I have graduated from Industrial Engineering at Dogus University. Upon graduation, I have applied for various positions in both IT and the industrial engineer. Currently, I am not working on any company. My career goal is to work as a data scientist in a company, where I hope to assist clients in making decisions by the power of big data and technology.

useR! 2019 Toulouse - Talk Time Series Data - Rob Hyndman

useR! 2019 Toulouse - Talk Time Series Data - Rob Hyndman

Rob J Hyndman is Professor of Statistics and Head of the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. He is talking about time series tools which are tsibble and feasts. In this video, he is talking mostly Feasts. So, it does feature extraction and statistics for time series and it works with tidy temporal data provided by the tsibble package. and it produces time series features, decompositions, statistical summaries and visualisations. The feasts package supports four common time series decomposition methods:

#1 Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using R

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using R

In this article, we are going to learn how we can analyze what people are posting on Twitter and which helps companies to understand about their customers.

#2 Portfolio optimization in R using a Genetic Algorithm

Portfolio optimization in R using a Genetic Algorithm

Portfolio optimization is mostly interesting fields of study of financial mathematics. In this article, we are going to learn how to optimize a portfolio by using a generic algorithms in R.

#3 Traffic Flow of Kota Kinabalu (With R)

Traffic Flow of Kota Kinabalu (With R)

In this article, they are going to show how to visualize data based on traffic flow using R.