Ozgun Kurt

September 30, 2019

About Me

In my undergraduate years at faculty of economics, I had additionally acquired an advanced knowledge about mathematical theories and statistical methods and have enhanced my understanding of implementation of those theories and methods during my previous work experiences as a data analyst. At those times, my main goal was to properly find conclusion by working with figures, facts and numbers on special computerize software. While being excited by what I was dealing with, I have realized that my current knowledge was insufficient to let me handle with the hard problems in world of data and fulfill my ideal.

So that, my expectation with this course is gaining skills in the fields of Big Data and I hope, with this program, I will be able to assist making business decisions by using the power of big data and technology.


useR! 2019 videos

Lightning Talk 7 - Methods & applications

With this video, participants shows different methods and applications. Magen Beckett from Cape Town South America mentions about spatial optimisation with OSRM and R. This package allows to compute distances between points and travel time matrices.With this way you can find the perfect running route.The other participant is Angeline Protacio.Her project is using R and the Tidyverse to assist decision-making on drafts in fantasy baseball.