
Hi, my name is Anılcan Atik. I just graduated from Koç University with Economics and International Relations majors. I am currently not working, however during this time I am planning to study intensly to learn tools to anaylse data. Thus, my interests vary from topic to topic. I want to lead towards to the data analysis career, and I expect to get started in fundamental skillsets for this.

RStudio Conference:

The conference named “Visualisation of open-ended interviews through qualitative coding and cognitive mapping” by Frédéric Vanwindekens presents the social cognitive model, and talks about the package cogmapr. In the video, the descriptive approach of creating individual cognitive maps via the interview and survey data, is used to produce societal cognitive maps. This analytical aproach and mapping demonstrates an interesting visualization. And I find such visualisations interesting.


RPost 1: Analysing Belgian Election Results:

In the article author goes through the process of model testing and analysing the Belgian Election Results from 2019 and 2014.In the process, we see introduction of new model as the firstly introduced model was false. This article is insightful on understanding the problems and solutions that one can face during the data analysis.


RPost 2: A Complete Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization for Text Data:

In the article is a good guide to exploratory data anaylsis and visualization for text data.


RPost 3: Future of Data Science: 5 factors shaping the field:

Article underlines on 5 factors (making data actionable for data science, shortage of data science talent, accelerating the concept “time to value”, transparency for business users, improving operationalization) that determines the demand for data anaylsts.
