About Me

Hey! My name is Ozan Barış Baykan. I graduated from the Istanbul Technical University Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2017. I have been working for Honda Turkey Assembly Department as a manufacturing engineer for the last three years. During my educational and working life, I have gained the ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems and manufacturing processes in the automotive industry. I have had the opportunity to work with different people. Now, I am eager to acquire the technical skill sets of Big Data Analytics, and I would like to continue my career by improving myself in this field.

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Productionising Machine Learning and Shiny in Healthcare Settings: a Case Study (Chris Beeley)

useR2020 and R Consortium are wonderful resources to learn something about R and data science. I want to share a video linked above with you because Chris talks about all project items such as their approaches, data flow, model training, Shiny, and its library that golem. On the other hand, he mentions their data science experiences, works with the data engineering team, and gives some advice. I think that this video would be useful and would help expand your point of view in data science, especially for beginners.

Three R Posts Relevant To My Interest

Open-Source Authorship of Data Science in Education Using R

Joshua Rosenberg, the author of this article, concludes that open educational resources (OER) and open-source software (OSS) can be combined. These educational materials can share with people to get the education better. Even though there are many advantages to this method, free usage of material and common contributions is the most important point, I believe. They share their book via GitHub as us because codes are reachable in GitHub, and everyone can check them out or contribute the codes. On the other hand, they are free to reach, and everyone can write and share their own thoughts. I agree that especially for technological educations need open sources and reproducible resources.,

You can click here to read the article.

How to share R visualizations in Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a common tool for preparing a presentation, so this article is very beneficial for all office workers, especially for me. I prepare a lot of presentations related to car quality problems and countermeasures or departmental budgets. They are repetitive tasks for me, and I can use R Markdown to prepare all of this stuff. And this is the important upside of knowledge of computer language. Overtime would be decreased by using computer languages such as R and R Markdown and also, the motivation of workers would increase.

You can learn by clicking here “how to share R visualizations in Microsoft PowerPoint?”

Some Thoughts on R / Medicine 2020

R is a computer language used in many fields; however, I have just learned that R uses in the medical field widely. There are a lot of videos on R Consortium and articles on R Views. R / Medicine Conference was held, and four hundred fifty-two people attended the meeting from forty different countries that included Turkey. The meeting, where Covid-19 was also discussed, attracted great attention. Various R training was given to the participants. This is a development that shows the importance of data science.

You can click here to read the article.