fish_market <- read.csv("C:/Users/bmire/Desktop/MEF BDA/R Course/balik_hal_fiyatlari.csv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE,sep = ";", encoding="UTF-8")
In this document, the daily fish price analyzed by using tidyverse package for 2021. We get the data from İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Open Data Portal.
## 1 2021-01-02 00:00:00 BALIK TIRSI (DENİZ) KG 5.83 12.5
## 2 2021-01-02 00:00:00 BALIK KIRLANGIÇ (DENİZ) KG 3.00 80.0
## 3 2021-01-02 00:00:00 BALIK ÇİMÇİM (DENİZ) KG 3.50 8.0
## 4 2021-01-02 00:00:00 BALIK HANOS ( DENİZ ) KG 2.50 5.0
## 5 2021-01-02 00:00:00 BALIK KILIÇ (DENİZ) KG 45.00 45.0
## 6 2021-01-02 00:00:00 BALIK LÜFER ( DENİZ) KG 130.00 130.0
According to MAL_TURU, it displayed average minimum and maximum fish prices.The average BALIK price is the more expensive for both the prices than others. Also, the KÜLTÜR difference of prices is more over than others.
fm_mal_turu <- fish_market %>%
group_by(MAL_TURU) %>%
summarize(OrtAsgariUcret = mean(ASGARI_UCRET), OrtAzamiUcret = mean(AZAMI_UCRET))
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
## MAL_TURU OrtAsgariUcret OrtAzamiUcret
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 BALIK 30.9 68.4
## 2 İTHAL (DONUK) 24.6 30.9
## 3 KÜLTÜR 22.2 64.5
## 4 TATLI SU 29.6 35.7
plot_1 <- ggplot(fm_mal_turu, aes(x = MAL_TURU , y = OrtAsgariUcret)) + geom_col() + expand_limits(y = 0)
plot_2 <- ggplot(fm_mal_turu, aes(x = MAL_TURU , y = OrtAzamiUcret)) + geom_col() + expand_limits(y = 0)
Here, we can see the seasonal price change.At the beginning of the season, the prices start low and increase towards the end of the season. The prices of imported frozen fish species increase excessively at the end of the season, and the prices decrease as they approach the beginning of the season. We can clearly see the change in prices according to the supply-demand balance.
fm_trend <- fish_market %>% select(TARIH, MAL_TURU, MAL_ADI, BIRIM, ASGARI_UCRET, AZAMI_UCRET) %>%
group_by(AY = lubridate::month(TARIH,label=TRUE, abbr = TRUE), MAL_TURU) %>%
summarize(OrtAsgariUcret = mean(ASGARI_UCRET), OrtAzamiUcret = mean(AZAMI_UCRET))
## # A tibble: 40 x 4
## # Groups: AY [10]
## AY MAL_TURU OrtAsgariUcret OrtAzamiUcret
## <ord> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Oca BALIK 23.9 52.2
## 2 Oca İTHAL (DONUK) 11.7 17.2
## 3 Oca KÜLTÜR 18.3 61.3
## 4 Oca TATLI SU 24.3 29.8
## 5 Şub BALIK 25.5 56.6
## 6 Şub İTHAL (DONUK) 16.0 22.9
## 7 Şub KÜLTÜR 17.6 65.3
## 8 Şub TATLI SU 26.5 30.8
## 9 Mar BALIK 26.6 63.4
## 10 Mar İTHAL (DONUK) 19.1 24.1
## # ... with 30 more rows
plot_3 <- ggplot(fm_trend, aes(x = AY , y = OrtAzamiUcret, color = MAL_TURU, group = MAL_TURU)) + geom_line(size=1) + expand_limits(y = 0)
plot_4 <- ggplot(fm_trend, aes(x = AY , y = OrtAsgariUcret, color = MAL_TURU, group = MAL_TURU)) + geom_line(size=1) + expand_limits(y = 0)
In this analysis, we see the top 3 product names sorted according to the average maximum price for each month. Istakoz(Deniz) is the most expensive seafood in every month.
ma_max3 <- fish_market %>% select(TARIH, MAL_TURU, MAL_ADI, BIRIM, ASGARI_UCRET, AZAMI_UCRET) %>%
group_by(AY = lubridate::month(TARIH,label=TRUE, abbr = TRUE),MAL_ADI) %>%
summarize(OrtAsgariUcret = mean(ASGARI_UCRET), OrtAzamiUcret = mean(AZAMI_UCRET)) %>%
slice_max(order_by = OrtAzamiUcret, n = 3)
## # A tibble: 30 x 4
## # Groups: AY [10]
## AY MAL_ADI OrtAsgariUcret OrtAzamiUcret
## <ord> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Oca İSTAKOZ (DENİZ) 202. 232.
## 2 Oca SİNARİT (DENİZ) 100. 167.
## 3 Oca KARİDES (DENİZ) 77.3 160.
## 4 Şub İSTAKOZ (DENİZ) 172. 288.
## 5 Şub KALKAN (DENİZ) 120. 173.
## 6 Şub KARİDES (DENİZ) 68.4 173.
## 7 Mar İSTAKOZ (DENİZ) 140. 324.
## 8 Mar KARİDES (DENİZ) 64.2 246.
## 9 Mar KALKAN (DENİZ) 134. 186.
## 10 Nis İSTAKOZ (DENİZ) 197. 335.
## # ... with 20 more rows
max_plot <- ggplot(ma_max3, aes(x = AY, y = OrtAzamiUcret, fill = MAL_ADI)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(), alpha = 0.75)
We see 3 seafood that has the most differences between the average maximum and minimum prices.
diff_df = fish_market %>% select(TARIH, MAL_TURU, MAL_ADI, BIRIM, ASGARI_UCRET, AZAMI_UCRET) %>%
group_by(AY = lubridate::month(TARIH,label=TRUE, abbr = TRUE),MAL_ADI) %>%
summarize(Fark = mean(AZAMI_UCRET)-mean(ASGARI_UCRET)) %>%
slice_max(order_by = Fark, n = 3)
## # A tibble: 30 x 3
## # Groups: AY [10]
## AY MAL_ADI Fark
## <ord> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Oca MERCAN (BÜYÜKBOY) 149.
## 2 Oca DIL 125.
## 3 Oca BARBUN (TEKİR) 115
## 4 Şub MERCAN (BÜYÜKBOY) 148.
## 5 Şub BARBUN (TEKİR) 129.
## 6 Şub DIL 125.
## 7 Mar İSTAKOZ (DENİZ) 184.
## 8 Mar KARİDES (DENİZ) 182.
## 9 Mar BARBUN (TEKİR) 164.
## 10 Nis İSTAKOZ (DENİZ) 139.
## # ... with 20 more rows
diff_plot <- ggplot(diff_df, aes(x = AY, y = Fark, fill = MAL_ADI)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(), alpha = 0.75)