ODD Car Sales Data Analysis

ShineRs have collected monthly data from Automative Distributors Association website. We compared total car sales on a quarterly basis, described top selling brands per units sold & analyzed the sales trend for domestic and imported cars.

Initial Steps

Firstly imported the following libraries and set the working directory



After downloading monthly data, regularizing file format & naming, we merged and cleaned data for analysis

# excel files must be in the working directory

col_names <- c("brand_name","auto_dom","auto_imp","auto_total","comm_dom",

# Import all monthly sales data from 2016 to 2019
# Excel files must fit the indicated pattern
# make sure file ends in .xlsx and not XLSX or anything else

file.list <- list.files(pattern='201[0-9].ODD.monthly.[0-1][0-9].xlsx')

df.list <- lapply(file.list, read_excel, skip = 7, col_names = col_names)
names(df.list) <- file.list

# add a column, date, month, year, and quarter for each data frame in df.list

year <- 2016
counter <- 1

for (i in 1:length(df.list)) {
  if (counter > 12) {
    counter <- 1
    year <- year + 1
  df.list[[i]] <- df.list[[i]] %>% mutate(date = ymd(paste(year,counter,28, sep = "-")),
                                          month = month(date),
                                          year = year(date),
                                          quarterly = paste(year,"Q",quarter(date),sep = ""))
  counter <- counter + 1

## Merge & Clean-up data
ODD_all <- bind_rows(df.list)

ODD_all <- ODD_all %>% filter(brand_name != "TOPLAM:" & brand_name != "TOPLAM" & brand_name!="")

ODD_all[is.na(ODD_all)] <- 0

ODD_all <- filter(ODD_all,!grepl("ODD", brand_name, fixed = TRUE))

ODD_all <- ODD_all %>% mutate(brand_name=replace(brand_name, brand_name 
                                                 %in% c("ASTON MART?N","ASTON MARTİN"),"ASTON MARTIN"))

Plots & Analysis

Quarterly Comparison

Between 2016 and 2019 four brands dominated all four quarters in total sales: Fiat, Ford, Renault, Volkswagen.

First 8 Brands per Automobile Sold

As it can be seen from the ODD Auto graph, the first 8 brand of the sector generates 65.2% of the total sales with nearly 1.4 billion cars from 2016 to 2019. Considering that the sales results of the top 3 companies account for approximately 55% of the total sales of these eight brands, it can be said that they constitute an important concentration in the sector.