I am an experienced BI developer and architect. I develop end to end Business Soluitons to the customers. Most valuable part of a data warehouse project is data analysis in order to give the most proper solutions to the Business Requirements.

I want to enhanced my knowledge with big data analytics so I will be prepared for era of the data. R is very useful language to analysis the data.

Moving from Prototype to Production in R

I watched that video to give me a know-how of usage of R from Prototype to Production. It includes ; After prototype an ideal machine learning introducing MetaFlow some lessons learned.

Prototyping Machine Learning Models; Raw Inputs => Explonatary Data Anlysis ==> Processed Data ==> Models ==> Commınicate Results

SO what is after that? Configuration,Data colleciton, Feature Extraction, Data Verification, Machine Resource Management, Analysis tool, Process Management Tools, Serving Infrastructure, Monitoring… But Meachine Learning Code is fairly small in these containers.

So What would an ideal Machin Learning system for R look like?

  • Low overhead (R with no limitations)
  • Productive (easy to debug at scale, resume computation anywhere)
  • Reproducible (‘git for data’, recreate any past run easily, enable sharing and collaboration)
  • Scalable (flexibility to select compute required, same user experience on a laptop or on thousands od servers)
  • Production Ready (eliminate barriers to model scheduling and hosting)

Moving from Prototype to Production in R

A basic Metaflow Code:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step

class MyFlow(FlowSpec):

    def start(self):
        self.x = 0, self.b)

    def a(self):
        self.x += 2

    def b(self):
        self.x += 3

    def join(self, inputs):
        self.out = max(i.x for i in inputs)


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Google Analytics Data Mining with R

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Customer Segmentation in R using RFM Analysis

Customer Segmentation in R using RFM Analysis