7 Visualization Model in R
There are 7 main visualization model in R. These are:
Scatter Plot: Is used to see the relationship between two continuous variables. Histogram: Is used to plot continuous variable. It breaks the data into bins and shows frequency distribution of these bins. We can always change the bin size and see the effect it has on visualization. Bar & Stack Bar Chart: Bar charts are recommended when you want to plot a categorical variable or a combination of continuous and categorical variable. Box Plot: Box Plots are used to plot a combination of categorical and continuous variables. This plot is useful for visualizing the spread of the data and detect outliers. It shows five statistically significant numbers- the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile and the maximum. Area Chart: Area chart is used to show continuity across a variable or data set. It is very much same as line chart and is commonly used for time series plots. Alternatively, it is also used to plot continuous variables and analyze the underlying trends. Heat Map: Heat Map uses intensity (density) of colors to display relationship between two or three or many variables in a two dimensional image. It allows you to explore two dimensions as the axis and the third dimension by intensity of color. Correlogram: Is used to test the level of co-relation among the variable available in the data set. The cells of the matrix can be shaded or colored to show the co-relation value.
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The 5 main steps to create word clouds in R
First we create a text file. Copy and paste the text in a plain text file and then save the file. Then we install and load the required packages.Which is word cloud, tm, SnowballC and RcolorBrewer. Afterwards we load the text. We are loading data as corpus. Then we are using tm_map() function to replace, for example, special characters from the text. After this we are building a term-document matrix. And then generate the word cloud.
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