You can find my solutions for the exercises of BDA 503 - Week 1

Exercise 1 - Temperature Conversion

Write a function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit.

(X°C × 9/5) + 32 = Y°F

convert_temperature <- function(degree,F_to_C){
  if (F_to_C == TRUE){
    new_degree <- (degree - 32) * (5/9)
    new_degree <- degree * (9/5) + 32

convert_temperature(30,F_to_C = FALSE)
## [1] 86
convert_temperature(86,F_to_C = TRUE)
## [1] 30

Exercise 2 - Future Value

Write a function to calculate the future value of an investment given annually compounding interest over an amount of years.

calculate_future_value <- function(investment,interest,duration_in_years){
  future_value <- investment * (1 + interest)^duration_in_years

  investment = 100, interest = 0.07, duration_in_years = 5)
## [1] 140.2552

Exercise 3 - Color Hex Code

Write a function to randomly generate n color hex codes. You can use letters predefined vector.

generate_hex_code <- function(n){
  letters= c("a","b","c","d","f")
  numbers= 1:9
  pool= c(letters,numbers)
  hexcodes = c()
  for (i in 1:n) {
    hex_values <- sample(pool,6)
    hex_code <- paste0(hex_values[1],hex_values[2],hex_values[3],hex_values[4],hex_values[5],hex_values[6])
    hexcodes = c(hexcodes,hex_code)

## [1] "63c12f" "dc8f32" "bc415a"

Exercise 4 - Calculate Probability of Dice

Write a function which calculates the probability of getting k sixes in n throws of a die. Hint: Use binomial distribution.

get_prob_dice <- function(k,n){
  prob <-dbinom(k,n, prob = 1/6)

## [1] 0.03215021

Exercise 5 - Rock, Scissors, Paper

Write a rock scissors paper game which computer randomly chooses

rsp_game <- function(rsp){
  rsp <- tolower(rsp)
  chocies <- c("rock","paper","scissors")
  comp_selects <- sample(chocies,1)
  if (rsp == comp_selects){
    response <- "I chose the same. Tie!"
  } else if(rsp == "rock" && comp_selects == "paper"){
      response <- "I chose paper. I won"
  } else if(rsp == "rock" && comp_selects == "scissors"){
      response <- "I chose scissors. You won"
  } else if(rsp == "paper" && comp_selects == "rock"){
      response <- "I chose rock. You won"
  } else if(rsp == "paper" && comp_selects == "scissors"){
      response <- "I chose scissors. I won"
  } else if(rsp == "scissors" && comp_selects == "paper"){
      response <- "I chose paper. You won"
  } else if(rsp == "scissors" && comp_selects == "rock"){
      response <- "I chose rock. I won"
  } else{
      response <- "I didn't understand you Hoo-man. Please write rock or scissors or paper."

## [1] "I chose scissors. You won"