About Me

My name is Ali Altintas. I have graduated from Yeditepe University since 2018.

My major is industrial and system engineering.

I have been working as an IT Big Data Business analyst at Farplas Automotive for 1 year.

My main mission is that analyzing daily injection machine iot datas flow process from different types of pipelines.

(For more detail please check the Farplas big data article: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2004/2004.11682.pdf)

From 26/11/2020 date on, I will start my new jod at Deloitte as Information Technology Risk Advisory

ITU Big Data and Business Analytics Certificate Programme With Project

I have attempted to ITU Big Data and Business Analytics certificate programme on 5th may of 2020. During Covid-19 pandemic period, it proceeded as an intense 6 week online programme.

I have completed it with time series analysis project on the famous Turkish shoe firm’s sales data. Maind idea of the project is that using weekly average sales data of first 22 weeks of 2015 year(it also includes 4 promotion weeks) ,I tried to estimate rest of the 30 weeks weekly sales metric performance for 2015 and observing also included 2 week promotion period.

Here is the full jupyter project:(https://github.com/alialtintass/The-Promotion-Periods-Effect-on-Sales/blob/master/KDE%26PROPHET.ipynb))

I have used Kernel Density estimation algorithm on python to get unsupervised 3 clustering (Fast-Medium-Slow Product) based on 1 feature column (weekly avg sales data of Products)

When I need a Time series analysis predicting unknown weeks and 2 promotion week performance, Facebook Prophet library was very handy.

It ensures very close results to actual performance of these weeks belong to 2015.


My Selenium-Web-driver Project For Fun

I have an special interest for input user bot tools. Especially, i focuse on Python selenium web-driver.

Here is my minor project about pulling Epias dynamic tables(As an input, date range is required in python Code ) and converting it to Pandas in Python

Selenium-Project :(https://github.com/alialtintass/Selenium-Web-Driver-Epias-Example/blob/master/Selenium%20Web%20Driver%20Epias%20Example.ipynb)

EPIAS DYNAMIC TABLE: (https://rapor.epias.com.tr/rapor/xhtml/ptfSmfListeleme.xhtml)

My Ultimate Goal

I am willing to get grasp of knowledge in neural newtrok and deep learning. Then in the following 2 years, it would be great to start opencv project for visual quality inspection with inferred cameras on production machines in the automotive industries.

Here is the link Bmw deep learning for visual inspection : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdE_GGCuoAo