Reading, Preparing and Cleaning Data
my_df <- readRDS("isbike_20201118.rds")
json_df <- fromJSON(my_df)
final_df <- json_df[["dataList"]]
isbike_df <- final_df %>%
transmute(StationNo = as.integer(istasyon_no),
StationName = adi,
Available = as.integer(bos),
Occupied = as.integer(dolu),
Capacity = Available + Occupied,
AvailabilityRate = round((Available / Capacity * 100), 1),
Latitude = as.numeric(lat),
Longitude = as.numeric(lon),
LastConnection = as.POSIXct(sonBaglanti,format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'),
LastConnectionDay = day(LastConnection)) %>%
mutate(AvailabilityRate = replace(AvailabilityRate,, 0),
Latitude = replace(Latitude,, 0)) %>%
mutate(Side = ifelse(between(StationNo, 1001, 1898),"Anatolia",
ifelse(between(StationNo, 1900, 1999),"Test","Europe")))
isbike_df$Side[isbike_df$StationName == "Dragos Şehir Üniversitesi"] <- "Anatolia"
isbike_df$Side[isbike_df$StationName %in%
c("Rönepark Sahil","Aqua Florya","Florya Sosyal Tesisler 1",
"Florya Sosyal Tesisler 2","Güneş Plajı")] <- "Europe"
Shiny Codes
# UI Part
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("isbike Stations"),
tabPanel("General Information",
h2("Rhapsody Group Assignment"),
div("The data is provided by ", code(a("IBB Open Data Portal", href="")), " and contains
information about Isbike stations' coordinates, availability status, station names and last connection time."),
div(" The glimpse of the data is as follows;"),
tags$li("Data set consists of 199 rows and 9 columns."),
tags$li("There are 85 stations in the Anatolian side, 111 stations in the European side and 3 test stations."),
tags$li("59% of the stations have 15 capacity. Only 2 stations have the highest capacity with 30, which are located in Florya."),
tags$li("In the dataset, IsActive field is 1 for every station. However, 15 stations have earlier last connection times. Therefore, these stations should be checked in order to prevent any possible problems."),
tabPanel("Current Availability",
em("Click on the dots in order to see more information about the station."),
"Available Bikes:",
min = min(isbike_df$Available),
max = max(isbike_df$Available),
value = c(min(isbike_df$Available), max(isbike_df$Available)),
step = 1),
"Availability Rate %:",
min = min(isbike_df$AvailabilityRate),
max = max(isbike_df$AvailabilityRate),
value = c(min(isbike_df$AvailabilityRate), max(isbike_df$AvailabilityRate)),
step = 5),
checkboxInput("Anadolu", "Anatolian Side", TRUE),
checkboxInput("Avrupa", "European Side", TRUE),
checkboxInput("Test", "Test Stations", TRUE),
em("Latitude and Longitude values are assigned for test stations in order to create a better map visual.")
mainPanel(leafletOutput("leafletMap"), DTOutput("isbikeTable"))
# Server Part
server <- function(input, output) {
output$isbikeMap <- renderLeaflet({
map_df <- isbike_df %>%
filter(Longitude != 0 & Latitude != 0)
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng = map_df$Longitude, lat = map_df$Latitude,
weight = 5, radius = 2, opacity = 1,
color = ifelse(map_df$Available < 3,"#D73027",
ifelse(map_df$Available < 6, "#FC8D59",
ifelse(map_df$Available < 9, "#41AB5D",
ifelse(map_df$Available < 12, "#238B45",
ifelse(map_df$Available < 15, "#006D2C", "#00441B"))))),
popup = paste0(map_df$StationName,
"<br/>Total Capacity: ", map_df$Capacity,
"<br/>Available Bikes: ", map_df$Available,
"<br/>Occupied Bikes: ", map_df$Occupied,
"<br/>Last Connection: ", map_df$LastConnection)) %>%
addLegend(colors = c("#D73027", "#FC8D59", "#41AB5D", "#238B45", "#006D2C", "#00441B"),
labels = c("0-2","3-5","6-8","9-11","12-14","15+"),
opacity = 1,
title = "Available Bikes")
output$isbikeCapacity <- renderPlot({
plot_df <- isbike_df %>%
filter(Capacity > 0) %>%
count(Capacity, name = "Count") %>%
mutate(Percentage = round(Count / sum(Count) * 100, 0)) %>%
mutate(Capacity = as.character(Capacity)) %>%
select(Capacity, Percentage)
ggplot(plot_df, aes(x = reorder(Capacity, Percentage), y = Percentage)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill=Capacity)) +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "Capacity Distribution of Stations", x = "Capacity", y = "") +
theme(legend.position = "none", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
output$pie <- renderPlot({
station_sides <- isbike_df %>%
count(Side, name = "Count") %>%
mutate(Percentage = round(Count / sum(Count) * 100, 1)) %>%
select(Side, Percentage)
ggplot(data=station_sides, aes(x="", y=Percentage, fill=Side)) +
geom_bar(width = 1, stat="identity") +
coord_polar("y", start = 0) +
geom_text(aes(label = paste0(Percentage, "%")), color = "white", position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
labs(title="Percentage of Stations Based on Location") +
output$leafletMap <- renderLeaflet({
leaf_df <- isbike_df
leaf_df$filtre <- 0
if (input$Anadolu == TRUE){
leaf_df$filtre[(leaf_df$Side == "Anatolia")] <- 1
if (input$Avrupa == TRUE){
leaf_df$filtre[(leaf_df$Side == "Europe")] <- 1
if (input$Test == TRUE){
leaf_df$filtre[(leaf_df$Side == "Test")] <- 1
leaf_df$Latitude[(leaf_df$Side == "Test")] <- 40.991014
leaf_df$Longitude[(leaf_df$Side == "Test")] <- 28.994233
leaflet_df <- leaf_df %>%
filter(filtre == 1) %>%
filter(Longitude != 0 & Latitude != 0) %>%
filter(AvailabilityRate >= input$availability[1],
AvailabilityRate <= input$availability[2]) %>%
filter(Available >= input$available[1],
Available <= input$available[2])
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng = leaflet_df$Longitude,
lat = leaflet_df$Latitude,
label = leaflet_df$StationName,
color = ifelse(leaflet_df$Available < 3,"#D73027",
ifelse(leaflet_df$Available < 6, "#FC8D59",
ifelse(leaflet_df$Available < 9, "#41AB5D",
ifelse(leaflet_df$Available < 12, "#238B45",
ifelse(leaflet_df$Available < 15, "#006D2C", "#00441B"))))),
weight = 5, opacity = 1,
radius = 2,
stroke = TRUE,
popup = paste0(leaflet_df$StationName,
"<br/>Total Capacity: ", leaflet_df$Capacity,
"<br/>Available Bikes: ", leaflet_df$Available,
"<br/>Occupied Bikes: ", leaflet_df$Occupied,
"<br/>Last Connection: ", leaflet_df$LastConnection)) %>%
addLegend(colors = c("#D73027", "#FC8D59", "#41AB5D", "#238B45", "#006D2C", "#00441B"),
labels = c("0-2","3-5","6-8","9-11","12-14","15+"),
opacity = 1,
title = "Available Bikes")
output$isbikeTable <- renderDT({
dt_df <- isbike_df
dt_df$filtre <- 0
if (input$Anadolu == TRUE){
dt_df$filtre[(dt_df$Side == "Anatolia")] <- 1
if (input$Avrupa == TRUE){
dt_df$filtre[(dt_df$Side == "Europe")] <- 1
if (input$Test == TRUE){
dt_df$filtre[(dt_df$Side == "Test")] <- 1
table_df <- dt_df %>%
filter(filtre == 1) %>%
filter(Available >= input$available[1], Available <= input$available[2]) %>%
filter(AvailabilityRate >= input$availability[1], AvailabilityRate <= input$availability[2]) %>%
select(StationNo, StationName, Available, Occupied, Capacity, AvailabilityRate) %>%
arrange(desc(Available), StationName)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)