Assignment 1: RMarkdown

My name is Emir Abdülkadir İnanç and I am working as a Software Tester & Business Analyst at Portera Technology Consulting B.V. I believe that Data Science can and should be used as a means of tackling social problems.

Data Science for Social Good:

In this video Jake Porway discusses the ways in which Data Science can be applied to provide social good, its principles and pitfalls. I’ll share three of them. “Finding the problem may be harder than finding a solution”, this may not sound like a principle but it expresses one. Understanding the underlying social dynamics is essential in identfying the root cause of a symptomatic problem. “Communication is more important than technology”, technology helps to do stupid things faster, so the first thing on the checklist is to find the common ground to identify which things are stupid enough to be automated. “We must design for people”, most of the world’s population is technologically illiterate. They will not know how to interact with these strange creatures called computers. Thus understanding the users needs from the ground up is a necessity.

Click here to listen Jake Porway

Using Big Data Solve Economic and Social Problems:

Raj Chetty and Greg Bruich at Harvard University delivered a course entitled “Using Big Data Solve Economic and Social Problems” in Spring 2019. The lectures assume no previous exposure to Statistics & Economics. The course material & datasets can be found on Opprtunity Insights webpage

Click here for the first course

There are a lot of different projects:

Be sure to checkout the Data Science for Social Good Fellowship.Participants from various backgrounds come together to tackle problems in partership with dedicated NGOs. The projects include predicting long term employment in Portugal, building an early warning system for water infrastructure. You could get a taste of applying data science to social issues on DataCamp

Click here to see Rayid Ghani deliver a lecture on this issue