Group Name: A.K.A - R

About Dataset

The data shows the traffic announcements of İstanbul that are collected from Transport Management Center operators between 2018 and 2020. Data was formed by two different files, one for 2018 - 2019, and the other one for 2020. Data consists 12 columns and 58422 observations. Data records the detailed information about the reported traffic incidents.

The data is collected from İBB Open Data Portal

  • Announcement_ID (int) : Unique index of records in the data.
  • Announcement_Types (str) : Identical genre of announcement.
  • Announcement_Title (str) : Caption of the announcement.
  • Announcement_Text (str) : Detailed information about announcement.
  • Starting_Time (datetime) : Initial date and hour of incident.
  • Ending_Time (datetime) : Completion date and hour of incident.
  • Intervention_Time (datetime) : Date and hour of incident when is under control.
  • Accident_Situation (str) : Intervention type to the announcement.
  • Effected_Lanes (int) : Number of lanes that are disrupted due to incident.
  • Coordinates (str) : Mapping information of incident.
  • Location (str) : Name of the incident area.
  • Accident_Types (str) : Type of the traffic accident.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the study the group A.K.A - R expect to observe;

  • Calculate and infer the average problem index (indicator crated by the group) of each announcement type/event.
  • To observe, the 5 accomplished projects in the last 3 years, with the highest problem index (indicator created by the group) and affected locations.
  • The relationship between municipality election and the number of running projects/constructions and so forth.
  • The effect of the pandemic on the accident notifications.
  • The distribution of announcement types during holiday terms.


  • Creating a project roadmap to get a clear overview of the objectives.
  • Adding external data sources for holiday events.
  • Data Wrangling as preprocessing section.
  • Checking outliers and summarizing data before Exploratory Data Analysis.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis with R packages such as “dplyr” and “lubridate”.
  • Visualizing data with R packages such as “ggplot2” and “leaflet”.
  • Preparing a final Html report.
  • Final project presentation.

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