Table of Contents

  • Preprocessing

  • Identifying Most Problematic Announcement Type

  • Relationship Between the 2019 Election and Running Projects

  • Effect of the Pandemic on the Number of Accidents

  • Distribution of the Announcement Types During Holidays

  • Conclusions

  • References


  • This dataset contains set of traffic announcements entered into the system by the Transport Management Center operators from 2018 to 2020 which are stored in 2 different datasets.
  • There are 12 variables, with using Rbind 58,422 observations are obtained.
  • We converted Turkish variables and some records into English.
  • We transformed Announcement Type and Accident Type variables into factorized variables.
  • We filtered out some 2020 observations, where we calculated the problem index, because of the change in date and time structure but kept them in count operations.

Identifying Most Problematic Announcement Type

##            Announcement_Types Avg_Problem_Index CountAnnouncement SumIndex
## 5         Infrastructure Work             90.64                67  6072.77
## 4      Construction Work-Road             59.91                41  2456.44
## 6 Construction Work-Structure             26.44                17   449.56
## 2                 Maintenance             11.83              5290 62577.05
## 3                 Landscaping              5.18               505  2616.53
## 1       Accident Notification              0.91             26250 23794.24
  • Problem Index = Duration x Effected Lanes

  • On average, the most problematic announcement type was the Infrastructure Work.

  • In total, maintenance and accident notification made much more traffic since they occurred more frequently.

Identifying Most Problematic Announcement Type

Identifying Most Problematic Five Locations

##                                             Location Problem_Index
## 11553                   S.Yolu Z.Burnu-Bakırköy yönü      23801.00
## 1347    Tünel Vecdi Diker Altunizade - Ümraniye yönü      18630.00
## 5030                        D100 Kınalı-Silivri Yönü      13202.00
## 6734  D100 Kadıköy-Çamlıca D100 Çamlıca-Kadıköy Yönü      13069.77
## 3687         Şile Yolu Tepeüstü-Ümraniye Kavşak Yönü      10921.15

Identifying Most Problematic Five Locations on the Map

Relationship Between the 2019 Election and Running Projects

  • The first round of the election: March 2019
  • The second round of the election: June 2019
  • Filtered announcement types are; Landscaping, Maintenance, Infrastructure Work, Construction Work-Structure, Construction Work-Road.

Effect of the Pandemic on the Number of Accidents

  • The first pandemic case occurred in March.

  • In April and May, there were a lot of lockdowns were applied.

Daily Number of the Accidents (2018-07)

  • 15’th of July is a national holiday in Turkey.

Distribution of the Announcement Types During Holidays

Holiday event calendar is introduced to the dataset.

During Holiday;

  • Accident and vehicle breakdown reasons were the majority of announcements.

  • The municipality may prefer to work on maintenance works.


  • According to our problem index, infrastructure work & construction work-road were the worst traffic makers.

  • Maintenance & Accident Notification occurred more frequently, with this aspect, these were the worst for the traffic.

  • Considering that there was an election in March 2019, the number of projects carried out compared to the last quarter of the previous year has increased.

  • With the new administration and the elimination of election uncertainty, the number of projects carried out by the municipality has started to increase regularly from the last quarter of 2019.

  • The number of accidents significantly decreased during the pandemic.

  • After rule bendings, the number of accidents increased to the standard levels.

  • During holidays, accident & vehicle breakdown notifications composed about 80% of the total notifications.
