Key Takeaways

We analyzed the sentiments of current Turkey, USA, Brazil, Japan Top 50 playlists in Spotify and compared them. After that we analyzed the sentiment distribution change in daily Turkey Top 200 playlists between 2017 and 2019 so far.

  • In the analysis of the keys performed, it is observed that the most used key in the total of countries is the key G, while the least used key is the key D#. (Chapter 5.1)
  • According to the excitement formula we created, the average highest excitement score of playlist belongs to Brazil and the average lowest excitement score of playlist belongs to the America playlist. (Chapter 5.6)
  • According to the sentiment analysis we have done, the Brazil playlisyt has overwhelmingly Happy/Joyful sentiment intensity. Although we cannot mention this numerical superiority for other playlists, the intensity of Happy/Joyful feeling appears to be superior in the lists of Turkey, Japan and America as well. (Chapter 5.7.1)
  • In Turkey Top 200 data analysis (Chapter 6.3.2), we see that in June 2016, Turbulent/Angry songs have more percantange than Happy/Joyful songs.
  • As a genuinely restless nation, we seem to have an allergy against “Chill/Peaceful” music. (Chapter 6.3.3)
  • We can see climbing of “Turbulent/Angry” music after 1990’s. The climb is even more steep with 2010’s. (Chapter 6.3.3)
  • While more “Happy/Joyful” music is listened to after 1980’s, we can see a significant decline after 2010’s. (Chapter 6.3.3)
  • Can these alterations be explained by the value shift in our society and the “Urban Anomie Theory”?

1. Data Explanation

Our data obtained directly from Spotify Web API. For API connection, we created “Client ID” and “Client Secret” from Spotify for Developers Website. For this purpose, “spotifyr” package used for making connection.

2. Accessing Spotifty Web API

When connection is made successfully, we can access lots of difrent type data such as aritst, albums, tracks, user profile etc. Here is the Spotify API References. In our project, we will usually use playlist, artist and track data.

3. Gathering Turkey, USA, Japan and Brazil Top 50 Playlists

Our goal here is to download the Top 50 Playlists prepared by Spotify for countries in order to perform analysis. We put together these lists to compare musical differences between countries.

## Observations: 199
## Variables: 61
## $ playlist_id                        <chr> "37i9dQZEVXbIVYVBNw9D5K", "...
## $ playlist_name                      <chr> "Turkey Top 50", "Turkey To...
## $ playlist_img                       <chr> "https://charts-images.scdn...
## $ playlist_owner_name                <chr> "spotifycharts", "spotifych...
## $ playlist_owner_id                  <chr> "spotifycharts", "spotifych...
## $ danceability                       <dbl> 0.801, 0.743, 0.628, 0.810,...
## $ energy                             <dbl> 0.688, 0.680, 0.725, 0.631,...
## $ key                                <int> 9, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7, 9, 6, 5, ...
## $ loudness                           <dbl> -6.620, -4.344, -7.387, -7....
## $ mode                               <int> 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ...
## $ speechiness                        <dbl> 0.1130, 0.1030, 0.1100, 0.3...
## $ acousticness                       <dbl> 0.2780, 0.1130, 0.0266, 0.1...
## $ instrumentalness                   <dbl> 8.88e-03, 1.23e-01, 0.00e+0...
## $ liveness                           <dbl> 0.1500, 0.1830, 0.0549, 0.1...
## $ valence                            <dbl> 0.410, 0.694, 0.458, 0.407,...
## $ tempo                              <dbl> 158.003, 180.059, 173.952, ...
## $                           <chr> "2KlbLTnQ5Wch2oOelW0Y2k", "...
## $ analysis_url                       <chr> "
## $ time_signature                     <int> 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ...
## $ added_at                           <chr> "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "19...
## $ is_local                           <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ primary_color                      <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
## $ added_by.href                      <chr> "
## $                        <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "",...
## $ added_by.type                      <chr> "user", "user", "user", "us...
## $ added_by.uri                       <chr> "spotify:user:", "spotify:u...
## $ added_by.external_urls.spotify     <chr> "
## $ track.artists                      <list> [<data.frame[2 x 6]>, <dat...
## $ track.available_markets            <list> [<"AD", "AE", "AR", "AT", ...
## $ track.disc_number                  <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
## $ track.duration_ms                  <int> 154251, 196583, 269002, 185...
## $ track.episode                      <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ track.explicit                     <lgl> TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, F...
## $ track.href                         <chr> "
## $ track.is_local                     <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $                         <chr> "Wir sind Kral", "AYA", "To...
## $ track.popularity                   <int> 61, 70, 74, 78, 81, 77, 60,...
## $ track.preview_url                  <chr> NA, NA, "
## $ track.track                        <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRU...
## $ track.track_number                 <int> 11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1,...
## $ track.type                         <chr> "track", "track", "track", ...
## $ track.uri                          <chr> "spotify:track:2KlbLTnQ5Wch...
## $ track.album.album_type             <chr> "album", "single", "single"...
## $ track.album.artists                <list> [<data.frame[2 x 6]>, <dat...
## $ track.album.available_markets      <list> [<"AD", "AE", "AR", "AT", ...
## $ track.album.href                   <chr> "
## $                     <chr> "3gSlFOtOhV1OS3qTQx4g55", "...
## $ track.album.images                 <list> [<data.frame[3 x 3]>, <dat...
## $                   <chr> "Lights Out", "AYA", "Sarka...
## $ track.album.release_date           <chr> "2019-11-14", "2019-09-20",...
## $ track.album.release_date_precision <chr> "day", "day", "day", "day",...
## $ track.album.total_tracks           <int> 12, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1...
## $ track.album.type                   <chr> "album", "album", "album", ...
## $ track.album.uri                    <chr> "spotify:album:3gSlFOtOhV1O...
## $ track.album.external_urls.spotify  <chr> "
## $ track.external_ids.isrc            <chr> "DECE71900765", "NLG6619008...
## $ track.external_urls.spotify        <chr> "
## $ video_thumbnail.url                <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
## $ key_name                           <chr> "A", "F", "G", "E", "F#", "...
## $ mode_name                          <chr> "major", "minor", "major", ...
## $ key_mode                           <chr> "A major", "F minor", "G ma...

4. Adding Sentiments in Each Track

The purpose of this function named “classify_track_sentiment” is important for us to work primarily to reveal the mood of songs and song lists along these lines. Energy and valence are two important factors in terms of interpreting emotion in music. The variations of these two factors, which have values between 0 and 1, in this range determine the songs to be turbulent/angry, happy/joyful, sad/depressing and chill/peaceful.

According to Get Audio Features for a Track, explanations of the corresponding factors are as follows.

4.1. Energy

Energy is a measure from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents a perceptual measure of intensity and activity. Typically, energetic tracks feel fast, loud, and noisy. For example, death metal has high energy, while a Bach prelude scores low on the scale. Perceptual features contributing to this attribute include dynamic range, perceived loudness, timbre, onset rate, and general entropy.

4.2. Valence

A measure from 0.0 to 1.0 describing the musical positiveness conveyed by a track. Tracks with high valence sound more positive (e.g. happy, cheerful, euphoric), while tracks with low valence sound more negative (e.g. sad, depressed, angry). track.artists track.album.release_date track.popularity danceability energy key loudness mode speechiness acousticness instrumentalness liveness valence tempo track_sentiment track.duration_ms
Wir sind Kral 2KlbLTnQ5Wch2oOelW0Y2k list(href = c(“”, “”), id = c(“5pVRwX5ZQR7hfJ18w8ZYkl”, “6LnJKrtFnTEGdbWQ2riWCL”), name = c(“Ufo361”, “Ezhel”), type = c(“artist”, “artist”), uri = c(“spotify:artist:5pVRwX5ZQR7hfJ18w8ZYkl”, “spotify:artist:6LnJKrtFnTEGdbWQ2riWCL”), external_urls.spotify = c(“”, “”)) 2019-11-14 61 0.801 0.688 9 -6.620 1 0.1130 0.2780 0.008880 0.1500 0.410 158.003 Turbulent/Angry 154251
AYA 4IJEw3fDvS6XF4sDc3bvjK list(href = c(“”, “”), id = c(“2y1VzMKAa5nmfXKtJL9jnj”, “6LnJKrtFnTEGdbWQ2riWCL”), name = c(“Murda”, “Ezhel”), type = c(“artist”, “artist”), uri = c(“spotify:artist:2y1VzMKAa5nmfXKtJL9jnj”, “spotify:artist:6LnJKrtFnTEGdbWQ2riWCL”), external_urls.spotify = c(“”, “”)) 2019-09-20 70 0.743 0.680 5 -4.344 0 0.1030 0.1130 0.123000 0.1830 0.694 180.059 Happy/Joyful 196583
Toz Taneleri 36ulbeGLdspdIYSFKXIlmN list(href = “”, id = “1KXTegXtnCPKXjRaX1llcD”, name = “Sagopa Kajmer”, type = “artist”, uri = “spotify:artist:1KXTegXtnCPKXjRaX1llcD”, external_urls.spotify = “”) 2019-11-29 74 0.628 0.725 7 -7.387 1 0.1100 0.0266 0.000000 0.0549 0.458 173.952 Turbulent/Angry 269002
Arkadaş 6bBnnrknLbDoOCUdKMkmnq list(href = “”, id = “2kS0jWMkkFBL0mrl0VotD0”, name = “Ben Fero”, type = “artist”, uri = “spotify:artist:2kS0jWMkkFBL0mrl0VotD0”, external_urls.spotify = “”) 2019-11-08 78 0.810 0.631 4 -7.855 0 0.3270 0.1170 0.000000 0.1190 0.407 144.978 Turbulent/Angry 185566
Dance Monkey 1rgnBhdG2JDFTbYkYRZAku list(href = “”, id = “2NjfBq1NflQcKSeiDooVjY”, name = “Tones and I”, type = “artist”, uri = “spotify:artist:2NjfBq1NflQcKSeiDooVjY”, external_urls.spotify = “”) 2019-05-10 81 0.825 0.593 6 -6.401 0 0.0988 0.6880 0.000161 0.1700 0.540 98.078 Happy/Joyful 209754
Nalan 1LNUxWJifZNEPpd273N2le list(href = “”, id = “4XP7cGw4t8BqZ8Du5q3bHg”, name = “Emir Can Igrek”, type = “artist”, uri = “spotify:artist:4XP7cGw4t8BqZ8Du5q3bHg”, external_urls.spotify = “”) 2019-09-06 77 0.540 0.418 7 -15.570 0 0.0761 0.1900 0.685000 0.1980 0.189 91.042 Sad/Depressing 199958
## Observations: 199
## Variables: 63
## $ playlist_id                        <chr> "37i9dQZEVXbIVYVBNw9D5K", "...
## $ playlist_name                      <chr> "Turkey Top 50", "Turkey To...
## $ playlist_img                       <chr> "https://charts-images.scdn...
## $ playlist_owner_name                <chr> "spotifycharts", "spotifych...
## $ playlist_owner_id                  <chr> "spotifycharts", "spotifych...
## $ danceability                       <dbl> 0.801, 0.743, 0.628, 0.810,...
## $ energy                             <dbl> 0.688, 0.680, 0.725, 0.631,...
## $ key                                <int> 9, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7, 9, 6, 5, ...
## $ loudness                           <dbl> -6.620, -4.344, -7.387, -7....
## $ mode                               <int> 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ...
## $ speechiness                        <dbl> 0.1130, 0.1030, 0.1100, 0.3...
## $ acousticness                       <dbl> 0.2780, 0.1130, 0.0266, 0.1...
## $ instrumentalness                   <dbl> 8.88e-03, 1.23e-01, 0.00e+0...
## $ liveness                           <dbl> 0.1500, 0.1830, 0.0549, 0.1...
## $ valence                            <dbl> 0.410, 0.694, 0.458, 0.407,...
## $ tempo                              <dbl> 158.003, 180.059, 173.952, ...
## $                           <chr> "2KlbLTnQ5Wch2oOelW0Y2k", "...
## $ analysis_url                       <chr> "
## $ time_signature                     <int> 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ...
## $ added_at                           <chr> "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "19...
## $ is_local                           <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ primary_color                      <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
## $ added_by.href                      <chr> "
## $                        <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "",...
## $ added_by.type                      <chr> "user", "user", "user", "us...
## $ added_by.uri                       <chr> "spotify:user:", "spotify:u...
## $ added_by.external_urls.spotify     <chr> "
## $ track.artists                      <list> [<data.frame[2 x 6]>, <dat...
## $ track.available_markets            <list> [<"AD", "AE", "AR", "AT", ...
## $ track.disc_number                  <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
## $ track.duration_ms                  <int> 154251, 196583, 269002, 185...
## $ track.episode                      <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ track.explicit                     <lgl> TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, F...
## $ track.href                         <chr> "
## $ track.is_local                     <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $                         <chr> "Wir sind Kral", "AYA", "To...
## $ track.popularity                   <int> 61, 70, 74, 78, 81, 77, 60,...
## $ track.preview_url                  <chr> NA, NA, "
## $ track.track                        <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRU...
## $ track.track_number                 <int> 11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1,...
## $ track.type                         <chr> "track", "track", "track", ...
## $ track.uri                          <chr> "spotify:track:2KlbLTnQ5Wch...
## $ track.album.album_type             <chr> "album", "single", "single"...
## $ track.album.artists                <list> [<data.frame[2 x 6]>, <dat...
## $ track.album.available_markets      <list> [<"AD", "AE", "AR", "AT", ...
## $ track.album.href                   <chr> "
## $                     <chr> "3gSlFOtOhV1OS3qTQx4g55", "...
## $ track.album.images                 <list> [<data.frame[3 x 3]>, <dat...
## $                   <chr> "Lights Out", "AYA", "Sarka...
## $ track.album.release_date           <chr> "2019-11-14", "2019-09-20",...
## $ track.album.release_date_precision <chr> "day", "day", "day", "day",...
## $ track.album.total_tracks           <int> 12, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1...
## $ track.album.type                   <chr> "album", "album", "album", ...
## $ track.album.uri                    <chr> "spotify:album:3gSlFOtOhV1O...
## $ track.album.external_urls.spotify  <chr> "
## $ track.external_ids.isrc            <chr> "DECE71900765", "NLG6619008...
## $ track.external_urls.spotify        <chr> "
## $ video_thumbnail.url                <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
## $ key_name                           <chr> "A", "F", "G", "E", "F#", "...
## $ mode_name                          <chr> "major", "minor", "major", ...
## $ key_mode                           <chr> "A major", "F minor", "G ma...
## $ track_sentiment                    <fct> Turbulent/Angry, Happy/Joyf...
## $ artist_names                       <fct> Ufo361, Murda, Sagopa Kajme...

5. Plot Analysis

5.1. Country Playlists by Key

The number of common songs in the 4 lists we have is few (Analysis 5.2). In this respect, the musical keys used mainly in songs on a country basis can be obtained from the plot.

playlist_name key_name n
United States Top 50 G 10
Brazil Top 50 B 8
Japan Top 50 C# 8
Japan Top 50 G 8
United States Top 50 C 8
Turkey Top 50 A 7
United States Top 50 D 7
Brazil Top 50 D 6
Brazil Top 50 F# 6
Turkey Top 50 D 6
Turkey Top 50 F 6
Turkey Top 50 G# 6
United States Top 50 C# 6
Brazil Top 50 C# 5
Brazil Top 50 G# 5
Japan Top 50 D 5
Japan Top 50 E 5
Turkey Top 50 F# 5
Turkey Top 50 G 5
United States Top 50 F# 5
Brazil Top 50 A# 4
Brazil Top 50 F 4
Japan Top 50 A 4
Japan Top 50 A# 4
Japan Top 50 F# 4
Japan Top 50 G# 4
United States Top 50 A# 4
Brazil Top 50 C 3
Brazil Top 50 E 3
Brazil Top 50 G 3
Japan Top 50 B 3
Turkey Top 50 A# 3
Turkey Top 50 B 3
Turkey Top 50 C 3
Turkey Top 50 E 3
United States Top 50 E 3
United States Top 50 G# 3
Brazil Top 50 A 2
Japan Top 50 C 2
Japan Top 50 F 2
United States Top 50 B 2
Brazil Top 50 D# 1
Japan Top 50 D# 1
Turkey Top 50 C# 1
Turkey Top 50 D# 1
United States Top 50 A 1
United States Top 50 F 1

5.2. Common Songs in Playlists

It is possible that there are common songs that could affect our analysis using the music charts of the 4 countries we have. The following table and plot show the songs that are common in the charts and how many of these songs are on the playlists. artist_names n_songs
Señorita Shawn Mendes 4
bad guy Billie Eilish 3
Dance Monkey Tones and I 3
All I Want for Christmas Is You Mariah Carey 2
everything i wanted Billie Eilish 2
Memories Maroon 5 2

5.3 .Danceability Density of Playlists

Danceability shows us how fun and full of energy a song is. So if we can plot the distribution of danceability by country, we can see which country’s playlist is more fun and full of energy. But we need to wait a little bit for the following analysis to detect the emotions and feelings that the songs reflect.

5.4. Energy and Valence Range of Playlists

In the steps above, we added a column of sentiment to the songs. We used energy and valence values to do this. The following chart shows the range of energy and valence values according to the country playlists.

playlist_name min_energy max_energy min_valence max_valence
Turkey Top 50 0.191 0.931 0.1050 0.928
United States Top 50 0.210 0.816 0.0605 0.947
Japan Top 50 0.320 0.979 0.1840 0.962
Brazil Top 50 0.426 0.958 0.1520 0.964

5.4.1. Energy and Valence Range of Playlists with Dumbbell Plot

The following chart is created with plotly, so you can move your cursor over the chart to see the maximum and minimum values.

5.7. Sentiment Analysis of Country Playlists

We create the a table by selecting energy, valence and sentiment columns for each country.

playlist_name artist_names valence energy track_sentiment
Turkey Top 50 Wir sind Kral Ufo361 0.410 0.688 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 AYA Murda 0.694 0.680 Happy/Joyful
Turkey Top 50 Toz Taneleri Sagopa Kajmer 0.458 0.725 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 Arkadaş Ben Fero 0.407 0.631 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 Dance Monkey Tones and I 0.540 0.593 Happy/Joyful
Turkey Top 50 Nalan Emir Can İğrek 0.189 0.418 Sad/Depressing
Turkey Top 50 Yemin Olsun Ufo361 0.310 0.582 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 Neresi? BEGE 0.652 0.562 Happy/Joyful
Turkey Top 50 Goal Patron 0.461 0.750 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 Güzel Kızlar Patron Dinler Patron 0.537 0.723 Happy/Joyful
Turkey Top 50 Eskimiş Senelere Aspova 0.496 0.515 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 LOLO Ezhel 0.566 0.603 Happy/Joyful
Turkey Top 50 Ay Tenli Kadın Ufuk Beydemir 0.335 0.541 Turbulent/Angry
Turkey Top 50 YKKE Ufo361 0.456 0.445 Sad/Depressing
Turkey Top 50 Neyse Sagopa Kajmer 0.317 0.776 Turbulent/Angry

5.7.1. Sentiment Analysis of Country Playlists with Gradient Chart

The following table shows the sentiment intensity of the songs in the playlists, grouped by country. The analysis shows that Brazilian playlist is in the Happy/Joyful sentiment class. In other playlists, although the Happy/Joyful is superior, the Turbulent/Angry appears to be in close numbers.

playlist_name track_sentiment n
Brazil Top 50 Happy/Joyful 41
Japan Top 50 Happy/Joyful 26
Japan Top 50 Turbulent/Angry 20
Turkey Top 50 Happy/Joyful 19
United States Top 50 Happy/Joyful 19
Turkey Top 50 Turbulent/Angry 18
United States Top 50 Turbulent/Angry 18
Turkey Top 50 Sad/Depressing 9
United States Top 50 Sad/Depressing 7
United States Top 50 Chill/Peaceful 6
Brazil Top 50 Turbulent/Angry 5
Brazil Top 50 Sad/Depressing 3
Turkey Top 50 Chill/Peaceful 3
Japan Top 50 Chill/Peaceful 2
Japan Top 50 Sad/Depressing 2
Brazil Top 50 Chill/Peaceful 1

6. Turkey Top 200 Daily Data Between 2017-2019

We obtained Turkey Top 200 daily playlist data between January 2017 and November 2019 on Spotify Charts . Because the data consist of 211.400 rows, data frame uploaded group github page in RDS format.

## Observations: 211,400
## Variables: 6
## $ Position   <chr> "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", ...
## $ Track.Name <chr> "Gece Gölgenin Rahatina Bak", "Starboy", "Affet", "...
## $ Artist     <chr> "Çagatay Akman", "The Weeknd", "Müslüm Gürses", "Cl...
## $ Streams    <chr> "80607", "44427", "34889", "28400", "25425", "23032...
## $ URL        <chr> "
## $ Date       <date> 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 20...

6.2. Most Streamed 20 Tracks

If we curious about which songs streamed most between 2017 and 2019 so far, Ezhel - Geceler is the answer. First 20 most streamed songs are displayed in the table below.

Artist Track.Name Total_Stream
Ezhel Geceler 44258676
Ezhel Felaket 43699884
Ufuk Beydemir Ay Tenli Kadın 35480606
Norm Ender Mekanın Sahibi 34730473
Ben Fero Biladerim İçin 33648205
Ezhel İmkansızım 32607042
Ben Fero 3 2 1 32086343
Ben Fero Demet Akalın 28807007
Anıl Piyancı KAFA10 28704551
Reynmen Ela 28246604
Ezhel Kazıdık Tırnaklarla 27783484
Yüzyüzeyken Konuşuruz Ne Farkeder 27540693
Ceza Neyim Var Ki (feat. Sagopa K) 27067016
Murda AYA 26111866
Yüzyüzeyken Konuşuruz Dinle Beni Bi’ 25431753
Feride Hilal Akın Yok Yok 24360307
MERO Olabilir 23990740
Ed Sheeran Shape of You 23958838
Anıl Piyancı Bırakman Doğru Mu 23643712
Reynmen Derdim Olsun 23545514

6.3. Sentiment Analysis of Tracks

6.3.1. Data Preparation

For sentiment analysis, we need to extract unique songs in data frame. So that, we can determine the sentiments of each tracks which can entry the top 200 songs in sometime. After this process, we extract the Spotify ID’s of tracks on a new column for further analysis.

## Observations: 2,874
## Variables: 7
## $ Position   <chr> "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", ...
## $ Track.Name <chr> "Gece Gölgenin Rahatina Bak", "Starboy", "Affet", "...
## $ Artist     <chr> "Çagatay Akman", "The Weeknd", "Müslüm Gürses", "Cl...
## $ Streams    <chr> "80607", "44427", "34889", "28400", "25425", "23032...
## $ URL        <chr> "
## $ Date       <date> 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 20...
## $ id         <chr> "3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps", "5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66Z",...

With track ID’s, we obtanied audio features of this songs using Spotify Web API and “spotifyr” R package. To increase process speed, we upload the RDS data in our github repository and read it from there.

## Observations: 2,874
## Variables: 18
## $ danceability     <dbl> 0.769, 0.681, 0.424, 0.720, 0.476, 0.748, 0.4...
## $ energy           <dbl> 0.837, 0.594, 0.666, 0.763, 0.718, 0.524, 0.3...
## $ key              <int> 6, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8, 4, 4, 1, 5, 6, 6, 0, 8, 7, ...
## $ loudness         <dbl> -4.057, -7.028, -6.683, -4.068, -5.309, -5.59...
## $ mode             <int> 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, ...
## $ speechiness      <dbl> 0.1400, 0.2820, 0.0473, 0.0523, 0.0576, 0.033...
## $ acousticness     <dbl> 0.65200, 0.16500, 0.39600, 0.40600, 0.07840, ...
## $ instrumentalness <dbl> 0.00e+00, 3.49e-06, 1.69e-04, 0.00e+00, 1.02e...
## $ liveness         <dbl> 0.0986, 0.1340, 0.1200, 0.1800, 0.1220, 0.111...
## $ valence          <dbl> 0.8190, 0.5350, 0.2750, 0.7420, 0.1420, 0.661...
## $ tempo            <dbl> 100.962, 186.054, 160.079, 101.965, 199.864, ...
## $ type             <chr> "audio_features", "audio_features", "audio_fe...
## $ id               <chr> "3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps", "5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtK...
## $ uri              <chr> "spotify:track:3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps", "spot...
## $ track_href       <chr> "
## $ analysis_url     <chr> "
## $ duration_ms      <int> 163960, 230453, 279475, 251088, 205947, 24496...
## $ time_signature   <int> 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ...

After we prepared 2 data frame, we joined them in to one data frame. Than, we add a column in our new data frame using our sentiment function.

## Observations: 2,874
## Variables: 25
## $ Position         <chr> "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ...
## $ Track.Name       <chr> "Gece Gölgenin Rahatina Bak", "Starboy", "Aff...
## $ Artist           <chr> "Çagatay Akman", "The Weeknd", "Müslüm Gürses...
## $ Streams          <chr> "80607", "44427", "34889", "28400", "25425", ...
## $ URL              <chr> "
## $ Date             <date> 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 2017-01-01, 2017-01-...
## $ id               <chr> "3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps", "5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtK...
## $ danceability     <dbl> 0.769, 0.681, 0.424, 0.720, 0.476, 0.748, 0.4...
## $ energy           <dbl> 0.837, 0.594, 0.666, 0.763, 0.718, 0.524, 0.3...
## $ key              <int> 6, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8, 4, 4, 1, 5, 6, 6, 0, 8, 7, ...
## $ loudness         <dbl> -4.057, -7.028, -6.683, -4.068, -5.309, -5.59...
## $ mode             <int> 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, ...
## $ speechiness      <dbl> 0.1400, 0.2820, 0.0473, 0.0523, 0.0576, 0.033...
## $ acousticness     <dbl> 0.65200, 0.16500, 0.39600, 0.40600, 0.07840, ...
## $ instrumentalness <dbl> 0.00e+00, 3.49e-06, 1.69e-04, 0.00e+00, 1.02e...
## $ liveness         <dbl> 0.0986, 0.1340, 0.1200, 0.1800, 0.1220, 0.111...
## $ valence          <dbl> 0.8190, 0.5350, 0.2750, 0.7420, 0.1420, 0.661...
## $ tempo            <dbl> 100.962, 186.054, 160.079, 101.965, 199.864, ...
## $ type             <chr> "audio_features", "audio_features", "audio_fe...
## $ uri              <chr> "spotify:track:3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps", "spot...
## $ track_href       <chr> "
## $ analysis_url     <chr> "
## $ duration_ms      <int> 163960, 230453, 279475, 251088, 205947, 24496...
## $ time_signature   <int> 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ...
## $ Sentiment        <fct> Happy/Joyful, Happy/Joyful, Turbulent/Angry, ...
Position Track.Name Artist Streams URL Date id danceability energy key loudness mode speechiness acousticness instrumentalness liveness valence tempo type uri track_href analysis_url duration_ms time_signature Sentiment
1 Gece Gölgenin Rahatına Bak Çağatay Akman 80607 2017-01-01 3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps 0.769 0.837 6 -4.057 0 0.1400 0.65200 0.00e+00 0.0986 0.819 100.962 audio_features spotify:track:3P31rcl0ym5paqRdwSiZps 163960 4 Happy/Joyful
2 Starboy The Weeknd 44427 2017-01-01 5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66Z 0.681 0.594 7 -7.028 1 0.2820 0.16500 3.50e-06 0.1340 0.535 186.054 audio_features spotify:track:5aAx2yezTd8zXrkmtKl66Z 230453 4 Happy/Joyful
3 Affet Müslüm Gürses 34889 2017-01-01 0ikRchpmFlaqlzLRgu9qWk 0.424 0.666 7 -6.683 0 0.0473 0.39600 1.69e-04 0.1200 0.275 160.079 audio_features spotify:track:0ikRchpmFlaqlzLRgu9qWk 279475 4 Turbulent/Angry
4 Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) Clean Bandit 28400 2017-01-01 5knuzwU65gJK7IF5yJsuaW 0.720 0.763 9 -4.068 0 0.0523 0.40600 0.00e+00 0.1800 0.742 101.965 audio_features spotify:track:5knuzwU65gJK7IF5yJsuaW 251088 4 Happy/Joyful
5 Let Me Love You DJ Snake 25425 2017-01-01 4pdPtRcBmOSQDlJ3Fk945m 0.476 0.718 8 -5.309 1 0.0576 0.07840 1.02e-05 0.1220 0.142 199.864 audio_features spotify:track:4pdPtRcBmOSQDlJ3Fk945m 205947 4 Turbulent/Angry
6 Closer The Chainsmokers 23032 2017-01-01 7BKLCZ1jbUBVqRi2FVlTVw 0.748 0.524 8 -5.599 1 0.0338 0.41400 0.00e+00 0.1110 0.661 95.010 audio_features spotify:track:7BKLCZ1jbUBVqRi2FVlTVw 244960 4 Happy/Joyful
7 Haydi Söyle Kalben 22231 2017-01-01 3N5AZtKJALZZDHT4On8Ebx 0.475 0.318 4 -4.836 0 0.0302 0.80000 0.00e+00 0.1680 0.317 81.050 audio_features spotify:track:3N5AZtKJALZZDHT4On8Ebx 166049 4 Sad/Depressing
8 Heathens Twenty One Pilots 21631 2017-01-01 6i0V12jOa3mr6uu4WYhUBr 0.732 0.396 4 -9.348 0 0.0286 0.08410 3.58e-05 0.1050 0.548 90.024 audio_features spotify:track:6i0V12jOa3mr6uu4WYhUBr 195920 4 Chill/Peaceful
9 One Dance Drake 20857 2017-01-01 1xznGGDReH1oQq0xzbwXa3 0.791 0.619 1 -5.886 1 0.0532 0.00784 4.23e-03 0.3510 0.371 103.989 audio_features spotify:track:1xznGGDReH1oQq0xzbwXa3 173987 4 Turbulent/Angry
10 Lost on You LP 20231 2017-01-01 3SqvR3HYLlCTYzbDXJ52OC 0.433 0.724 5 -6.126 0 0.0372 0.10000 0.00e+00 0.0918 0.689 174.006 audio_features spotify:track:3SqvR3HYLlCTYzbDXJ52OC 268105 4 Happy/Joyful

6.3.2. Sentiment Change in Months

For proper sentiment analyse, we calculate the percentages of sentiments frequency in every month. With percentages, we can compare the users emotional preferences in months.

## Observations: 140
## Variables: 5
## $ Year_Month       <chr> "2017/01", "2017/01", "2017/01", "2017/01", "...
## $ Sentiment        <fct> Chill/Peaceful, Happy/Joyful, Sad/Depressing,...
## $ Count_Sentiment  <int> 186, 2710, 848, 2456, 151, 2452, 690, 2307, 1...
## $ Month_Sum        <int> 6200, 6200, 6200, 6200, 5600, 5600, 5600, 560...
## $ Percent_in_Month <chr> "3.0%", "43.7%", "13.7%", "39.6%", "2.7%", "4...
Year_Month Sentiment Count_Sentiment Month_Sum Percent_in_Month
2017/01 Chill/Peaceful 186 6200 3.0%
2017/01 Happy/Joyful 2710 6200 43.7%
2017/01 Sad/Depressing 848 6200 13.7%
2017/01 Turbulent/Angry 2456 6200 39.6%
2017/02 Chill/Peaceful 151 5600 2.7%
2017/02 Happy/Joyful 2452 5600 43.8%
2017/02 Sad/Depressing 690 5600 12.3%
2017/02 Turbulent/Angry 2307 5600 41.2%
2017/03 Chill/Peaceful 183 6200 3.0%
2017/03 Happy/Joyful 2670 6200 43.1%

6.3.3. Sentiment Change in Years

Spotify offer us Turkey’s playlists in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 decades. These playlists includes just 50 songs per decade. Thus, we use sentiment percentage frequency again for compare decades and last 3 years data.

## Observations: 200
## Variables: 62
## $ playlist_id                        <chr> "37i9dQZF1DX4io1yPyoLtv", "...
## $ playlist_name                      <chr> "Türkçe 80'ler", "Türkçe 80...
## $ playlist_img                       <chr> "
## $ playlist_owner_name                <chr> "Spotify", "Spotify", "Spot...
## $ playlist_owner_id                  <chr> "spotify", "spotify", "spot...
## $ danceability                       <dbl> 0.395, 0.742, 0.469, 0.534,...
## $ energy                             <dbl> 0.675, 0.186, 0.486, 0.739,...
## $ key                                <int> 1, 8, 9, 4, 2, 4, 9, 7, 7, ...
## $ loudness                           <dbl> -5.881, -16.820, -15.076, -...
## $ mode                               <int> 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ...
## $ speechiness                        <dbl> 0.0472, 0.0449, 0.0427, 0.1...
## $ acousticness                       <dbl> 0.6490, 0.8220, 0.1490, 0.6...
## $ instrumentalness                   <dbl> 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 1.21e-0...
## $ liveness                           <dbl> 0.0963, 0.1620, 0.1230, 0.2...
## $ valence                            <dbl> 0.496, 0.570, 0.595, 0.505,...
## $ tempo                              <dbl> 177.053, 114.982, 130.737, ...
## $                           <chr> "2rP7pI2WpMWcUraYAX2xiT", "...
## $ analysis_url                       <chr> "
## $ time_signature                     <int> 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, ...
## $ added_at                           <chr> "2019-08-07T12:49:23Z", "20...
## $ is_local                           <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ primary_color                      <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
## $ added_by.href                      <chr> "
## $                        <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "",...
## $ added_by.type                      <chr> "user", "user", "user", "us...
## $ added_by.uri                       <chr> "spotify:user:", "spotify:u...
## $ added_by.external_urls.spotify     <chr> "
## $ track.artists                      <list> [<data.frame[1 x 6]>, <dat...
## $ track.available_markets            <list> [<"AD", "AE", "AR", "AT", ...
## $ track.disc_number                  <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
## $ track.duration_ms                  <int> 259360, 257044, 239266, 229...
## $ track.episode                      <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ track.explicit                     <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $ track.href                         <chr> "
## $ track.is_local                     <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,...
## $                         <chr> "Tükenecegiz", "Bu Kalp Sen...
## $ track.popularity                   <int> 60, 48, 55, 50, 35, 56, 49,...
## $ track.preview_url                  <chr> "
## $ track.track                        <lgl> TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRU...
## $ track.track_number                 <int> 8, 1, 1, 6, 2, 2, 7, 8, 6, ...
## $ track.type                         <chr> "track", "track", "track", ...
## $ track.uri                          <chr> "spotify:track:2rP7pI2WpMWc...
## $ track.album.album_type             <chr> "album", "album", "album", ...
## $ track.album.artists                <list> [<data.frame[1 x 6]>, <dat...
## $ track.album.available_markets      <list> [<"AD", "AE", "AR", "AT", ...
## $ track.album.href                   <chr> "
## $                     <chr> "13JKU1RyLFS73hDvWnTHr1", "...
## $ track.album.images                 <list> [<data.frame[3 x 3]>, <dat...
## $                   <chr> "Sen Aglama", "Bu Kalp Seni...
## $ track.album.release_date           <chr> "1984-09-06", "2002-02-20",...
## $ track.album.release_date_precision <chr> "day", "day", "day", "year"...
## $ track.album.total_tracks           <int> 11, 9, 10, 10, 10, 13, 11, ...
## $ track.album.type                   <chr> "album", "album", "album", ...
## $ track.album.uri                    <chr> "spotify:album:13JKU1RyLFS7...
## $ track.album.external_urls.spotify  <chr> "
## $ track.external_ids.isrc            <chr> "TR0061200300", "TR00806002...
## $ track.external_urls.spotify        <chr> "
## $ video_thumbnail.url                <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,...
## $ key_name                           <chr> "C#", "G#", "A", "E", "D", ...
## $ mode_name                          <chr> "minor", "major", "minor", ...
## $ key_mode                           <chr> "C# minor", "G# major", "A ...
## $ Year                               <chr> "1980", "1980", "1980", "19...
Year Sentiment Count Year_Sum Percent_in_Year
1980 Chill/Peaceful 7 50 14.0%
1980 Happy/Joyful 21 50 42.0%
1980 Sad/Depressing 15 50 30.0%
1980 Turbulent/Angry 7 50 14.0%
1990 Chill/Peaceful 7 50 14.0%
1990 Happy/Joyful 29 50 58.0%
1990 Sad/Depressing 9 50 18.0%
1990 Turbulent/Angry 5 50 10.0%
2000 Chill/Peaceful 2 50 4.0%
2000 Happy/Joyful 30 50 60.0%
2000 Sad/Depressing 4 50 8.0%
2000 Turbulent/Angry 14 50 28.0%
2010 Chill/Peaceful 3 50 6.0%
2010 Happy/Joyful 28 50 56.0%
2010 Sad/Depressing 3 50 6.0%
2010 Turbulent/Angry 16 50 32.0%
2017 Chill/Peaceful 2764 72400 3.8%
2017 Happy/Joyful 34603 72400 47.8%
2017 Sad/Depressing 8352 72400 11.5%
2017 Turbulent/Angry 26681 72400 36.9%
2018 Chill/Peaceful 2899 73000 4.0%
2018 Happy/Joyful 29468 73000 40.4%
2018 Sad/Depressing 10070 73000 13.8%
2018 Turbulent/Angry 30563 73000 41.9%
2019 Chill/Peaceful 3668 66000 5.6%
2019 Happy/Joyful 24829 66000 37.6%
2019 Sad/Depressing 9439 66000 14.3%
2019 Turbulent/Angry 28064 66000 42.5%

6.3.5. Sentiment Gradient Chart

Finaly we mapped the all Top 200 tracks by their sentiment and displayed in gradient chart.

7. Shiny Apps

7.1. Audio Features Analysis by Radar Chart

Click on the link to use our app, which analyzes and compares the audio features of music charts created by Spotify or belonging to two different Spotify users as a radar chart.

7.2. Musical Horoscope

Click on the link to use our app, which makes predictions on personality type based on the user playlist, using the audio features and key characteristic of the Spotify user’s playlist.