About Me

I have been working as an Internal Auditor in the Internal Audit Department of Garanti Bank for 5 years. Furthermore, in the last 3 years, I have a second mission as a data specialist at Garanti Bank. As a data specialist, I worked with data from the bank’s data warehouse using SQL. I am currently doing a master’s degree in “Big Data Analytics” at MEF University. Thanks to the lessons I have received, I want to improve my data analysis skills and become a data scientist. (Linkedin)

useR! 2020: R for Data Privacy and Governance

With the developing technologies, the private lives of the individuals of today’s world seem in need of protection more than ever. While legal authorities try to prevent this danger with regulations, companies have to comply with strict rules.In the video published on Youtube on July 8, 2020, Alyssa Colud explains the management of this process for companies with the concept of “Data Governance”. Alyssa proposes a framework consisting of 4 layers in order to create a successful management for companies.The first of these stages is the executive stakeholders that will support the process, the second is Data Privacy & Governance Leaders, which will implement the vision created by the executive stakeholders, the third is the Data Privacy & Governance Council, which creates and follows up policies and procedures to comply with legal regulations, and the last is Data Privacy & Governance Stewards, which creates their own data sets in analysis and reporting.Finally in the video, she also included her works about tagging metadata with R.

Visualizing Professional StarCraft with R

In this article, Ben Weber explains how he created the StarCraft animation using many different R packages. Webber has used ggplot2, gganimate, ggforce, tweenr, dplyr packages while creating the relevant animation.(Read Article)

Android Smartphone usage Analysis in R to reduce Phone Addiction

In this article, AbdulMajedRaja explains how you can analyze Android Smartphone usage using R. To do this, you need to download your usage data to your Android phone. You can then perform analysis using jsonlite, tidyverse, lubridate, ggrepel, viridis, gganimate, cowplot, ggthemes packages. (Read Article)

Mortgage calculator in R Shiny

In this article, Antoine Soetewey explains how you can develop an application that calculates mortgage loans using R. (Read Article)