Importing Necessary Libraries


Reading, Preparing and Cleaning Data


#Total Unemployment Data
occ_group_overall_m <- occ_group_overall %>%
  filter(month != "Annual") %>%
  mutate(year = factor(year),
         month = factor(month, levels = c("January","February", "March", 
                                          "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")))
occ_group_overall_m <- occ_group_overall_m %>%
  mutate(date = factor(paste(year, month), levels = paste(year, month)))

#Unemployment by Gender Data
monthly_jobsearch_male <- filter(job_search_male, !grepl("Annual", month))
monthly_jobsearch_female <- filter(job_search_female, !grepl("Annual", month))

unemp_gr_male<-monthly_jobsearch_male %>%
  transmute(date = paste(year, month, sep = " "), total_unemployed)

unemp_gr_female<-monthly_jobsearch_female %>%
  transmute(date = paste(year, month, sep = " "), total_unemployed)

unemp_merged <-merge(unemp_gr_female,unemp_gr_male, by="date", all=TRUE, sort = FALSE)

unemp_merged <- unemp_merged %>%
  rename(female=total_unemployed.x, male=total_unemployed.y)

unemp_merged$date <- as.character(unemp_merged$date)
unemp_merged$date <- factor(unemp_merged$date, level=unemp_merged$date)

#Educational Level Data
yearly_educational <- filter(educational_level_overall, grepl("Annual", month))
total_labour_yearly_educational <- yearly_educational%>%
  transmute(year=as.character(year),illeterate=lf_illeterate, less_than_hs=lf_less_than_hs, highschool=lf_highschool, voc_hs=lf_voc_hs, higher_ed=lf_higher_ed)

emp_yearly_educational <- yearly_educational %>%
  transmute(year=as.character(year), illeterate=emp_illeterate, less_than_hs=emp_less_than_hs, highschool=emp_highschool, voc_hs=emp_voc_hs, higher_ed=emp_higher_ed)

emp_yearly_educational_melt<-emp_yearly_educational %>%
  gather(key="Education_Level", value="Person", -year ) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(Percentage= round(Person/sum(Person) * 100, 1))

emp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level <- as.factor(emp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level)

levels(emp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level) <- c("Higher Education", "Highschool", "Illeterate", "Less Than Highschool", "Vocational Highschool")

unemp_yearly_educational <- yearly_educational %>%
  transmute(year=as.character(year), illeterate=unemp_illeterate, less_than_hs=unemp_less_than_hs, highschool=unemp_highschool, voc_hs=unemp_voc_hs, higher_ed=unemp_higher_ed)

unemp_yearly_educational <- yearly_educational %>%
  transmute(year=as.character(year), illeterate=unemp_illeterate, less_than_hs=unemp_less_than_hs, highschool=unemp_highschool, voc_hs=unemp_voc_hs, higher_ed=unemp_higher_ed)

unemp_yearly_educational_melt <- unemp_yearly_educational %>%
  gather(key="Education_Level", value="Person", -year ) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  mutate(Percentage= round(Person/sum(Person) * 100, 1))

unemp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level <- as.factor(unemp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level)

levels(unemp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level) <- c("Higher Education", "Highschool", "Illeterate", "Less Than Highschool", "Vocational Highschool")

unemp_yearly_educational_melt %>% 
  filter(levels(Education_Level) %in% c("Higher Education", "Illeterate"))

deneme_major <- last_graduated_major %>%
  gather(key = "Major", value = "value", -year, -statistics)

deneme_major_issizoran <- filter(deneme_major, grepl("İşsizlik oranı", statistics))

major_issizoran_wide <- spread(deneme_major_issizoran, year, value) %>%
  subset(select = -c(statistics))

major_issizoran_wide$Trend <- 

major_issizoran_wide$Major <- as.factor(major_issizoran_wide$Major)
levels(major_issizoran_wide$Major) <- 
  c("Agriculture, forestry and fishery","Architecture and construction", 
    "Arts", "Biology & Env. Sci.", "Business & Admin.", "Education", 
    "Engineering and engineering trades", "Health", 
    "Higher education graduate", "Humanities", "Info. & Comm. Tech.",
    "Journalism & Info.", "Languages", "Law", "Manufacturing and processing",
    "Mathematics and statistics", "Occupational health and transport services",
    "Personal Services", "Physical science", "Security Services", 
    "Social and behavioural sciences", "Veterinary", 
    "Welfare (Social services)")

#Job Search Channel
job_search_overall_c <- job_search_overall %>%
  filter(month == "Annual") %>%
  mutate(year = factor(year), 
         establish_own_bus = look_place_equip_to_est_bus + look_credit_license_to_est_bus,
         newspaper = to_newspaper + insert_ad_to_newspaper,
         iskur = to_emp_office + wait_call_from_emp_office,
         waiting_result = wait_result_of_app + wait_result_of_comp_for_public_sec) %>%
  select(year, establish_own_bus, newspaper, iskur, 
         to_emp_agencies, to_employers, to_relatives)

Year <- rep(unique(job_search_overall_c$year), times = (ncol(job_search_overall_c)-1))

Channel <- rep(colnames(job_search_overall_c[-c(1,1)]),
               each = length(unique(Year)))

Count <- array(unlist(job_search_overall_c[1:6,2:7]))

js_df <- data.frame(Year, Channel, Count)

js_df_rate <- js_df %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = round(Count/sum(Count) * 100, 1))

js_df_rate$Channel <- as.factor(js_df_rate$Channel)

levels(js_df_rate$Channel) <- c("Establish Own Business", "Turkish Employment Office", 
                                "Newspaper","Employment Agencies", 
                                "Direct Application to Employers", 
                                "Friends & Relatives")

Shiny Codes

# UI Part
ui <- fluidPage(
  # Application title
  titlePanel("Unemployment & Employment Rates in Turkey (2014-2020)"),
    tabPanel("Total Unemployment",
                      column(4, column(6,
                                       selectInput(inputId = "month1",
                                                   label = "Select Month",
                                                   choices = c("January","February", "March", "April", "May","June", 
                                                               "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"),
                                                   multiple= FALSE,
                                                   selected = "January"),
                                       selectInput(inputId = "month2",
                                                   label = "Select Month",
                                                   choices = c("January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June", 
                                                               "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"),
                                                   multiple= FALSE,
                                                   selected = "August")
                             selectInput(inputId = "year1",
                                         label = "Select Year",
                                         choices = c(2014:2020),
                                         multiple= FALSE,
                                         selected = 2014),
                             selectInput(inputId = "year2",
                                         label = "Select Year",
                                         choices = c(2014:2020),
                                         multiple= FALSE,
                                         selected = 2020)
                             em("The visualization of unemployment in years has shown us the continuously rise in unemployment in Turkey and sharp increasements which is caused by the major events in 2016 and 2018.")
    tabPanel("Educational Level",
                      column(4, column(12,
                                       selectInput(inputId = "edulevel_emp",
                                                   label = "Educational Level for Employed",
                                                   choices = c("All", levels(emp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level)),
                                                   multiple= TRUE,
                                                   selected = "All"),
                                       selectInput(inputId = "edulevel_unemp",
                                                   label = "Educational Level for Unemployed",
                                                   choices = c("All", levels(unemp_yearly_educational_melt$Education_Level)),
                                                   multiple= TRUE,
                                                   selected = "All")
                             em("We analyzed the trends of employment and unemployment rates over the years among education level categories. As a result, upward trends for higher education category for both rates has been found, however, there are downward trends for less than a highschool degree category. Which could be a sign as; the proportion of categories in total workforce changing in opposite directions and there could be a different picture in ten years.")
    tabPanel("Unemployment by Major",
                      column(4, column(12,
                                       selectInput(inputId = "major_input",
                                                   label = "Higher Education Graduates by Their Major",
                                                   choices = c("All", levels(major_issizoran_wide$Major)),
                                                   multiple= TRUE,
                                                   selected = "All")
                             em("We analyzed the unemployment of higher education graduates under 20 different majors. Even for the major Health which has been considered as a safe choice in terms of employability, we observed a sharp increase in the unemployment rate for the graduates. (3.14% to 11.4% between 2014 and 2019)")
    tabPanel("Job Searching Channel",
                      column(4, column(12,
                                       selectInput(inputId = "search_input",
                                                   label = "Job Search Channel",
                                                   choices = c("All", levels(js_df_rate$Channel)),
                                                   multiple= TRUE,
                                                   selected = "All")
                             em("We have analyzed job searching channels and their trends over years. Contrary to expectations, higher education graduates need to apply a job through the Turkish Employment Office and Agency. This might be related to decline in job opportunities.")
                             h2("Rhapsody Group Project"),
                             div("After the analysis, we can make the following conclusions:"),
                             tags$li("Number of unemployed in January 2014 is nearly 2.8 million, in August 2020 is nearly 4.2 million. An increase of 50%."),
                             tags$li("Higher Education and Less Than Highschool levels have the opposite trends both in employment and unemployment."),
                             tags$li("Some safe-considered majors have increasing unemployment rates such as Health, Architecture and Engineering."),
                             tags$li("Increase in the number of job applications through Turkish Employment Office, might be related with the decline in job opportunities."),
                             div("More details can be found at",code(a("Rhapsody's Progress Journal", href="")))

# Server Part
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$unempPlot <- renderPlot({
    first_date <- paste(input$year1, input$month1, sep=" ")
    second_date <- paste(input$year2, input$month2, sep=" ")
    if (first_date %in% c("2020 September", "2020 October", "2020 November", "2020 December")) {
      first_date <- "2020 August"
    if (second_date %in% c("2020 September", "2020 October", "2020 November", "2020 December")) {
      second_date <- "2020 August"
    occ_group_overall_m <- occ_group_overall_m %>%
      mutate(date = factor(paste(year, month), levels = paste(year, month)))
    df <- occ_group_overall_m[match(first_date,occ_group_overall_m$date): match(second_date,occ_group_overall_m$date), c("date", "total_unemployed")]
    ggplot(df, aes(date, total_unemployed)) +
      geom_line(aes(group = 1)) +
      labs(x = "",
           y = "Unemployment (in thousands)") +
      theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, size = 9,  hjust = 1))
  output$genderPlot <- renderPlot({
    first_date <- paste(input$year1, input$month1, sep=" ")
    second_date <- paste(input$year2, input$month2, sep=" ")
    if (first_date %in% c("2020 September", "2020 October", "2020 November", "2020 December")) {
      first_date <- "2020 August"
    if (second_date %in% c("2020 September", "2020 October", "2020 November", "2020 December")) {
      second_date <- "2020 August"
    df <- unemp_merged[match(first_date,unemp_merged$date): match(second_date,unemp_merged$date), c("date", "female", "male")]
    ggplot(df, aes(x=factor(date))) +
      geom_line(aes(y=female, color="Female", group=1))+
      geom_line(aes(y=male, color="Male", group=1))+
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, size=9, hjust = 1),
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))+
      labs(title = "Unemployment by Gender Over the Years",
           y="Unemployment (in thousands)",
  output$emp_edulevelPlot <- renderPlot ({
    if (is.null(input$edulevel_emp)) {
      emp_edu_level_plot <- emp_yearly_educational_melt
    else if (!("All" %in% input$edulevel_emp)) {
      emp_edu_level_plot <- emp_yearly_educational_melt %>% filter(Education_Level %in% input$edulevel_emp)
    else {
      emp_edu_level_plot <- emp_yearly_educational_melt

    ggplot(emp_edu_level_plot, aes(x = year, y = Percentage)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = as.factor(Education_Level))) +
      geom_text(aes(label = paste0(Percentage, "%"), vjust = -1), size = 3) +
      facet_wrap(~ Education_Level)+
      labs(title="Employment Rates by Education Level",
           y="% of People")+
      theme(legend.position = "none",  plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  output$unemp_edulevelPlot <- renderPlot ({
    if (is.null(input$edulevel_unemp)) {
      unemp_edu_level_plot <- unemp_yearly_educational_melt
    else if (!("All" %in% input$edulevel_unemp)) {
      unemp_edu_level_plot <- unemp_yearly_educational_melt %>% filter(Education_Level %in% input$edulevel_unemp)
    else {
      unemp_edu_level_plot <- unemp_yearly_educational_melt
    ggplot(unemp_edu_level_plot, aes(x = year, y = Percentage)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = as.factor(Education_Level))) +
      geom_text(aes(label = paste0(Percentage, "%"), vjust = -1), size = 3) +
      facet_wrap(~ Education_Level)+
      labs(title="Unemployment Rates by Education Level",
           y="% of People")+
      theme(legend.position = "none",  plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  output$majorTable <- renderDT({
    if (is.null(input$major_input)) {
      major_df <- major_issizoran_wide
    else if (!("All" %in% input$major_input)) {
      major_df <- major_issizoran_wide %>% filter(Major %in% input$major_input)
    else {
      major_df <- major_issizoran_wide
    major_df <- mutate(major_df, across(where(is.numeric), round, 1))
  output$search_plot <- renderPlot ({
    if (is.null(input$search_input)) {
      search_df <- js_df_rate
    else if (!("All" %in% input$search_input)) {
      search_df <- js_df_rate %>% filter(Channel %in% input$search_input)
    else {
      search_df <- js_df_rate
    ggplot(search_df, aes(x = Year, y = Percentage)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(fill = as.factor(Channel))) +
      geom_text(aes(label = paste0(Percentage, "%"), vjust = -1)) +
      facet_wrap(~Channel) +
      ggtitle("Rates of Job Search Channel Among All") + 
      theme(legend.position = "none",  plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,40))

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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