Movies 422500
2019 Dramas 369664
2018 Dramas 299209
2019 Comedies 219024
2017 International Movies 207025
ggplot(df_count_listed_in4, aes(x=date_added_year,y=kayıt2/1000, fill = listed_in)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",position=position_dodge()) +
  labs(title="Top 50 Genres According to Added Year",x="Added Year",
       y="Count") + theme(legend.position="bottom",plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
Figure 1: Top 50 Genres According to Added Year

Figure 1: Top 50 Genres According to Added Year

  1. When we look at the films or movie produced on Netflix, we can see that United States is the first country according to the number of contents. In addition to this, while producers prefer mostly dramas and comedies in United States, producers in other countries mostly prefer international movies.
country listed_in kayıt2
United States Dramas 3844
United States Comedies 3136
United States TV Dramas 2304
United States Action & Adventure 2025
India International Movies 1764
United States Independent Movies 1296
ggplot(df_count_listed_in_country4, aes(x=country,y=kayıt2, fill = listed_in)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",position=position_dodge()) +
  labs(title="Top 50 Genres According to Country",x="Country",
       y="Count") + theme(legend.position="bottom",plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +coord_flip()
Figure 1: Top 50 Genres According to Added Year

Figure 1: Top 50 Genres According to Added Year


Producers can create movies or TV shows except dramas or movies in United States because there are too many options in there. Also for other countries, producers can produce movies or TV shows except international movies.


The references are the ones that I utilize for my work. Medium Post GitHub link