A.K.A. - R Group - Progress Journal

BDA 503 Fall 2020 - MEF University

View the Project on GitHub pjournal/mef04g-a-k-a-r

A.K.A - R Group’s Progress Journal

Group Members

Group Term Project

Traffic Announcements of İstanbul (2018-2020)

The group analyzed, traffic announcements entered into the system from January 2018 to October 2020 by the transportation management center of İstanbul Municipality. In dataset there are 12 variables such as; Announcement Type, Starting and ending time of the event, Location, etc. and 58,422 records. The aim of the group was to conduct various analyzes using these 12 variables either individually or together.

Key Takeaways

At the end of the study, the group A.K.A - R observed the following takeaways;

Data Sources

Group Assignment

isbike Assignment

In this section, open source data by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality bicycle services ISBIKE is analyzed.The data set includes Istanbul bicycle station and utilization data in text JSON format. The data shows station locations and activity status of bicycles. The purpose of the following study is the demonstrate the dynamic available bike ratio for each station on bar graph and map, using the ‘shinyapp’.