## ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.2.1     ✔ purrr   0.3.2
## ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ dplyr   0.8.3
## ✔ tidyr   1.0.0     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr   1.3.1     ✔ forcats 0.4.0
## ── Conflicts ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Loading required package: xml2
## Attaching package: 'rvest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     pluck
## The following object is masked from 'package:readr':
##     guess_encoding
tables_united <- ""
for (i in (2017:2019)){
  file_url_year <- paste0("",i)
  for (j in (1:12)){
    file_url <- paste0(file_url_year,"&filter_month=",j, "&List=Listele")
    if ((j>6)&(i==2019))
  wp <- read_html(file_url)
  tbls <- html_nodes(wp,"table")[[4]] %>%
    html_table(wp, fill = TRUE,header = FALSE)%>% %>%slice(3:max(nrow(.)))
  tbls <- tbls%>%mutate_if(is.numeric,funs(ifelse(,0,.))) %>%
  tables_united <- rbind(tables_united,tbls)
## Warning: funs() is soft deprecated as of dplyr 0.8.0
## Please use a list of either functions or lambdas: 
##   # Simple named list: 
##   list(mean = mean, median = median)
##   # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: 
##   tibble::lst(mean, median)
##   # Using lambdas
##   list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
## This warning is displayed once per session.
colnames(tables_united) <- c('kategori','kk_islem_adedi','bk_islem_adedi','kk_islem_tutari','bk_islem_tutari'                              ,'year_month')
##                                  kategori kk_islem_adedi bk_islem_adedi
## 1                                                                      
## 2                          ARABA KÄ°RALAMA        234.458         29.881
## 3  ARAÇ KİRALAMA-SATIŞ/SERVİS/YEDEK PARÇA      2.693.110        433.196
## 4            BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI     22.457.882      6.460.535
## 5                      BIREYSEL EMEKLILIK      2.568.154            508
## 6                            ÇEŞİTLİ GIDA     20.568.348     10.214.579
## 7                      DOÄžRUDAN PAZARLAMA        425.443         34.240
## 8   EĞİTİM / KIRTASİYE / OFİS MALZEMELERİ      4.772.413      1.855.520
## 9    ELEKTRÄ°K-ELEKTRONÄ°K EÅžYA, BÄ°LGÄ°SAYAR      6.633.372      1.140.438
## 10                      GÄ°YÄ°M VE AKSESUAR     26.155.139      7.640.918
##    kk_islem_tutari bk_islem_tutari year_month
## 1                                            
## 2           116,02            5,24     2017/1
## 3         1.601,78           76,65     2017/1
## 4         3.861,49          427,61     2017/1
## 5           607,99            0,17     2017/1
## 6         3.142,49          354,55     2017/1
## 7           113,06            2,92     2017/1
## 8         1.198,04          108,68     2017/1
## 9         2.536,99          202,96     2017/1
## 10        3.245,08          625,81     2017/1
tables_united_clear <- tables_united%>%
tables_united_clear$kk_islem_adedi <- as.numeric(gsub("\\.","",tables_united_clear$kk_islem_adedi))
tables_united_clear$bk_islem_adedi <- as.numeric(gsub("\\.","",tables_united_clear$bk_islem_adedi))
tables_united_clear$kk_islem_tutari <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", gsub("\\.", "", tables_united_clear$kk_islem_tutari)))
tables_united_clear$bk_islem_tutari <- as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", gsub("\\.", "", tables_united_clear$bk_islem_tutari)))
##                                  kategori kk_islem_adedi bk_islem_adedi
## 1                          ARABA KÄ°RALAMA         234458          29881
## 2  ARAÇ KİRALAMA-SATIŞ/SERVİS/YEDEK PARÇA        2693110         433196
## 3            BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI       22457882        6460535
## 4                      BIREYSEL EMEKLILIK        2568154            508
## 5                            ÇEŞİTLİ GIDA       20568348       10214579
## 6                      DOÄžRUDAN PAZARLAMA         425443          34240
## 7   EĞİTİM / KIRTASİYE / OFİS MALZEMELERİ        4772413        1855520
## 8    ELEKTRÄ°K-ELEKTRONÄ°K EÅžYA, BÄ°LGÄ°SAYAR        6633372        1140438
## 9                       GÄ°YÄ°M VE AKSESUAR       26155139        7640918
## 10                            HAVAYOLLARI        2083535         218903
## 11                      HİZMET SEKTÖRLERİ       11503915        3300761
## 12                   KAMU/VERGI ODEMELERI        6776564         820859
## 13                              KONAKLAMA        1368836         478595
## 14       KULÃœP / DERNEK /SOSYAL HÄ°ZMETLER        1035199         190069
## 15                KUMARHANE/İÇKİLİ YERLER         261032         207169
## 16                             KUYUMCULAR         799560         249465
## 17         MARKET VE ALIÅžVERÄ°Åž MERKEZLERÄ°       78792184       34615321
## 18                  MOBÄ°LYA VE DEKORASYON        4709197        1168593
## 19                       MÃœTEAHHÄ°T Ä°ÅžLERÄ°         426384          90778
## 20        SAÄžLIK/SAÄžLIK ÃœRÃœNLERÄ°/KOZMETÄ°K       10946442        4076293
## 21         SEYAHAT ACENTELERÄ°/TAÅžIMACILIK        4616128        1271759
## 22                                SÄ°GORTA        5616056          13197
## 23                       TELEKOMÃœNÄ°KASYON       10307728        1764601
## 24  YAPI MALZEMELERÄ°, HIRDAVAT, NALBURÄ°YE        2829504         629476
## 25                                  YEMEK       26336314       19935250
## 26                                  DÄ°ÄžER        3315572         543385
## 27                         ARABA KÄ°RALAMA         230884          25280
## 28 ARAÇ KİRALAMA-SATIŞ/SERVİS/YEDEK PARÇA        2580310         428016
## 29           BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI       21640215        6320782
## 30                     BIREYSEL EMEKLILIK        2410445            427
##    kk_islem_tutari bk_islem_tutari year_month
## 1           116.02            5.24     2017/1
## 2          1601.78           76.65     2017/1
## 3          3861.49          427.61     2017/1
## 4           607.99            0.17     2017/1
## 5          3142.49          354.55     2017/1
## 6           113.06            2.92     2017/1
## 7          1198.04          108.68     2017/1
## 8          2536.99          202.96     2017/1
## 9          3245.08          625.81     2017/1
## 10          798.56          128.85     2017/1
## 11         2418.57          237.86     2017/1
## 12         2817.52           71.55     2017/1
## 13          680.50          100.98     2017/1
## 14          252.31           21.34     2017/1
## 15           34.24           14.19     2017/1
## 16          631.47           90.03     2017/1
## 17         8272.22         1165.52     2017/1
## 18         1505.25          122.22     2017/1
## 19          383.14           13.23     2017/1
## 20         1607.85          262.24     2017/1
## 21         1199.79          110.58     2017/1
## 22         2381.26            5.57     2017/1
## 23         1235.88          121.65     2017/1
## 24         1635.59           74.61     2017/1
## 25         1393.97          497.84     2017/1
## 26         1164.36           47.91     2017/1
## 27          114.96            4.50     2017/2
## 28         1538.58           73.57     2017/2
## 29         3789.30          424.21     2017/2
## 30          571.14            0.13     2017/2

##Total Transactions from Jan 2017 to June 2019
total_transactions <- tables_united_clear%>%
  select(kategori, kk_islem_adedi,bk_islem_adedi) %>%

## # A tibble: 26 x 4
##    kategori                       kk_islem_adedi bk_islem_adedi total_trans
##    <chr>                                   <dbl>          <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 MARKET VE ALIÅžVERÄ°Åž MERKEZLERÄ°     2762831050     1392698054  4155529104
##  2 YEMEK                              1087541276      900976680  1988517956
##  3 ÇEŞİTLİ GIDA                        750890952      417324898  1168215850
##  4 GÄ°YÄ°M VE AKSESUAR                   811099235      297653970  1108753205
##  5 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI        809769482      278936262  1088705744
##  6 HİZMET SEKTÖRLERİ                   552345940      138892136   691238076
##  7 SAĞLIK/SAĞLIK ÜRÜNLERİ/KOZMET…      390454048      173606236   564060284
##  8 TELEKOMÃœNÄ°KASYON                    428471230       74722137   503193367
##  9 DÄ°ÄžER                               135394310      257558018   392952328
## 10 ELEKTRİK-ELEKTRONİK EŞYA, BİL…      215340696       53635846   268976542
## # … with 16 more rows
ggplot(total_transactions, aes(x=kategori, y=total_trans)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",fill="lime green")+ coord_flip() + 
  labs(title = "Total Transactions from Jan 2017 to June 2019") +

##Average Spending per transaction by category
average_spending_all <- tables_united_clear%>%
  select(kategori, kk_islem_adedi,bk_islem_adedi,kk_islem_tutari,bk_islem_tutari) %>%
  mutate(total_trans=kk_islem_adedi+bk_islem_adedi, total_spending=kk_islem_tutari+bk_islem_tutari,average_spending=(total_spending/total_trans)*100000 )%>%
## # A tibble: 26 x 8
##    kategori kk_islem_adedi bk_islem_adedi kk_islem_tutari bk_islem_tutari
##    <chr>             <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>
##  1 MÜTEAHH…       17086819        5579997          19740.            889.
##  2 KUYUMCU…       30926666       10064088          26716.           6820.
##  3 DOĞRUDA…       22658874        1050650          17327.            286.
##  4 HAVAYOL…       60409730       10668159          37346.          11127.
##  5 ARAÇ Kİ…       93689324       19594468          66318.           3928.
##  6 ARABA K…        9071164        1597444           5826.            536.
##  7 YAPI MA…      105943956       30243320          73760.           4436.
##  8 SÄ°GORTA       150532354         745012          82441.            270.
##  9 KONAKLA…       54344284       23724559          32822.           8026.
## 10 KAMU/VE…      114323861       32445823          54831.           4194.
## # … with 16 more rows, and 3 more variables: total_trans <dbl>,
## #   total_spending <dbl>, average_spending <dbl>
ggplot(average_spending_all, aes(x=kategori, y=average_spending)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity",fill="dark blue")+ coord_flip() + 
  labs(title = "Average Spending per transaction by category") +

##Monthly Credit Card Spending change of top 3 category (regarding Credit Cart Spendings)
top3_cc_spendings <- tables_united_clear%>%
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   kategori                       kk_islem_tutari
##   <chr>                                    <dbl>
## 1 MARKET VE ALIÅžVERÄ°Åž MERKEZLERÄ°         306239.
## 2 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI           157509.
## 3 GÄ°YÄ°M VE AKSESUAR                      130276.
## # A tibble: 90 x 3
## # Groups:   kategori [3]
##    kategori                     year_month kk_islem_tutari
##    <chr>                        <chr>                <dbl>
##  1 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/1               3861.
##  2 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/10              5003.
##  3 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/11              4860.
##  4 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/12              4894.
##  5 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/2               3789.
##  6 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/3               4402.
##  7 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/4               4195.
##  8 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/5               4349.
##  9 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/6               4292.
## 10 BENZÄ°N VE YAKIT Ä°STASYONLARI 2017/7               4926.
## # … with 80 more rows
cc_spendings_plot <- ggplot(cc_spendings_monthly, aes(x = year_month, y = kk_islem_tutari, group = kategori, color = kategori))+geom_line()+
  labs(x = "Ay", y = "Monthly Credit Card Spending", color = "kategori") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))