Assignment 1 - RMarkdown

Gökhan KOCA


I work at Vodafone as a Data Design and Data Warehouse developer. I am working on large data sets from a source system in Vodafone. So I show meaningful data for sales and marketing people to improve their decision-making processes. I also provide data to support internal and external decisions. In this process, I realized that the conventional methods of data warehousing are not sufficient to store and make sense of big data. For this reason, I applied to this program to learn big data methods and models and then to improve myself.

User 2019 Videos

useR! 2019 Toulouse - Talk Model Deployment - Savin Goyal

Savin Goyal introduced Machine Learning infrastructure at NETFLIX. He talk about Metaflow Python library and how to develop systems for big data and ML in Python. Metaflow is a Python library that empowers data scientists to prototype, build, deploy, and operate end-to-end machine learning solutions.Netflix to provide a solid foundation for hundreds of internal ML use cases, from classical statistical analysis to large-scale applications of deep learning. Metaflow is designed with a human-centric mindset: instead of reinventing the wheel for large-scale computing or machine learning, we integrate existing solutions into a delightfully consistent and easy-to-use package.This talk focuses on the internals of Metaflow; it will highlight lessons that we have learned in building a Python library that needs to be robust, performant, and flexible enough to solve a large set of complex real-world business problems related to machine learning.

If you want to see his presentation, You can download here

And here is a basic Metaflow Code:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step

class MyFlow(FlowSpec):

    def start(self):
        self.x = 0, self.b)

    def a(self):
        self.x += 2

    def b(self):
        self.x += 3

    def join(self, inputs):
        self.out = max(i.x for i in inputs)


#1 - Hands-on Machine Learning with R

Hands-on Machine Learning with R

This book provides hands-on modules for many of the most common machine learning methods.

#2 - Getting Started with Deep Learning Models in R using Google Cloud and RStudio

Getting Started with Deep Learning Models in R using Google Cloud and RStudio

#3 - The R in Robotics

The R in Robotics

The aim of this contribution is to connect two previously separated worlds: robotic application development with the Robot Operating System (ROS) and statistical programming with R