Group Name: Rsızlar

Project Proposal

City Based Export/Import data (Turkey, 2013-2020) were extracted from Foreign Trade Statistics Platform. Data contain 14395 rows and 7 variables. You may find variables as below:

  • Year: Trading Year.
  • Month: Trading Month.
  • City: City Name.
  • TradingType: Type of the Trading. Export or Import.
  • AmountUSD: Trading amount in USD.
  • AmountEUR: Trading amount in EUR.
  • AmountTL: Trading amount in TL.

TUIK provides wide range of data sets for Foreign Trade with their Business Intelligence tool. You may find following link to extract different data sets like date, city or product group based Foreign Trade Statistics Platform.

Learning Outcomes

  • Cleaning dirty data to make a sufficient analysis.
  • Visualizing data and plotting multiple variables.
  • Extracting insights with mainly dplyr and ggplot2.


  • Cleaning data and make it ready for analysis.
  • Visualizing and summarising data to find hidden patterns.
  • Comparing Export and Import of Turkey, how it changes year by year and detect if there are seasonal changes.
  • Adding different external data sources like inflation, interest, exchange rates, latitudes-longtitudes of cities etc. to point out relations with Trading data.